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What's eating my lemon leaves? (forum)

1 responses

Danyboy1 starts with ...
Hello everyone
I am trying to grow a lots-of-lemons and I seem to be suffering heavy losses everytime new leaves appear, they get eaten and I get an unhealthy looking plant. This cycle has occurred 4-5 times since I've had the plant. At first I thought maybe grasshoppers so I didn't do much but wait.however I'm worried that this keeps happening and need advice about what to do.

Any suggestions?
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Time: 12th March 2018 9:14am

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About the Author Danyboy1
SELECT Your Suburb,4012,QLD
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Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Dan

Might be the handywork of a caterpillar. Look high and low and around your tree. They are very good at camouflage. Another suspect are grasshoppers. They are as voracious as the caterpillar and harder to catch. My jaboticaba was a victim of hoppers and leaf cutter bees. I covered it with a finely woven exclusion net to deter the crims and it worked.

Happy gardening :-)

Time: 12th March 2018 8:33pm

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About the Author Fruitylicious1
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