Tasting Heritage Apple Varieties (forum)
3 responses
Wulf starts with ...
I plan to plant some apple trees this winter/spring and am interested in heritage varieties. I was hoping to find somewhere that I can taste a range of older/less common varieties to help me plan.
Does anyone know of orchards that have tastings or shops which sell heritage apples?
I live in Melbourne.
Time: 28th January 2016 11:26pm
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Lari says...
The Heritage Fruits Society runs antique apple tasting events. They maintain over 200 varieties of apples in the heritage collection at Petty's Orchard in Templestowe. They hold tasting events at Petty's and sometimes other locations Feb-April.
You can find the details on their website www.heritagefruitssociety.org.au
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Time: 29th January 2016 3:33pm
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About the Author Lari
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Linton says...
The Pitmaston Pineapple (Golden Pippin)
Been reading a book called 'At the Edge of the Orchard' by the same author who wrote The Girl with a Pearl Earring.
It's a violent and harsh story about a family growing apples in the swamps of Ohio in the 1800's. This family had brought scions of cultivars from England for grafting, one in particular was called the Pitmaston Pineapple which some growers out there may be well aware of.
The man who was growing these cultivars was very fond of this variety and described the taste as sweet like honey with the flavour of pineapple at the end, but his wife was less impressed due to the hard life they were leading in the swamps.
One day his wife who had become so deranged ran into the orchard with an axe to chop down all the apple trees so they could leave the place forever. She starting chopping down the man's favourite tree, the Pitmaston Pineapple and he leapt in front to try and save it just as his wife was swinging the axe again and it buried itself in his side killing him.
Whilst this book is a fiction, when it came to the many tree species described, much of it is based on fact and I would like to know more about the merits of the Pitmaston Pineapple. Especially since it is locally available here from Heritage nurseries.
Please let me know if anyone has tasted a Pitmaston Pineapple fruit and how good it was and how distinct was the flavour of pineapple. Am most intrigued to evaluate if it is worth growing. Thank you.
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Time: 27th June 2017 2:24pm
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Original Post was last edited: 28th June 2017 9:53amAbout the Author Linton
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Markmelb says...
found this link on it
Time: 28th June 2017 3:10pm
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