Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Morus nigra$34.00 ($21.90-$79.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm Temperate, Arid (Dry)Learn About Climate Zones
Grown From Tissue CultureLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)
Suitability in Pots Yes
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Semi Dwarf (2/3 Normal Size), Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest First Year
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months February, March, September, October, November
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Customer Tips & Reviews Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Had 1 in ground for 2/3 years grew beautifully fruiting often was cut back hard but it is VERY vigorous even though dwarf BUT ROOTS ARE INVASIVE IN MY AREA due high water table and excellent soil so had to remove from ground (suburban) and this new purchase will stay in a pot
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Childhood memories from England, climbing small trees for the lushest Mulberries and going home with stained hands & faces. Have been looking for about 30 years for a dwarf plant. So happy with this that I bought 2 so have one in the ground at the front garden & one in a large pot in the back garden to see which does better! Both thriving after the first 3 months.
Sanctuary Point , NSW, Australia
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
I've had this plant (temperate zone) in a pot for a few years, it was happy. I put it in the ground earlier this year and it has thrived. In the last couple of months growth has doubled and I've had a few kilos of delicious fruit. Highly recommend.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Excellent addition to a small backyard food forest. Produces large amounts of fruit with little fuss. Located in Sydney, we always get 2 crops a year. Halfway through our first crop on our 3 year old tree and have picked about 15 kilos of fruit so far.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Within a very short time of arriving, my very healthy Dwarf Mulberry had fruit forming on it. Impressive !!
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
I bought this during the autumn months, so didn't expect to see any new leaves until spring time. I've put it in a big pot and it started sprouting leaves in the middle of winter and is now beginning to fruit. Amazing!
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Planted in temperate climate, protected from frost, in the chook yard. Looks good so far!
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
It is not going to grow too large for our small garden area, yet its leaves can be used by the local kids for silkworms, its seasonal changes give variety and when mature, it can provide delightful fruit.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
I am in an arid/warm temperate climate(Dubbo NSW). The years I prune this tree hard are the years I get great crops. The first several years I left it. The last three years I have pruned the tree from 5/6 metres to 2.5m. It grows that much each year.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Looks good so far but just a weeny stick. Fingers crossed it grows :) [Daleys Note: In Winter Mulberries lose all their leaves. In spring they green up and fruit quickly]
Sydney, Nsw
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Have had mine in a large pot and it fruits well. This year it has already fruited! The leaves came on quickly after winter then fruit and it's almost over!My question is should I prune it again after fruiting? It's only Spring!
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
I only bought my dwarf mulberry tree at the end of summer I repotted it with a bag i the pot for easy transplanting It loves the manure and soil gave and it now lots of leaves and fruit on it Very happy Will keepm in a big pot and prune to 3m Love it
10/10 for rapid growth and surviving my nice and nephews... Planted this in September 2020 as a tiny Bunnings plant and by the start of Winter 2021, its about 7 foot tall! looking forward to it fruiting.10.08.2022: This tree fruited 3 times in its firs...
Lake Munmorah , NSW, Australia
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Dwarf Mulberry BlackFruits continually and only leafless for a few weeks each year. Late summer fruit less luscious than earlier fruiting. Will try the coffee grounds to see if that improves the fruit. I prune it every year by a third to keep it low.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Im from Vic, temperate climate. I bought a dwarf black mulbery from Daley's a few years ago. Its a vigorous grower, but wouldn't produce fruit. This year it's produced two decent crops. So maybe they just take longer to feel happy in temperate regions.
Very Happy with this tree. Started fruiting 2019, planted in 2018. Loads of fruits. Branches growing all over have to prune to keep it in check.Usually fruits in August/September. but I saw some fruits in Jan this year.
Fruit are firm and quite tart in taste until completely ripe. These are NOT the sweeter more tasty variety you may have had previously. However, this variety is a prolific bearer. In Brisbane I get multiple crops each year with the main being in August...
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
This is my favourite tree in our garden. Looks nice, easy to look after, grows quick and fruits twice a year (pruning after fruiting).... the kids love eating the berries off the tree.
