Brazilian Cherry
Eugenia uniflora$18.90 ($18.90-$39.00 choose a size)
When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Sep and Jan. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Mar and Apr. Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Specifications of Brazilian Cherry
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas SA, WA
Suitability in Pots Yes
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 5+ Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months March, April, May, June
Fertiliser All Purpose, Compost, PotAsh
Plant Width 1-2m
Growth Rate Medium
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Customer Tips & Reviews Brazilian Cherry
Mountain View , HI, Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
Interesting my mother in law calls this the Surinam cherry
Brazilian Cherry
Saw a lovely mature tree laden with yellow/orange fruit in 1770 near the hotel.Wonder if anyone has tried the Brazilian Cherry Tree as a Bonsai?
We use this as a hedge along our fenceline. The fruit are attractive, with a great flavour. Unfortunately it is too sour for my liking, but I have heard that there are sweeter varieties around. I think that maybe this would be agood in a jam. The leav...
Turramurra, NSW, Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
The fruit is very variable - some trees bear fruit that's unpleasantly resinous, while others are very sweet
Ft Pierce suberb, Flori
Brazilian Cherry
Planted 5 Brazilian Shrubs June 2018, aprox. 2ft tall in ground , now April 2019 5 ft tall, producing fruit, more than expected.
Nundah / Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
To people who say the fruit is 'tart'. I have a friend who has acres of Brazilian Cherries. She tastes the first fruit of each new plant and if it's tart she culls the plant. So it would seem some fruit is sweet and others not so nice.
THE PATCH, VIC, Australia
There were lots of flowers for the first time last year, but not one berry.
I have been lead to believe, easy to grow with minimal fuss, delicious fruit. Planted 10/02/2017 this plant has pushed out new leaves in less than a week. Looks very happy in the ground, no stress when planted as happy as can be. Looks like it will b...
Brazilian Cherry
I have 2 B. Cherries about 5 years old. They started bearing quite prolifically about 2 years ago, yum, & bees love the flowers. They only occasionally get a watering but have thrived in dry times, wet times, frost and hot weather. 2.5 metres high now.
VIRGINIA , QLD, Australia
We had one of these in the back yard in townsville. It's a beautiful tree and tbe fruit makes excellent jam.
Dennis, QLD, Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
Black Brazilian Cherry from Daleys last year flowered and fruited this spring. So sweet and yummy when colour turns very dark.
Brazilian Cherry
I have one in my garden growing underneath a bottlebrush (because of frost risk) so the watering regime is rather dry. It survives but the fruit are quite unpleasant and taste very resinous and sour.
Brazilian Cherry
Known in Brazil as "PITANGA", usually planted to become a "green fence" the fruit is no sweet, it is tangy and sweeten only when VERY red. In Brazil it is used for juice, jam, and of course mixed with sugar, vodka and ice... (seeds must be removed!
Brazilian Cherry
I grew up in Brazil and surrounded by this plant known as "pitanga" . If pruned properly, it can become a nice perimeter fence. It can be grown like lilly pilly, since they are sort of related...
Brazilian Cherry
I just planted one in geraldton wa. I'll let you know how it go's. I'm trialling it on bore water with EC 5.6. So far so good!
Springfield, NSW, Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
In Central Coast NSW our Surinam Cherry is a yearly bonus -plenty of fruit for jams and jellies
Brazilian Cherry
I live in Townsville and have a brazillian cherry in a large pot fruiting well. A question for Townsville people how big would it go if I planted it in the ground as in the tropics growth is prolific in most plants.
Brazilian Cherry
Have 3 Brazilian Cherry shrubs approx 6 yrs old. 1 flowered April 2012,and a cherry ripened in July. The other 2 shrubs have 5 0r 6 cherries developing. The shrubs are in a sheltered position and have new growth. Just planted a seed and some cuttings.
Brazilian Cherry
We find grows best in loose soil with plenty compost & rotted manure.Water well in summer,less in cooler months.Prune to required size&shape after fruiting.We prefer to leave fruit on tree until dark& soft& then is strong flavour,& not sour.
newcastle, nsw
lovely foilage, it's been slow growing so far. got a chance to taste the fruit of a friends tree and its was disapointing, mostly seed and a little astringent.
Rockingham, , WA, Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
I have five Brazilian Cherry trees in my back yard, I have two against the fence, two advantages here lovely back drop against the fence and you get the benefits of the fruit. I eat them fresh and make jam. They are evergreen all year round.
Brazilian Cherry
Jen stick a seed in a pot and put it on a east facing window sill. couple of weeks ,bingo. i have one growing across the road ,thats where i got the seed. must be why they have weed potential,very easey to grow from a seed.
Brazilian Cherry
I have 1 in Perth --delicious but leave till dark red otherwise too tart. Bumper crop this year-most likely due to the extra rain-anyone know how long they live? Mine is approx 15 yrs and any tips for growing from seed-thanx Cherry Christmas!!
Esk, QLD
Brazilian Cherry
I didn't know what I had until I researched the fruit. Yummieee! Now I have two bushes.
St Kilda, VIC
Brazilian Cherry
Use for jam. Has someone got a jam recipe please? WIn the fifties towering over the backyard lavatory, in Sandgate. Mum made jam from them.
