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Worms (forum)

3 responses

amanda starts with ...
I fed my worms a whole heap of seaweed not so long ago.....they must love it as it's all gone! And the soil feels so soft and "fluffy" .. (pic of what's left)
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Time: 29th January 2010 11:46am

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
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Speedy says...

Time: 30th January 2010 12:10pm

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Nth Vic.
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amanda says...
Yea! I am going to see if the chooks will eat it too!? I need to figure out a "recipe" - maybe dry and grind - probably good for the dogs as well do u think?

Time: 30th January 2010 12:57pm

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About the Author amanda19
Geraldton. WA
#UserID: 2309
Posts: 4607
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Speedy says...
Dry and grind sounds good.
Maybe chopped in a blender til quite fine and added to their usual grain mash or pellets.
I cant imagine that it would be anything but good for the dog to have a bit occasionally.
If it's Eklonia sp. , IME it works OK as a substitute for Kombu when making miso soup.
just wash and hang out to dry then store for later use.
Sliced thinly once reconstituted I've found it good to eat.

Time: 31st January 2010 11:50pm

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About the Author
Nth Vic.
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