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
In large glazed pot for 12 months. Has fruited 3 times & about to fruit again with over 100 fruit! Prune after each crop and you get multiple harvests in a short time. Susceptible to rust - don't water foliage. I use coffee grounds as mulch; it loves it.
SUNBURY, VIC, Australia
UPDATEFlowers every time I prune, without fail. I have mine in a big pot and it gets quite a bit of water and coffee grounds and seems to enjoy. Is now about 1.8m with multiple branching points. Purchased in May 2018, was under the height of the bamb...
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Dwarf Mulberry has been in a large container this Spring - currently yellowing so am assuming this is the Winter leaf fall - will keep you notified.
EASTWOOD, NSW, Australia
Very hardy plant. No transplant shock. Tolerates full Australian sun and heat very well, is thriving. Extremely low maintenance, just daily watering (due to heat). Has doubled in size in ~1month since purchase. I'm very pleased with this purchase and i...
TAMWORTH, NSW, Australia
I tried the fruit when I visited Daley's last month at Kyogle. A few of the large plants for sale were already bearing fruits. I love the taste. I bought two of the dwarf varities , black and red.
HERVEY BAY, QLD, Australia
It's right next to a dwarf Red Mulberry but for some reason it's never had fruits to full growth. This year, with high drought was the first time it;s grown fruit but the birds ate them all so I never got to try them. The fruits on this one are long b...
ZILLMERE, QLD, Australia
The tree has grown very well and after 1 year we have started picking tasty fruit.
RUNCORN, QLD, Australia
Location: RUNCORN Brisbane Southside. Very hot backyard on a concrete slab.2018: Autumn here, and I adore my mulberries. I have a few, now, and really, the bigger the pot, the better they do. I can force a dormant state in winter if I keep them tucked ...
Out of our three plants, one died from spring frost (it broke dormancy too early), and the other two are growing like mad. The plants were less than 1 ft tall 9 months ago, one growing in a pot is now about 5 ft! Grown in soil from our garden with adde...
MANLY WEST, QLD, Australia
Love the fruit. Gorgeous tree. Grew really quickly and I had fruit in January after I first planted it in November 2013- this is unusual as main crop is in september/october and this year I was picking 12 berries a day. This was really it's first...
Maroubra, NSW
As the first fruit of spring, before fruit fly and coastal humidity start taking their toll, this is my favourite fruit tree for Sydney.
Does nothing until spring then it takes off with very fast growth, started fruiting and has doubled in size by summer.Tree is now over 3m tall, grows super fast! keep pruning and it keeps fruiting from spring to mid autumn. Cut it back by 2/3 during wi...
I am addicted and neeeeed one of these in my garden. Just cut back 1/3rd after it grew to 3m over the summer from 30cm. New shoots are bearing fruit in subtropical March.
This one came from the nusery stall at Lismore car boot market. It has produced a regular supply of delectable fruit!
First year in the ground (spent 1 year in a pot and didn't grow much at all) and it is absolutely brimming with fruit! We live on the South Coast and the tree is absolutely thriving! I LOVE the taste of the fruit reminds me of my childhood growing up p...
MANLY WEST, QLD, Australia
Height 3 mts (20/11/2012) I keep it trimmed to this height . This mulberry gets massive amounts of mulberries on for its size . Those grey birds with the black head think all there christmases have come at once .
Lovely little tree this, unfortunately the fruit fly are attacking it. UNBELIEVABLE crop this spring (2012) no special treatment but I did cut back quite hard in winter.trying to keep on top of the fruit fly, it's not practical to cover the tree so am ...
Rathmines, NSW
Mulberry - Dwarf Black
Have had my dwary mulberry since spring 2007 and it is now 4m x 3m - need to prune at next opportunity. Loads of fruit twice a year (prune in between). My kids 4 and 2 love them and pull branches down to get to fruit when Im not looking!
North Ryde, NSW
Grows extremely fast! Fruits prolifically for a young tree, but the slugs love it!
North Tamworth, NSW
Mulberry - Dwarf Black
Fruited after Nov. pruning Delicous not a big crop al finished by Feb. fertilized with a handfull of chook poo pelets no pests yet!
