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Problem with Paw Paw tree, leaves dying (forum)

4 responses

Lorraine starts with ...
Hi, we have a very large bi-sexual paw paw tree that is nearly two years old. It has yielded us some fruit, but now the leaves are all dying.

Can anyone give us some clues as to what it could be?

We have checked the PH levels and all OK.

Time: 14th September 2010 11:45am

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About the Author Lorraine1
Coffs Harbour
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Wayne says...
More information required Lorraine
Are the leaves dying from the bottom up or from the top down? A photo would also be good'

Leaves dying from the bottom up could be lack of calcium, from the top down could be die-back = bad news.

Time: 14th September 2010 6:32pm

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About the Author Wayne
Mackay QLD
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Robert Clelland says...
Good Morning. I have a problem with my pawpaws. As you can see by the pics that the leaves are curling up and I get a black spot on the fruit. After the frurit is picked and furthr allowed to rippen they look s if they have a cancer. What is wrong,, I have sprayed then with copper oxychloride from advise I got from Bunnings.

Cheers Robert
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Time: 26th September 2010 10:31am

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About the Author Robert Clelland
Robertson, Brisbane
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Wayne says...
Hello Robert

Looks like a severe Calcium and Magnesium deficiency to me. Make the ground white under the canopy with Dolomite and spread Magnesium sulphate over that again then scratch it in. I trust you used a wetting agent with the spray, it won't work without it.

As you pick the fruit, just as it starts to colour wipe it with a darkish pink solution of Potassium Permanganate [Condies crystals] to help stop that fungus. You can get it from a chemist

I think that will work for you

Time: 26th September 2010 12:36pm

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About the Author Wayne
Mackay QLD
#UserID: 338
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amanda says...
Robert - can u pick one of those new/young leaves and take a close up pic of a part of them also?

It's a pretty plethoric looking plant? :(

Time: 26th September 2010 8:27pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton Mid West WA
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