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Sweet Leaf Bush (forum)

32 responses

Leah starts with ...
Has anyone in Sydney got Sweet Leaf Bush seeds or cuttings for swap or buy?

Time: 24th May 2010 7:13am

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John Mc says...
Yes it grows by cutting very easy. I don't know what you're success rate is going to be at this time of year. All my cuttings are now flowering. I'm happy to send you some cuttings if you want but it might be the wrong time. I'll take a closer look tomorrow morning, the seeds might even be ready to harvest.

Time: 24th May 2010 6:02pm

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About the Author John Mc
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Leah says...
Thanks for my one and only reply John! I too thought it will be tricky to try till summer but at least we are in touch. How do we use this forum (my first time) - is Private Message possible? Do you enjoy the leaf or found it not special?

Time: 25th May 2010 7:34pm

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About the Author Leah2
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John Mc says...
I found it to be a bit of a novelty. I tried it for a while but it s something I don t use daily. I use it very occasionally now, just for the odd chew now and again.
The only way forum members contact each other is by listing their email addy in a way that won t be picked up by email harvesting bots. You can contact me via:
I think you know where the at should go and also the dot s.

Time: 25th May 2010 8:07pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
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Bonjanella says...
I just stumbled upon this forum while searching for Sweetleaf seeds.
I'd be grateful for any information regarding supplyof seed, plants or cuttings.

Time: 13th October 2010 6:38am

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About the Author Bonjanella
Mid North Coast NSW
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Jantina says...
Hi Bonjanella, if the Sweetleaf plant you want is Sauropus Androgynus, Daleys sell plants.

Time: 13th October 2010 10:11am

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About the Author Jantina
Mt. Gambier S.A.
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Robyn Iredale says...
I would love some sweet leaf cuttings John Mc. Is this possible?

Time: 4th December 2010 11:44am

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About the Author Robyn Iredale
Scotland Island
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John Mc says...
Robyn Iredale: Scotland Island? I had to look it up. Nice!
Yes, they took a battering last winter, picking up nicely now. It definately doesn't like cold weather. It might be a while, I'd like them to grow a bit more before I start hacking at them, though. If you wanted some asap, Daley's have some for sale right now.


Time: 4th December 2010 10:08pm

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About the Author JohnMc1
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fruitist says...
One of my largest SLB was as big as a tree with a trunk about 1.5 inch diameter. I have to chop it down and poison all the suckers last year when I built my carport.

Time: 5th December 2010 8:52am

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MaryT says...
Where are you fruitist to have had a SLB as big as a tree? Mine are cuttings from Mike in Cairns and they were going well until we had a cold night and now they are droopy. I brought them in overnight, put them in a 'humidicrib' and they seem to like it better but obviously it's not a permanent solution.

Anyone else growing it in Sydney? Please give me some advice.
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Time: 2nd March 2012 7:49am

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About the Author MaryT
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John Mc says...
Mary, it might be just reacting to a climatic adjustment.
My couple of SLB plants survived last winter outside in the ground here. As you know, I'm only an hour's drive north of Sydney.

Time: 2nd March 2012 8:26am

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About the Author JohnMc1
Warnervale NSW
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MaryT says...
Thanks John Mc; I hope they'll come good. They're only small. I'll put them outside in their tents today. They've come good overnight; happy in their 'rooms' but I must not spoil them.

Time: 2nd March 2012 9:34am

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About the Author MaryT
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Thao says...
MaryT, just leave them in the pot until next spring. I did that with my SLB last year,kept them in a pot under the balcony. In spring when the weather gets warmer, I put them in the ground with lots of mulch. Now they grow healthy and happily.

Time: 2nd March 2012 5:09pm

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About the Author Thao
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MaryT says...
Thank you, Thao. I won't ask anymore of them but to stay alive until spring; then I'll repot them to larger pots. I don't have the grounds, unfortunately.

Time: 2nd March 2012 6:30pm

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About the Author MaryT
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MaryT says...
My plants are doing nicely but friends are freaking out because they read that sweet leaf can cause lung damage and can even kill. After reading the article in Taipei Times I believe that it is still safe to eat - just don't make a concentrate out of its leaves and drink massive amounts of it. Judge for yourself.


