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What is eating my poor lime tree? (forum)

1 responses

Jimothy starts with ...
Hey all, my lime tree, very well established, is getting eaten alive by something. As you can see, something has eaten the bark off multiple branches, some of which are now dying/dead.

I have laid rat trap boxes all around the base and fenceline but have had no luck.

I suspect possums but would be keen to hear everyones thoughts and particularly if you have any potential solutions!

Thanks in advance!
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Time: 6th November 2022 12:31pm

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Original Post was last edited: 6th November 2022 12:35pm
About the Author Jimothy
MACLEOD 3085 VIC Australia
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jakfruit etiquette says...
The damage in pic 1 and pic 2 doesnt seem recent as the edges have healed over. A nesting rat attacked my young lemon and lime trees, tore long thin strips off for the nest. Some of the damage in pic 3 looks like what the rat did. Completely stripped the stems. Seemed like it was a one off to build the nest, but a lot of damage over a few days then stopped.

Time: 7th November 2022 5:55pm

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Original Post was last edited: 9th November 2022 12:03am
About the Author jakfruit etiquette
#UserID: 5133
Posts: 915
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