Naranjilla fruit growing on tree

(1/3) Naranjilla fruit growing on tree By Muséum de Toulouse [CC BY 3.0] (Photo Credits)

Naranjilla For Sale (Size: Medium)  (Grown from Seed)

(2/3) Naranjilla For Sale (Size: Medium) (Grown from Seed)

Leaf of the Naranjilla

(3/3) Leaf of the Naranjilla



Solanum quitoense
This small orange fruit can be used to make a delicious juice considered a delicacy in South America. This small spreading herbaceous shrub is very attractive with large leaves that have a purple velvet effect. Although some plants can have thorns on the ... Read More


Specifications of Naranjilla

Preferred Climate Tropical, SubtropicalLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Likes Temps above 5deg

Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA

Suitability in Pots Yes

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Fruiting/Harvest Months May, June, July, August, September, October

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Naranjilla Reviews & Tips

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Janet Vargas
9y ago

Golden Grove, SA, Australia


Years ago in the 80s I found some seeds to grow Narajillas. Since I was not confident to grow them, I asked a local nursery with a special set-up to try them for me they had no success. So this is a wonderful opportunity to purchase plants from Dayleyshey?

kenny kenezel
★★★ 9y ago


Delicous fruit and absolutely stunning foliage.


★★★ 9y ago

Bellbird Park, QLD, Australia

Unique plant, with purple spikey leaves. Has flowered, but hasn't fruited yet. I am looking forward to making some juice from its fruit when the time finally comes.

★★★ 11y ago


Has taken a beating from multiple moves etc. It's still fairly happy though. I expect good growth once it gets some stability

★★★ 11y ago


Overwatered or curl grubs.Nice decorative plant, easy to grow.Fruit tasted like the unripe picked kiwi fruit you get at supermarkets.

Nick Nelson
12y ago

Willoughby, NSW, Australia


Growing Naranjilla in Sydney Lower North Shore, grows like a weed and sets fruit abundantly truly delicious and did not miss a beat despite wilting on our recent 46 Deg C Days

★★★★★ 13y ago

Miranda, NSW, Australia

Bought this in August 2011in a 140mm pot , it was about 200mm high. Now (early Nov2011) it is about 900mm high & very attractive. In a pot in azalea mix, doing very well thanks to all the tips from Daleys customers.(shaded spot) I'll probably get anoth...

★★★★ 13y ago

Bundaberg, Qld, Australia

Interesting and beautiful plant. Watch those prickles! Seems to be a spreading variety and it sends runners off in every direction. Only growns about 1.5M tall and then spreads out. Seems to fruit all year round. Fruit is golf ball size or slightly lar...

13y ago

Sydney, NSW


Mine was growing really well in Sydney but got smashed in the heat. not sure whether to try again. Any thoughts?

14y ago

Dapto, NSW


I planted one of these last year, It grew rapidly over the summer, but it has been savaged by the winter here in the Illawarra. I'm not sure it will survive.




★★★★ 15y ago

Hastings, VIC, Australia

Grew fantastically in Summer, healthy and highly ornamental to about 1.5 m tall and wide, set a lot of fruitt but they were too late to ripen, and the plant did not survive the Winter. %uFFFDI guess Egg Plant and tomato do not survive Winter either. %u...

15y ago

Winmalee, NSW, Australia

Got rid of it - Not a quality tasting fruit and painful to deal with

16y ago



This is the most amazing fruit i have ever had. i am currently living in costa rica and my host family makes naranjilla juice for me and it is unlike any juice i have ever had in the states. simply delicious. i wonder what nutritional value it has as well

16y ago

Tabulam , NSW, Australia


It seems to set fruit really well in autumn, but has a heat related depression of fruit set in summer here. Web info re frost is contradictory, i will test it out. They are very nutrient and water hungry o/wise do well in large pots.Use liquid feeds often

Ivan Chavez
16y ago

Narara, Sydney, NSW, Australia


If you keep naranjilla juice for too long it will turn dark brown. It is also the most delicious juice ever

17y ago

Nyc, NY


I would like to make an ice cream with naranjilla

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