Ice Cream Bean Mountain
Inga densiflora$24.00 ($24.00-$34.95 choose a size)
When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Feb and Dec. With limited quantities for sale in other months. They are unlikely to be available in Apr and Jun. Special Note: This plant is in the top 25% of plants customers are wanting to know about. It is very unlikely that you will be able to purchase this plant unless you click above to be notified when it is in stock again. Please expect a delay on this item as we notify those who have waited the longest .
Specifications of Ice Cream Bean Mountain
Preferred Climate Subtropical, TropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) +10m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Fruiting/Harvest Months , February, March, April
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Customer Tips & Reviews Ice Cream Bean Mountain
Ice Cream Bean
People generally dont know about this tree & its magnificent fruit & I want to educate everyone. If u are considering it dont delay. It grows my favourite fruit ever, sort of a banana/lychee texture with icecream flavour.
Ice Cream Bean
You might just be seeing Daley's plant with the most tips or comments.
Inga sp. I like the "floss" around the seeds but my family aren't as impressed. I also planted it because it's a nitrogen fixer and I like the tree too. It has grown very fast here and is already 6m tall, and about 5m wide.It is not bothered by our bor...
Cabooture South, Qld
Ice Cream Bean
I obtained my Icecream bean tree 4 years ago, It is huge, has flowered several times. But had no fruit. Frost free area.
Ice Cream Bean
Remember the story of Jack and The Bean Stalk? Well this must have been it. Grows like wild fire in Brisbane area. I had one that grew so fast it was unbelievable. It shaded almost a house block. It was great for kids to climb but many seedlings
OCEAN VIEW, QLD, Australia
It is a healthy tree with low branches, it looks interesting. Has lots of fruit.
Ice Cream Bean
I live in Moe VICTORIA and have got a tree to 3.5 metres in about 5 years. Facing north in front of a shed. Maybe proper fruit in years to come....
I am dying to try this fruit, I had a small sapling but I realised I would never ba able to get fruit off it in a pot so I gave it away to a local mango farm that also runs a cafe/ice cream shop as a tourist attraction. I thought it might be interest...
Ice Cream Bean
I am in Hazelbrook Blue Mtns NSW and have young Inga edulis trees from Daleys which cope well with frost. Most of my garden gets hit hard by frost, which has effected other subtropical plants but not this one I would rate as medium to hardy frost tol
Ice Cream Bean
My tree is two n half years and is now producing 100 - 150mm fruit pods. enjoys north aspect, handles strong breeze too. Still waiting to try the fruit!
Ice Cream Bean
Most of inga sold in the nurseries is not true inga edulisInga edulis has very long pod and is smooth and greenMost inga trees seen near Brisbane has short and hairy yellow podsThere is a true one in mount cootha botanical garden
Lockyer Valley, QLD, Australia, Australia
Ice Cream Bean
We planted a mature potted tree a year ago and we have fruit now, after floods, frost and drought conditions during that time.
Ice Cream Bean
We have many around the house on our property and make a wonderful shady sitting area. The birds are a joy to watch and the grandkids love climbing them also-good for attaching swings. Be sure not to plant near the house as the roots go forever.Millions o
Port Harcourt, RIVER
Ice Cream Bean
For the past three years, my Inga Edulis will flower but will not fruit. Whats the problem?
Ojai, CA
Ice Cream Bean
I grew one from's in a container in my bathroom, excellent conditions there along with passionfruit and kumquats. The bean is now almost 4 ft. tall and thriving!
Ice Cream Bean
Councils should be wary planting these as there is potential to be weed like as every seed shoots even before it gets to the ground recommend pruning as if too big hard to get fruit in it's prime great for garnish on dessert or just snack in the afternoon
Auckland, NZ
Ice Cream Bean
Mine has been fruiting in Auckland for several years. I'd like to know if the beans are edible too?
Ottawa, ON
Ice Cream Bean
This tree can be grown indoors, but during the cold season it won't do anything. You should be ready to prune it as well. No fruits yet, but I read it takes 3 years, and I've had it for 2.5 years. It is a very hardy grower even in a pot, loves sun.