Time: 15th April 2012 10:22am

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Thai people seem to eat lots of it (almost on a daily basis for some) especially cooked.They value them for nutritional and health reasons as well as taste.
My 4 need hacking back to 1.8m regularly and there are multple trunks due to seed dropped from the original.I use them for mulch around fruit trees and other plants due to their vigour.

Time: 15th April 2012 10:49am

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About the Author Mike25
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MaryT says...
Mike, mine would never get too big because they are in pots. I like their green pea flavour.

Time: 15th April 2012 12:06pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Seed grown ones might do better.Maybe I never sent seeds.

Time: 15th April 2012 1:13pm

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About the Author Mike25
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MaryT says...
Mike I think they were cuttings? They've grown but developed a white mark in the middle of the leaves. New leaves don't have the white marks. They like the 'wind break' I rigged up courtesy of the SMH :)
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Time: 15th April 2012 1:22pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
Mary they were seedlings actually, ripped out from under the big ones.The white marks are normal.Your ones look pretty healthy.

Time: 15th April 2012 1:36pm

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About the Author Mike25
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MaryT says...
Thanks, Mike. I can stop worrying then. I gave one away but still have four. The other one is in a plastic bag and it's probably doing the best though it was the smallest. :)
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Time: 15th April 2012 2:18pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
It's funny Mary I rip out seedlings of those,naranjillas,lemon basil,hot basil,birdseye chillies,jicama and bitter melon and in the past perennial coriander.They pop up everywhere and need to be controlled.

Time: 15th April 2012 2:28pm

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About the Author Mike25
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MaryT says...
Arrhhh; I'm covering my ears so I can't hear what you're saying. It's not fair that you can grow everything without any effort. OK I remember you had to cart 6 cubic m of soil around a big block.

Time: 15th April 2012 2:44pm

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About the Author MaryT
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snottiegobble says...
Hey Mike, I`m a bit peeeeed off too. All I get self sowing are the Basils (specially lemon), yellow pear toms, ( the only decent toms Ive had this year) & Dill, probably because it likens me to it.

Time: 17th April 2012 8:59pm

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About the Author snottiegobble
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MaryT says...
SG you can't complain if you have lemon basil, yellow pear tomatoes and dill; I think I should have dill :)

Time: 17th April 2012 9:17pm

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About the Author MaryT
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Mike says...
SG come to think of it my common coriander self sows,birds eye chillies pop up and the wild cherry tomatoes do as well.The wild cherry tomatoes send out runners up to 3 or 4m in all directions and have profusions of extra sweet and tasty,tiny and thin skinned berries.I reckon they have the best taste.

Time: 17th April 2012 9:32pm

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About the Author Mike25
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BJ says...
They are selling Sweet leaf on eBay as Katuk. Mine is flowering now.

I overdosed on the feral cherry toms last year and now cant even look at the plants. They come up everywhere all year round. I've got choc mint, coriander, tarragon, native spinach and pepper leaf going wild in the garden right now. And those feral papaya - are they any good for green papaya salad?

Time: 17th April 2012 9:58pm

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About the Author Theposterformerlyknownas
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Mike says...
Paw paws don't seem to go feral around here.Do they look the same as the normal ones BJ? The wild cherry toms only pop up at the coolest time of the year here and seeds seem to be dormant in the wet season.

Time: 17th April 2012 10:12pm

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About the Author Mike25
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MaryT says...
Lemon balm seems to be the only useful thing that goes feral around here; though I still have a volunteer still-to-be-identified citrus. Oh I do have coriander popping up sometimes, rocket of course, tomatoes...

Time: 18th April 2012 6:47am

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About the Author MaryT
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beatrix says...

Time: 14th October 2014 5:31pm

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About the Author beatrix
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beatrix says...
Hi. Where did you buy it as I have tried to find it but always failed. Sweetleaf bush is really good to boost breastmilk production so I wish I can buy it. Thank you

Time: 14th October 2014 5:32pm

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About the Author beatrix
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Thithi says...
I bought my sweet leaf bushes from Daley July this year. They lost all leaves in winter. One already has new leaves. Just get Daley to notify you when in stock.

Time: 23rd October 2014 11:27pm

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About the Author Thithi
Deer park
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herbalcurephilippines says...
looking for viable seeds of katuk ??? Any ???

Time: 25th January 2015 9:33am

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