Miracle Fruit
Synsepalum dulcificum$19.75 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)
Specifications of Miracle Fruit
Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 1-2m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Suitability in Pots Yes
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%), Part (Sun:50-80%)
Preferred Soil Type Perfect Drainage (Sand/Volcanic), Good Drainage
Soil pH Moderately Acidic (5.5-6.5)
Fruiting/Harvest Months May, June, July, August, September, October
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Customer Tips & Reviews Miracle Fruit
Miracle Fruit
Have heard some cool things about this plant and wanted to be able to impress any mates who come to visit.
Miracle Fruit
I had heard of the Miracle fruit, and after talking with someone who has one growing I decided I must try one as well!. I received my plant in excellent condition in March 2023, have just got the keys to my new home so will be planting my Miracle fruit in my new garden. It has flourished in the large pot I placed it in, and I'm sure will love being planted into the ground. I look forward to trying the fruit for myself some time soonish.
Miracle Fruit
my tree arrived safe and sound. I repotted it and it is growing slowly. it's leaves began to go a little red but that was resolved by a drink of worm tea :) I'm so impatient for it to start fruiting
Miracle Fruit
Great party trick - try with crappy red wine and the wine will taste like high-end port. Please share your fruit with anyone going through chemotherapy, it helps them actually eat. Shame more people (drs) don't know this.
Miracle Fruit
I live in Adelaide so need to keep my plant indoors. I pollinate by using a very small, soft paint brush and dab each flower. First fruit this year after a 4 year wait.
Expensive little plant , looking forward to trying the berries , it's ready to go , little tiny flowers .
I had a very sucessful miracle fruit bush but I gave it away to a local mango farm that also runs a cafe/ice cream shop as a tourist attraction. I thought it might be interesting for them to show their visitors.
COBURG, VIC, Australia
Growing quite well. During Melbourne's winter I have brought it inside and stopped watering it, and it is coping. Apparently likes acidic conditions so it is growing in a camelia potting mix. I periodically add coffee grounds to the top of the po...
Miracle Fruit
After 5 years I finally have some berries. Tried it the other day with lemon, grapefruit and other fruits. Also tried it with black coffee. As expected all the biterness was gone and everything tasted very sweet.
Miracle Fruit
My tree is 9 years old and grows in the garden near a crepe myrtle - allowing it morning sun I feed it fruit tree fertilizer 3-4 times a year but is a thirsty tropical plant and loves frequent waterings. Plentiful berries (100 or so) 3 times a year
This is a freaky plant, I love it. A miracle fruit for diabetics, after I tried one i had to have one straight away. The fruit basically blinds your sour taste buds making sour things taste sweet,you can eat a lemon or lime without screwing your f...
HILLARYS, WA, Australia
a real talking point. Really works as it should! Loves heat so grows well in summer but struggles with Perth winter. I treat it as a deciduous tree in Perth. Fruits every year though. Semi-shade required in Perth. These fruits really enhance th...
attractive little plant, likes the shade, fruit has small amount of flesh but excellent flavour
Miracle Fruit
Received my plant last year and has been in a pot under my back verandah (receiving afternoon sun) ever since and growing slowly but surely. Can now see flower buds forming all over it. Very exciting to see! Will boost with azalea fertilizer in spring.
Everton Hills Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Miracle Fruit
Tree is 60cm & 20 years old fruits 3 times year now growing in garden eastern aspect with shade from a tree on the north & house on west by 2.30
MANLY WEST, QLD, Australia
I have it growing in the ground . Morning sun only . Red clay/loam soil that i keep moist . Even though i get hundreds of berries every year i have only tried it once . I am not game to eat anything after i try one as it lasted 12 hours . Other people ...
Miracle Fruit
I planted on the West side of the house. Leaves started curling and looking very sunburnt. So 2 weeks ago replanted the miracle bush into another pot under the front veranda; East side. It now looks very happy and showing new growth :)
This is my newest plant. I love the novelty of this plant and am curious to try it.
Bundaberg, Qld, Australia
Mine is a tiny little plant which has suffered from being appetising to geese. Virtually no growth since being planted two years ago. Now protected from attack. More of a novelty plant really. Good for diabetics with a sweet tooth apparently. No fruit ...
Richardson, A.C.T
Miracle Fruit
Plant doing very well in a narrow but deep pot .I'm in Canberra so brought it in over winter and put it under a HPS lighting. Plant too young to fruit yet. Yates Osmocote slow release pelets seem to do the trick. Use Azalea potting mixture.
