What to get? (forum)
1 responses
Chelle starts with ...
We've just purchased a very small block in inner city Brisbane. I would love to have lots of fruit trees but of course I have very limited space. These are some plants I was considering -
mango tree, nectarine or peachcot tree, apple tree, mandarin tree, blueberry bush, passionfruit vine and grapevine. I'd love a nut tree as well, but I'm pushing it with just these. So - what particular varieties should I be looking for? Dwarfs? Self polinating? I need them to be pretty hardy as I'm not the greenest of thumbs, they'll be getting plenty of grey water so thats not a problem, but they can't grow too big, but I still want them to give out a lot of fruit (don't want much do I??!!)
So which ones in particular should I be looking for, or even better suggestions?
Time: 1st August 2007 2:08pm
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About the Author Chelle
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Correy says...
I think you have a great list there. Your Blueberries often go better if you get a few different varieties for cross pollination.
I notice you didn't include a mulberry tree? Brisbane is fantastic for mulberries and you can get a dwarf mulberry tree to keep it small.
Here is a link to the dwarf fruit Trees
Also have you considered a Babaco. They are like a paw paw with a strawberry taste and can be grown in a small area.
Usually your nut trees are a bit bigger.
With the apples I am not sure how we would go in Brisbane. There has been a lot of talk about the Pinkabelle Apple Tree you might like to ask if it will go alright in Brisbane on this forum otherwise you should be right with some of the tropical apple Trees found here:
We have grey water and are growing a similar selection of fruit trees to you and the fruit trees love it.
Pictures - Click to enlarge
Picture: 1
Time: 4th August 2007 4:38pm
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About the Author Correy
Woolloongabba, Qld
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