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Pitomba (forum)

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BJ starts with ...
Hi All,

I am desperately after a Pitomba, but Daley's are 'seeking prop material', and I cant find it anywhere else. Does anyone know where I might be able to find one?

Time: 6th September 2010 7:49pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Tom says...
Hi BJ,
I'm picking up a new Pitomba tree on FRI; the vendor told me that it has fruit on it still. If that's the case and you'd like the seeds, I'll send them to you. They're so slow growing, though, that it'd be 6 to 7 years (or so I've read) before a resulting tree from those seeds might bear.

Time: 8th September 2010 8:21am

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About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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BJ says...
Hi Tom,

If you do manage to get a fruiter, I would love some seed. I'll keep looking here for a bit bigger one (though no one seems to have anything at the moment), but a bit of genetic difference cant hurt...

Im young, and can wait a few years for the fruit.

Time: 8th September 2010 12:42pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Tom says...
Good attitude, BJ! I try to tell myself that each time I plant a seed; but impatience gets the better of me nearly every time, and I

Time: 8th September 2010 9:41pm

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About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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Tom says...
Sorry, BJ, our new Pitomba didn't have any fruit still on it from which to get a bunch of seeds. Really, that would have been a stretch at this time of year as its season is MAY & JUN up here. The grower only meant that the tree was of fruiting age and had borne this last season. Let's plan on that I'll send you seeds next MAY anyway just to spread the genetics as you said. I'm sure you'll have found your tree by then. If not though, the guy from whom I bought mine today said that he ships worldwide and knows what the regulations would be to send a plant to Australia; he also said he regularly sends plants to Hong Kong without damage. His website is www.plantogram.com if you strike out down there and get to the point that you'd bear the expense to get one from up here.

Time: 11th September 2010 10:34am

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About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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Melissa says...
I found a pitmoba today at bonnyrigg garden centre (NSW)! I definitely did not expect to find one so now I am really over the moon, unfortunately noone I know understands why I am so ecstatic about it.

I might try propagating it from a cutting after it gets settled in as I'm not sure if it'll fruit anytime soon.

Time: 9th October 2010 7:48pm

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About the Author melissa231
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Michael says...
Hi Melissa,

Bonnyrigg Garden Centre is my hunting ground for exoctic fruit trees with my last purachse being a star apple and three good size miracle fruit trees at $22.50 each with one berry on it. What does a Pitomba taste like ? I might drop by this weekend to check out for more fruit tree arrivals.

Time: 9th October 2010 8:34pm

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About the Author Michael
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Melissa says...
i've never tasted it before because its hard to find(and apparently takes several years to fruit) but i've heard it tastes somewhat like an apricot.

i think i was rather lucky with my find, the plants i got today looked as though they had been there a while which makes me think they may have been the last of stock.
funnily enough i only went there today to see what was in stock, i wasnt actually intending on buying anything but i just can't stop myself :)

Time: 10th October 2010 12:12am

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About the Author melissa231
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Jantina says...
Ah yes Melissa, I think quite a few of us might know about not INTENDING to buy anything. Sigh.

Time: 10th October 2010 9:00am

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amanda says...
Do these guys need a friend for pollination? Mine flowered really well this spring but did not set one fruit?

Don't know about the "apricot" flavour Melissa...I have only heard bad reports about the red one..?? :(

It's a lovely looking plant though - and super tough - even here - I have no dramas with it at all.

Time: 10th October 2010 1:01pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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HappyEarth says...
Never heard of a red fruited pitomba?? I think you might be talking about pitanga (brazillian cherry)Amanda.

Pitomba is self-pollinating but very slow growing. Never tried the fruit but its supposed to be very good.


Time: 10th October 2010 2:26pm

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About the Author HappyEarth1
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amanda says...
oops - yes Happy Earth/Melissa that's what I was thinking of..so maybe the Pitomba does taste like apricots after all?

Time: 10th October 2010 7:52pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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BJ says...
Apricot & lemon.

Time: 10th October 2010 8:34pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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BJ says...
So happy I finally found one! Now to dig out the young Bottlebrush that's been holding its spot and feeding the bees.

Time: 4th November 2010 10:51pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Tom says...
Hi BJ,
I didn't forget. That Pitomba we picked up last SEP is bearing fruit now - a dozen or so (pic attached of a couple of the babies) - not bad I think for a young tree. Hope yours is doing well too. If you're still interested in seeds from ours, to spread genetic diversity, you know, I can send some down to you. The first one produced three seeds, and it was a plump, tasty fruit - sort of like a spicy apricot - very juicy. We also have loads this year of Dwarf Ambarella, Red Mombins, Magenta Malaysian Guava, Tikal Guava, Miracle Fruit, Vista White Loquats, and an unknown variety of very large and sweet orange-fleshed Loquat if you or anyone wants some of those seeds. The first of this year's White Pom flowers are starting too; I promised Phil the seeds from the first fruits, but if we do well enough with it and you're interested, I can save a bunch of them for you.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 24th May 2011 10:01am

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Original Post was last edited: 24th May 2011 10:07am

About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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Jantina says...
Thanks Tom. If you have any seeds left after sharing with BJ and Phil (both of whom are generous sharers themselves) I would love to try some seeds. If you are after something in particular I may be able to get it for you.

