Ylang Ylang in Pots? (forum)
2 responses
Tropicdude starts with ...
I was wondering if anyone has Ylang Ylang growing in a pot? not the dwarf variety but the regular type.
I know these trees get huge, but was hoping I could keep mine in a pot and keep it cut back.
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Time: 26th November 2009 3:23pm
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About the Author Tropicdude
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Speedy says...
I have grown Cananga in pots in the past but never expected them to mature and flower in them.
You'd have a better chance with it if you plant it out , OR try to get C.odorata var.fruticosa - the dwarf variety.
If you were to plant it out and didn't want it to get too big.
you could keep 'topping it out' , pruning the vertical growth and try to keep lateral branches going and within reach.
Cananga , like coffee , only flowers on lateral branches, so they're the ones you want to promote.
another option is to get one of the other 'YlangYlang' plants, Desmos chinensis is a small grower,
Melodorum spp. (there are native ones in rainforest understorey) , Rauwenhoffia spp.
They would take some tracking down , but might be a better option for a tub.
For Melodorum spp. , you could try rainforest nurseries.
Time: 28th November 2009 10:39am
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Nth Vic
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Tropicdude says...
Thank you speedy
Time: 28th November 2009 11:07am
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About the Author Tropicdude
#UserID: 2856
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