Pruning Olive Tree (forum)
1 responses
OceanEarth starts with ...
My olive tree, planted in the ground has reached a height of around 1.5m. I've never pruned it and it has grown three main trunks that all begin around 2-3cm from the soil level, a left, centre and right one. I want to slowly prune back two of them to end up with a branch free trunk single trunk.
The centre one seems the obvious one to keep, although it does have a slight kink right at the bottom. The right one looks the healthiest and it the tallest with the most leaves, but it bows at the bottom into where it meets with the centre one.
Any suggestions, will a trunk that isn't centred above the bottom of the tree be compromised in years to come?
Time: 28th December 2017 6:06pm
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About the Author OceanEarth
Mount Coolum
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Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Ocean
Professional growers almost always prune any side branches growing 1ft below the main trunk to remove any competition from the central leader and produce a smooth clean trunk 1ft downwards. If the central or main leader is damaged or slow growing as in your case, then you may choose to allow a faster growing side branch to become the new leader. Simply cut and remove the old leader from the stake and the new leader to it. Stake your tree with a bamboo about 1.5 meters high if you haven't done it yet. The staking of young olive trees is very important. Stakes needs to be strong enough to support the tree while the anchor roots are developing, and yet flexible enough to allow the tree to move into the wind. If the tie to the stake is too rigid the tree will not develop strong roots.
Most major olive pruning are done during winter.
Happy Gardening :-)
Time: 30th December 2017 12:26pm
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People who Like this Answer: OceanEarth,EnduraPost Matt
Original Post was last edited: 30th December 2017 11:25pmAbout the Author Fruitylicious1
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