Time: 24th May 2011 10:24am

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About the Author Jantina
Mt Gambier
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BJ says...
Hi Tom,
Many thanks for the offer, but I have a nice little pitomba already. I'd usually jump at the chance to grow another, but with the onset of myrtle rust the quarantine restrictions on importing seeds of anything myrtaceous is more trouble than I can stand. That also rules out Guavas, and Im okay for the dwarf ambarella.

I'd definitely be interested in the white pom though if you end up with extra seed...

Time: 24th May 2011 3:26pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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amanda says...
Hi Tom - what a lovely collection of plants u have! Florida must be a bit like Byron bay maybe..? I would love to try some of your loquat seeds if at all possible?
Do u think they would travel all this way without sprouting tho'...?
If this is ok: my email is

I adore loquats - and now that we are planning to move south I have a chance to grow them at last! yay!
I don't know if I have anything u might like - my collection very dull in comparison to yours Tom...

Time: 25th May 2011 8:24pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton, Mid West WA
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Tom says...
Thanks for the Myrtle Rust tip, BJ (and congrats on the baby!). I had to google M.R. since it

Time: 25th May 2011 10:27pm

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About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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amanda says...
Tom - my postie is my mate - he is a cool dude! It's so nice to be semi-rural and connect with people like this - he even knows my dogs names, my name etc etc...your postie likely knows u better than u realise Tom ;-)
And anyway - it's not like we are sending bombs or drugs thru the mail - go for it!?

Time: 26th May 2011 12:31am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton, Mid West WA
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Tom says...
Hey Amanda - I got such a good laugh from your last message. Took me a bit to figure out what a postie is and how it might apply to me. (Is it a type of dog? Nope - can't be that. Maybe an Aussie nickname for a husband? Nah - that can't be it. Bam! - She means the mailman!) It's actually not the postie from whom I get the serious looks when seeds come in the mail, but my "mate" (in the Yankee sense of the term - spouse), who's just about had enough of my expanding seedling collection. Besides, it'd be devastating if the postie had any part in the cook's putting me out of the house, eh?
All the best!

Time: 26th May 2011 2:38am

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Original Post was last edited: 26th May 2011 4:33am

About the Author Tom
Orlando, Florida
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amanda says...
LOL! I hadn't thought of that language barrier Tom :))) I just love Aussie slang myself...took me awhile to understand it's subtleties - it's very colourful (maybe the Irish influence)...

hey thanks heaps for your email too :)

Time: 26th May 2011 7:10pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton, Mid West WA
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ivepeters says...
Surprised by a dozen fairly big and another dozen in varied sizes today. Two years from planting from daley's.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Time: 5th January 2015 8:32pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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MIke T1 says...
My one has a flower for the first time.It has gone down the Eugenia hit list since it was planted and is not a star any more.Maybe I'll change my mind if the fruit is good.

Time: 5th January 2015 9:28pm

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About the Author MIke T1
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ivepeters says...
Which one is first on list ?

Time: 5th January 2015 9:34pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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MIke T1 says...
IP probably E.pyriformis x lutescens,although I am hopeful E.cereja,lutescens,selloi,pitanga,sweet pyriformis,subterminalis and orange uniflora will be good as well.

Time: 5th January 2015 10:14pm

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About the Author MIke T1
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MIke T1 says...
And E.candolleana could be glamorous as well.

Time: 5th January 2015 10:18pm

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About the Author MIke T1
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ivepeters says...
would it be possible to spit a few seeds of both Z4 & E4 abiu's into an envelope ,when available.

Time: 5th January 2015 10:25pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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The poster formerly known as... says...
candolleana is flowering a storm right now at about a foot high. Hoping for a fruit, but it might take the other two to start flowering before it sets.

selloi is growing well now after a slow start.

Time: 5th January 2015 11:43pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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MIke T1 says...
IP I could do that.

Time: 6th January 2015 6:42am

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About the Author MIke T1
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JohnMc1 says...
Ditto Mike if you have excess, it would be very much appreciated.

Time: 6th January 2015 7:27am

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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sternus1 says...
Me three-- but I only need e4.

Time: 6th January 2015 7:30am

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About the Author sternus1
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ivepeters says...
Must say well worth the wait, had three this morning.Just like a nice soft apricot, with one small round seed.

Time: 10th January 2015 12:15pm

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About the Author ivepeters
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