What type of soil is this? (forum)
1 responses
veevee starts with ...
It feels like I'm breaking stone when I dig! Is it clay or slit?
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Time: 2nd February 2013 9:05pm
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Julie says...
Home Measuring Method
Bring some soil indoors and spread it on a newspaper to dry. Remove any debris so you have only soil particles. Fill a 1-quart canning jar 1/4 full of soil, and then fill it 3/4 full of water. Add 1 tsp. non-foaming powder or liquid dishwasher detergent to the jar, and then place the lid on tightly. After 15 minutes, shake the jar vigorously to break up individual soil particles. The soil will settle according to particle size. The sand will settle after one minute, silt will settle after two hours and clay will settle after two to three days, and then the water will be clear. When all the soil has settled, mark a line at the top of the sand, silt and clay. Then measure the thickness of each soil type and the total depth of the soil. You can calculate the percentage by dividing the thickness of each soil type by the thickness of soil. For example, clay thickness divided by total soil thickness equals the percent of the soil that is clay.
Read more: Sand, Silt and Clay Levels in the Soil | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_7416676_sand_-silt-clay-levels-soil.html#ixzz2JkP35vTI
Time: 3rd February 2013 12:18am
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About the Author Julie
Roleystone WA
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