Athelstone, SA, Australia
slow growing needs acidic soil survived adelaide 2009 winter no flowers / fruit yet keep in filtered light in the harsh adelaide summerattractive plant give good drainage
Perth, WA
Miracle Fruit
Growing nicely in pots in perth. Currently sitting in partial shade
Miracle Fruit
You can hand pollinate this fruit by using your nails to brush against the flower gentally. White pollen will fall on the nails and used to wipe the stigma of many flowers. You can tell the flowers are open as there is a very strong perfume that wafts.
Pawtucket, RI
Miracle Fruit
I'm not sure but i think these are wind pollinated. Perhaps if you gently shake your plants when they're in flower, you may have more berries. Then again, maybe not.That toothbrush method sounds successful too.
Calvert, QLD, Australia
I can't wait to play tricks on a mate when they come over for a beer.I only wish I bought it through Daleys, as I got it posted to me for $28 and it is way to small. We could have got it through Daleys and it would have cost much the same but we would ...
Miracle Fruit
My bush is nearly 2 years old and is fruiting prolificly now. Did had lack of fruit until now.
Ftworth, TX
Miracle Fruit
I have about 20 flower buds but none have bloomed in 4+ weeks, I'm using the 50/50 perlite/peat moss soil mix. Any ideas? also how do I pollinate?
Keperra, QLD, Australia
Purchased this one quite advanced, and it fruited straight away. Got around 5 berries the first year and lots forming spring 2010. Makes any not quite right/ripe citrus taste as sweet as candy! It is absolutely fantastic and highly recommended.Seeds al...
Melbourne, VIC
Miracle Fruit
My plant is indoors in a pot, so insect pollination is not an option. Only ever had 1-2 random berries. A couple of weeks back I tried 'buzz pollination' with an electric toothbrush (like with tomatoes) and now I've got about 40 berries coming.
Hastings, VIC, Australia
Died in Winter though we did not have frost it appears to want more heat than we have
Santo Domingo, National District, DO
Very slow growing plants, doesnt like too much sun, I prune off dead leaves. still in 1 gallon pots after 1 year.
WALLARAH, NSW, Australia
Not much to tell at this point. I have three in hydroponics and three in pots. Apparently they are very slow growers and conflicting evidence about cold tolerance. I'm keeping them warm to be safe.
Unanderra, NSW, Australia
I grow this in a pot and bring it inside in winter. The fruit is amazing - turning everything you eat sour into delicous sweetness. Lat night i tried some red wine after eating a miracle fruit and it tasted like port!!
Millner, NT , Australia, Australia
Miracle Fruit
I had mine growing initially along the border line, fencing. Then I decided to transferred it between 2 foxtail palms, with morning sunshine, lots of top soil & slow release fertizers = hundred of fruits!
Wyongah, NSW, Australia, Australia
Miracle Fruit
From previous experience it needs a lot of wampth and is very frost tender.I plan to put my plant near the pool so that ambient heat may keep it going over wineterIt is such a fun plant to share with kids.my daughters adore it!
Gold Coast, QLD
Miracle Fruit
1M height in full sun on Gold Coast. Plentiful fruit mid to late February.
Madison, , WI
Miracle Fruit
I had mine growing in a pot for 6 months inside...only one fruit so far,the buds would just die before blooming. I added Miracid too. I searched and finally was told that problem was 'pollinating'! Here in Wisconsin, do I have to wait till next spring?
Brandon, FL
Miracle Fruit
I had mine growing in a pot for 6 months...no fruit, the flowers would just die after blooming and then nothing. I added an azalea type fertilizer (acid loving) and bam, 3 fruits within 2 weeks.
East Malaysia, KELAN
Miracle Fruit
How to store miracle fruit.U can use thick and fit plastic tupperware, put in aroung the 'very old' newspaper in and wrap the miracle fruit with other very old newspaper, put in freezer vegetable section. I'm sure u can save itu until 30 days.
Miami, FL
Miracle Fruit
I mix peat moss old fruit and vegetable peices and daily coffee grounds to make the soil to grow the seed we get from our older plants. The new baby seeds do wonderfully and the older plants give 10Xs more fruit.
Miracle Fruit
Growing great in a pot in Wollongong, surviving the winter without any problems. It does better in a partially shaded spot.