YouTube: What's the Fig Tree to Choose. We look at all the different varieties

(1/4) YouTube: What's the Fig Tree to Choose. We look at all the different varieties

Figs mixed

(2/4) Figs mixed

YouTube: How to deal with Fig Leaf Beetles

(3/4) YouTube: How to deal with Fig Leaf Beetles

Delicious Figs grown in Australia

(4/4) Delicious Figs grown in Australia



Fresh figs are as different from the dried form as fresh cherries are to the glazed cherry. Cut open, they look very decorative and exotic. Eaten fresh the seeds are indistinct in texture and flavour from the flesh. Eaten dried, the skin thickens and the ... Read More

Dwarf Fig - Brown

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A dwarf selection of a very sweet, brown skinned fig. Slow growing and compact this small tree can be kept at about 1 - 1.5 m in height. Great for small spaces and pots.

Fig - Brown Turkey

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

A brown skinned medium to large fig with copper-coloured skin and whitish to pink pulp. Very good quality with few seeds. A prolific bearer and popular commercial variety.

Fig Black Genoa

$29.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

A large fruit with purple skin and red flesh that has a very sweet rich flavour. Grown commercially due to its high yields it is also a popular selection for home gardeners. Also known as San Piero abroad.

Fig - Honey


Sweet fig with honey/nectar like juice within. Honey figs have a soft texture and fruity flavour. Figs love a warm Mediterranean type climate but will also produce well in subtropical and temperate areas. Give them a sunny position and well drained soil, free from heavy frost, to harvest your own homegrown luscious figs

Fig - Celeste

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Also known as sugar fig, the pastel pink flesh has a rich, honey sweet flavour and a speckled appearance. The smooth skin is light brown to violet and the fruit is a classic fig shape with a tapering neck and a squat bottom. Its closed eye prevents fruit rot from moisture or insects which are unable to enter the fruit. When fully ripe and ready to pick the fruit will begin to droop and the skin may split. A cold hardy fig, so will have a longer period of dormancy than other figs

Fig - Picone Black


A shiny, dark purple, skinned fig with very sweet flesh. Selected by a local fruit grow for the superb quality of the fruit. Sourced from Picone Exotic Orchards
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Fig - Violette De Bordeaux

$49.00 ($49.00-$74.00 choose a size)

Considered by many the finest of Fig Varieties, Violette De Bordeaux sets the standard for closed-eye, mission type figs. Deep Aubergine skin conceals a vibrant red strawberry pulp that is superb and rich with complex flavours, notably that of maple sugar. Fruits are medium to large sized and suitable for both fresh and drying. A hardy cultivar that is naturally semi-dwarfing and drought tolerant, Violette de Bordeaux is an excellent choice for those with space and water restrictions. The tree will grow to more than 3m high and wide if not pruned
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Fig Prestons Prolific

$39.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Very thick, sticky, flesh that is pink to honey coloured, with a delicious sweet flavour. Vigorous, heavy and late cropping.
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Fig - Blue Provence

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

The Fig - Blue Provence or Ficus carica is suited to subtropical environments as well as warm and cold temperate regions. The skin is bluish in colour and bears later in the season. Known for being sweeter than other fig varieties.

Fig White Adriatic

$39.00 ($39.00-$69.00 choose a size)

A green skinned medium to large sized fig with sweet, red flesh that has a superb flavour. When tree ripened this fig is unsurpassed with its rich strawberry flesh. Peels very easily when ripe.

Fig - Bourjassotte Noire


The variety is very productive, figs are medium to large with black skin and sweet, deep red flesh, with a closed ostiole. It is superior in taste, look and size to other figs

Dwarf Fig Pingo De Mel


Trial Product, Daley's is currently trialing this product, but we will not have them available for sale in the foreseeable future. If you are interested in this item please request the email notification from this page, but at this stage we cannot give you an estimated time of availability.Commonly grown in Portugal and Spain, Pingo de mel is a semi-dwarfing variety that bears heavy crops of medium sized, yellow-skinned figs of fine-grained amber flesh that is rich, thick and sweet. Translation from Spanish reads 'Drop of Honey'. Especially good for container growth. Daleys Exclusive

Fig Excel

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

An early fruiting medium sized fig with amber pulp and yellow skin. A good all-purpose fig with sweet, rich pulp.

Fig - Picone Green


A favourite of local fruit enthusiast John Picone. This fig produces small fruit that is exceptionally sweet. Green skinned with dark red flesh, medium size fruit. Has a tendency to split.Sourced from Picone Exotic Orchards

Dwarf Fig - Brown

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A dwarf selection of a very sweet, brown skinned fig. Slow growing and compact this small tree can be kept at about 1 - 1.5 m in height. Great for small spaces and pots.

Fig - Brown Turkey

$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

A brown skinned medium to large fig with copper-coloured skin and whitish to pink pulp. Very good quality with few seeds. A prolific bearer and popular commercial variety.