Brazilian Cherry
We have a brazillian cherry in our back yard and it's the sec ond year it has fruited we never touch it and it's absolutely covered in fruit.
Yanchep, W.A., Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
I live 50kms north of Perth, our Brazillian Cherry is 4yrs old and loaded with fruit,we love them, with their slight tart taste. So-- Sandgropers grow them well!!! Procured from Herbs'R'Us
Forster, NSW
Brazilian Cherry
I have a beautiful fruiting Brazilian Cherry tree in Taree (NSW)area. They have delicious somewhat tart fruit and grow easily from seed. I love them straight from the tree but I am going to try making some of them into jam.Very ornamental.
Brisbane, QLD
Brazilian Cherry
I have one in my backyard and a friend of mine told me that it loves growing near rivers! From now I will be giving it lots of water!!
Ravenshoe, QLD
Brazilian Cherry
Brazillian Cherry Jelly. Take as many cherries as you can, wash and put in a heavy based pan with pulp of 4+ tamarinds. Simmer over low heat until cherries are mushy and separate from the seeds. Strain, measure juice. 3/4 cup sugar to each cup juice. Cook
MOUNT ISA, qld, australia
I love the sour taste and the childhood memories it invokes.My uncle had one in his bull paddock at Beenleigh when I was little and we used to climb up and sit in it.
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
Very beautiful, low maintenance small shrub with attractive tasty fruits for the kids and adults! Highly recommended. Wait to the fruit to turn dark red before eating
Erskineville, nsw
Planted this in my walled vegetable garden as a small 30cm plant. It has doubled in height. It gets sun from October to April and then winter shade until it grows high enough to clear the 2m wall. No flowers yet.
Gladstone, QLD
Brazilian Cherry
I find them very moreish- on their own or with cream. Easy to grow, likes good drainage- I always get a good crop
Brazilian Cherry
Wow i live in townsville to and have a brazilian cherry tree i rember as a child it being very fruitful but now many years on and a good chop it is at present in the most beautiful blossom and one only fruit! its great to see more in townsville.
Broadford, VIC, Australia
still hanging on, and growing some new leavesGrowing still, even after I shifted it to a better spot
Lower Heyford, OXON
Brazilian Cherry
I have been given a Brazil cherry 10 cm high. can I grow it in the uk indoors? it is very good for diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol depends which leaves you take.
GORDON, NSW, Australia
Growing happly in a sunny position.First flowering just starting. likes lots of water.Still growing well but fruits are very few and far betweenLots of growth and more fruit with the very wet weather. A nice looking plant. Fruit is very tart.
Keinbah, NSW, Australia
I love the tart acidic fruit, they have the most wonderful shape, like tiny chinese lanterns.
WALLARAH, NSW, Australia
Fruit has a very strong turpentine taste. I can't have too many at one time but they are a nice addition to the orchid.
Bellbird Park, QLD, Australia
Grows slow here but once I began fertilizing with chook poo and seaweed and other things we now how dozens of them. The fruit is astringent but cooks up well with sugar that is if my husband doesn't find them and eat them first.
Brazilian Cherry
We have one of these growing in the back yard, very very tasty plump juicey fruit when it is nice dark blood red, shame i didnt notice it fruiting earlier.
Brazilian Cherry
I have a friend who lives next to my house, and she has a brazillian cherry tree hanging over my yard. she told me i can take any that grow on my side. But i want to grow my own So how long does it take normally to fruit.
Brazilian Cherry
I added water and roughly the same quantity of fruit to sugar. cook until it reduces and thickens fairly well. when ready ( saucer test) let the jam cool and blend every thing skin and small seeds ( they soften during the cooking process. bottle
Berry , NSW
Brazilian Cherry
Our five year old Brazilian cherry has only produced one fruit so far, earlier this year, even though the bush is very healthy. Perhaps we are too far south?
Brazilian Cherry
Michael you only need one tree and there is no need to pollinate. I have one in the backyard and it is a prolific fruiter. It is likely to fruit quite young.
Maida Vale, W.A., Australia, Australia
Brazilian Cherry
This is not a tip but several questions. Do you need two of them for pollination? Otherwise,how do you pollinate? How long do you have to wait for fruit?
Brazilian Cherry
Got My first taste straight of a tree growing in rockhampton, absolutly love the fruit
Brazilian Cherry
I have two Brazilian Cherry plants thriving in Mackay...and is very boutiful this year.
Brazilian Cherry
To Alexandra Bennett:- I live in Townsville and in my front yard I have growing what is, so I've been recently told, a Brazillian cherry tree (fruiting at the moment). Approx 14yrs old I believe and very healthy.
Ulverstone, TAS.
Brazilian Cherry
The fruit book called: Discovering Fruit & Nuts by Susanna Lyle.Printed 2006 is one of the best I have seen. Says the Brazilian Cherry has very good levels of vitamins C (45mg /100mg of flesh) and vitamin A (~2600IU0).They also contain thiamine,riboflavin
Brazillian Cherry
Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry '05 : This book says that this tree has very high Vitamin C ! The author has been informed several times that this fruit has normal amounts of Vit.C but they have not corrected the mistake !