North Tmworth, NSW
Mulberry - Dwarf Black
Dwarf black mulberry grown in pot fruited 1st year about to prune(early Nov)will see what happens and keep you informed.
Bardon, Qld, Australia
Recent purchase straight from Daley's nursery at Kyogle. Didn't have this one yet, and loved berries and silworms as a kid. Good jam fruit too. Dwarf for extra space.
mount Crosby, QLD, Australia
I have taken this plant to three places now. Uprooting it every time. It is a fighter and bounces back with a vengeance each time. Love love love this plant.
Grafton, NSW, AUstralia
I bought this in late summer 2009 and I transfered it into a large pot and got a small handfull of berries. It's now mid August 2010 and it has more than 100 fruit growing that should be ripe in a few weeks and I am hoping for a second crop in mid summ...
Alexandra Hills, Qld, Australia
It tastes just like the old fashioned variety i remember from my childhood. The fruit is big and juicy and so refreshing.. mostly i love the size of my tree, this years will be my second crop.. and i hope to have enough to make a delicious mulberry pie...
Happy Valley, SA, Australia
It was purchased in autuman and already has many little fruits forming. Unfortunately the leaves and fruits at lower part of the tree has been chewed by my pet bunny.
Mulberry - Dwarf Black
My Dwarf Black Mulberry has been in the ground for about 9 months. It's about 2m tall and has been fruiting throughout the summer and now into the autumn. & has grown phenominally well. Slow to grow through winter last year, but has taken off since spring
Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
What a wonderful little tree. Fruited from the first season and hasn't looked back - just keeps on giving.Have just been given some chooks so I'm sure the mulberry tree are going to enjoy sharing its spot with them.Cut it back a little late but even ...
Rathmines, NSW, Australia
About to plant in ground. Has taken off since planting in ground. 5 new branches and a fair bit of fruit.The new branches are lower than the original branches and seem to be a lot longer as well. I don't think this tree is grafted - hope not or I...
Smithfield, NSW, Australia
Supplier - DaleysGot it last Summer 08I loves this plant, as soon as it start budding, it is setting fruits.It had grown double in size now, I don't know if I should cut it back, as I don't want it to get to bushy or too tall.
Eagleby, QLD, Australia
New planting for this year from cuttings. Leafinf up well and even had fruit which I removed as the cutting was only in the ground a month.
Bracken Ridge, QLD
Mulberry - Dwarf Black
My Dwarf Black Mulberry has been in the ground for approximately 6 months. It is about 1.5 m high and has already fruited! I have about 100 fruit. I cannot wait until this tree gets into full production!
Goodna, QLD, Australia
cut back after it fruited. new growth with fruit late winter/early spring.
Lismore, NSW, Australia
Allegedly dwarf, now pollarded so we can get a net over it to keep birds from spreading the unfortunately very viable seed. Fruits prolifically, but if we like the taste of the shahtoot this one will come out.
Eaton, WA, Australia
Purchased this in 2008 as I enjoy mullberries but don't have the room left in the yard for a full sized tree. Growing this in half a wine barrel will keep the tree dwarfed and I'll still get a "taste" of fruit off it.Reasonably heavily pruned due to b...
Cooks Hill, NSW, Australia
I am espaliering my black mulberry. Very happy with me wee tree, it has fruited handsomly since purchase.
Had grown very well up until our record SA heatwave and died shortly after
Petersham, NSW, Australia
Against wall in full sun. Looking happy. Some fruit last year (2008). Lots of green fruit now (august) .
Auchenflower, QLD, Australia
This plant is growing well and happy in clay/shale with mulching and compostingNo fruit yet
Enmore, NSW, Australia
I planted it last winter and it is showing steady growth, there are lots of lovely new leaves and fruit. it competed last summer with an old orange tree but that has now been removed so it should have access to more water and nutrients.
Sippy Downs, QLD, Australia
Fantastic tree - last season gave me heaps of fruit, takes a while to ripen. this year i have hundreds of fruit on my tree.
Worongary, QLD, Australia
I planted this one so I could cover it, so I have a better chance of beating the fruit bats and birds to the fruit.