Fig Black Genoa

$29.00 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

A large fruit with purple skin and red flesh that has a very sweet rich flavour. Grown commercially due to its high yields it is also a popular selection for home gardeners. Also known as San Piero abroad.

Fig - Honey


Sweet fig with honey/nectar like juice within. Honey figs have a soft texture and fruity flavour. Figs love a warm Mediterranean type climate but will also produce well in subtropical and temperate areas. Give them a sunny position and well drained soil, free from heavy frost, to harvest your own homegrown luscious figs

Fig - Celeste

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Also known as sugar fig, the pastel pink flesh has a rich, honey sweet flavour and a speckled appearance. The smooth skin is light brown to violet and the fruit is a classic fig shape with a tapering neck and a squat bottom. Its closed eye prevents fruit rot from moisture or insects which are unable to enter the fruit. When fully ripe and ready to pick the fruit will begin to droop and the skin may split. A cold hardy fig, so will have a longer period of dormancy than other figs

Fig - Picone Black


A shiny, dark purple, skinned fig with very sweet flesh. Selected by a local fruit grow for the superb quality of the fruit. Sourced from Picone Exotic Orchards
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Fig - Violette De Bordeaux

$49.00 ($49.00-$74.00 choose a size)

Considered by many the finest of Fig Varieties, Violette De Bordeaux sets the standard for closed-eye, mission type figs. Deep Aubergine skin conceals a vibrant red strawberry pulp that is superb and rich with complex flavours, notably that of maple sugar. Fruits are medium to large sized and suitable for both fresh and drying. A hardy cultivar that is naturally semi-dwarfing and drought tolerant, Violette de Bordeaux is an excellent choice for those with space and water restrictions. The tree will grow to more than 3m high and wide if not pruned
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Fig Prestons Prolific

$39.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Very thick, sticky, flesh that is pink to honey coloured, with a delicious sweet flavour. Vigorous, heavy and late cropping.
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Fig - Blue Provence

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

The Fig - Blue Provence or Ficus carica is suited to subtropical environments as well as warm and cold temperate regions. The skin is bluish in colour and bears later in the season. Known for being sweeter than other fig varieties.

Fig White Adriatic

$39.00 ($39.00-$69.00 choose a size)

A green skinned medium to large sized fig with sweet, red flesh that has a superb flavour. When tree ripened this fig is unsurpassed with its rich strawberry flesh. Peels very easily when ripe.

Fig Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Stuart Spring
★★★★★ 3y ago

Sydney, NSW, Australia


Arrived when promised in excellent condition and has thrived since !



★★★★★ 4y ago

Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia


We have a Brown Turkey Fig tree, planted in in a sunny spot, with clayey soil from a small cutting, after 4 yrs it is 3mHx4mW and crops twice a year with at least large juicy 70-80figs. Just needs a little watering during dry months.

Margaret Markovic
5y ago

Kyneton, VIC, Australia

Dwarf Fig - Brown

Planted in warm protected raised bed with good soil. Produced masses of beautiful figs & I had to cut the plant back as it started to grow too large. Same fig planted in a more exposed spot does not produce nearly as well.

10y ago

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Fig Black Genoa

I have been growing this variety to 3 yrs not much sucess until i use a mix of seasol and powerfeed. then it grew and double its height. now i get stacks of fruit. It has out grown it pot cos i can see the roots growing out the bottom. Restricted root

Alison Kearin
15y ago

Clear Mountian, QLD

Sandpaper fig - Birds Eye

I have a seasonal creek at the back of my rented property. It is lined with sandpaper figs which grow to be a large tree with patches on the trunk like some other figs. The fruit is plentyful and abundant in huge numbers.

Scott G
15y ago

Talegalla Weir, QLD


I have found Sandpaper figs growing in many gullies adjacent to streams in South East QLD. I have grown a small one. They are a hardy tree. Only a few produced tasty fruit (riddled with fruit fly).

15y ago



Put plastic bags on the fruit to protect from birds while they fully ripen on the tree. You'll get twice the flavour.

David White
15y ago

Sydney/west Ryde, NSW


To my knowledge, sandpaper figs are a arid centre variety, more like a trailing vine, hugging the ground and rocks. The leaves are very tough, to reduce water loss and have a very rough exterior, hence the name. Very small sweet gritty fruit.

Tara Emmerson
16y ago

Vermont South, VIC, Australia


Does anyone have any tips on the sandpaper fig? but it's not the bird eye variety. it's on a different page of this website. just 'sandpaper fig'. cheers.

16y ago

Kunghur, NSW, Australia


Any advice on suitable varieties for northern NSW? We are on a (very wet) north facing slope, chocolate soils.

David White
19y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Easier to manage and protect in very large pots. Chalky, alkaline, sandy soil is best. Go very light on the fertiliser, water and mulch if you want to eat the fruit, rather than a profusion of leaves. Protect from birds and control ants. Full sun.

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