Sydeny, 2449
Ice Cream Bean
There make good climbing trees so u can eat them when your up there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noosa Hinterland, QLD, Australia
Ice Cream Bean
Hi! We have two growing in different locations on our property,one is growing very fast and have discovered its potential to multiply with many seedlings popping up. Need to keep an eye on it .
Wyndham Vale, VIC, Australia
Frostbite!! Poor little thing. I thought it was much hardier than it was...
Blackwater, QLD, Australia
was not to happy in a 100lt pot at first but growing well now
Todos Santos, MEX
Ice Cream Bean
I planted mine 5 years ago and just got first fruit this year. It now stands at 20 feet . looks like it wants to be really big and is covered in flowers. As I think I am the only one with Inga tree in Todos Santos I assume they are self pollenating.
Toormina , NSW
Ice Cream Bean
I love this tree but it makes such a mess. Every seed dropped has the potential to grow. I am constantly pulling the young trees out of the garden & lawn. Lovely tree but I would not recommend planting in a normal sized houseyard.
Ballina, NSW
Ice Cream Bean
Every summer, The pods become an obsession for the white correllas,and I'm not left with many good pods!!they eat them and shred them..but hey Birds need to eat too!
Keperra, QLD, Australia
Okay, not really mine, but grown by my neighbour between our houses. I take care of it though because I like the fruit. I just cut it back when it looks like clogging the gutters and maybe give it a bit of fertilizer, but it really takes care of itself...
WALLARAH, NSW, Australia
Newly planted trees, I've seen a couple of nice specimens only a couple of K's from my place so I thought I'd give them a try.
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
Fast growing, attractive shade tree with long, sweet pods kids love to snack from. I grow them as quick, growing pioneer plant that will be cut down later when other fruit trees need its space.
Ice Cream Bean
Nikhil - it is growing over 198 bus stop near 313 Boundary Street (past Dornoch bridge towards river). There are also some in the community gardens in the park at Paradise Street.
Santa Barbara, CA
Ice Cream Bean
I started my tree from seed indoors under artificial light this tree grew profusely its been in there one year and is already over 5' tall it loves abundant nutrients and water, beautiful pinnate leaves, going outside in spring under a warm california sun
Yetman, N.S.W, Australia, Australia
Ice Cream Bean
Hi, could someone please tell me how & what to do with the fruit as I am a new owner. Beautiful tree.
Ice Cream Bean
The ice cream bean is not on the DPI's list of weeds, neither is it included in a government list of "potential weeds" which discussed hundreds of plants. A search of the DPI and the EPA websites does not show up with anything at all.
Ice Cream Bean
Hello Carol Leung, Where in West End are these trees? Which street?I'd like to go and have a look.
Ice Cream Bean
We have several I. edulis here, all about 15 years old. All about 10m tall. Passiflora edulis var flavicarpa (yellow passionfruit) loves growing amongst these guys, and will grow to the canopy, fruiting profusely.
Ice Cream Bean
Just harvested first time nice flavour grew ok we are near the sea illawarra region nsw now 4 meters high
Ice Cream Bean
This is a noxious weed and should not be planted in rural situations where it can spread into the environment. I poisoned all of our dozen or so trees.
Ice Cream Bean
WE have 10 acres next to a creek our tree is about 15 years old and is HUGE!IT'S ABOUT THE SIZE of a Circus tent
Ice Cream Bean
This tree is awesome,I usually grow rare chillies and out of the blue I bought it it was at the end of last summer and wow it is fruiting already but fruit is not ripe yet
Cowes, VIC, Australia, Australia
Ice Cream Bean
Created a nice little micro climate out of the wind, but just wanted to let you know it grows well as far south as Phillip Island, Victoria
Ice Cream Bean
Planted by Council next to road - spreads exceedingly fast during summer and requires pruning to keep it off the road. Takes a while before good volumes of plump fruit are produced.
Ice Cream Bean
Planted one on the nature strip 4 years ago and it's now 10 foot tall. Beautiful weeping foliage, nitrogen fixer, interesting flowers and delicious fruit. Tough as nails once established. Appreciates good water.
Ice Cream Bean
An observation-left outside in a pot for 4yrs.Hamered by frost' but survived.Once planted grew quickly and is fruiting profusely