Broad Leaf Papaya fruit

(1/6) Broad Leaf Papaya fruit

Papaya Southern Red

(2/6) Papaya Southern Red

Paw Paw Southern Red Tree

(3/6) Paw Paw Southern Red Tree

Left is the Male flower. Right is the Female flower

(4/6) Left is the Male flower. Right is the Female flower

This is an example of a bisexual flower

(5/6) This is an example of a bisexual flower

This is an example of a Male Flower

(6/6) This is an example of a Male Flower



Also known in Australia as paw paw trees these fast growing trees can commence bearing within 12 months of planting. Papaya are often cultivated as garden trees due to their attractive shape, manageable size and large tropical looking foliage as well as ... Read More
Other Names: PawPaw, Paw Paw

Papaya - Broad Leaf

$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)

Large, elongated red fruit with great flavour on a tree with large striking foliage. Needs a warm frost free climate to thrive. Pollination is required so best to have 3 to ensure at least one female
Aramex Free Freight

Papaya - Yellow H13

$14.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Yellow Fleshed Papaya. Vigorous and heavy cropping selection. Yellows purportedly do better in cooler climates than red varieties. Still with that great tropical papaya flavour. Partner with lime juice for a zesty refreshing snack. Dioecious variety- Male and Female Flowers on different plants. Plant multiple Papayas for fruit set in dioecious varieties.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Papaya - Red RB4 Hybrid

$14.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Red-pink fleshed variety. These hybrid trees are bisexual so self-fruitful, however, plant two or more to increase yield. Papaya is a highly nutritious food source that is delicious, quick and easy to grow. Plant in a warm, sunny location and regularly feed. Good drainage is required as papaya do not like wet feet. Plant in raised beds, on a slope or directly in free draining soil. Protect your fruits from birds and bats when they are close to ripening. They can be picked a little early to ripen off the tree. Enjoy growing your awesome Papayas!
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea


$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Attractive tall branching plant. Bears goose-egg size yellow/orange fruits. The flesh surrounding the seed tastes like Babaco. Plants are either male or female.Prefers well drained soil, mature plants are more tolerant of dry periods. Papayuelo can be cooked and used as a vegetable when green. Once picked it will continue to ripen. Grows well in subtropical climates.
Aramex Free Freight

Papaya - Southern Red

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Bisexual orange - red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. Seedlings have been selected from high quality self pollinated selection, so expect at least 80% bisexual plants. Performs best in a sheltered warm location.

Papaya - Red Army

$29.00 ($21.00-$29.00 choose a size)

Early cropping with vibrant red flesh. To keep it dwarfed you must cut it back immediately after fruiting or in Spring. High yielding, tasty fruit, and self pollinating. Precocious and fruits in under 6 months and under 1m tall. Enrich free draining soil with compost in a warm protected position for best results. Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus.
Pre Order Options

Dwarf Papaya - Southern Red


This cutting grown Papaya is dwarfed in size and the fruit is produced low to the ground. Bisexual red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. It is possible to have fruit within 4 months rather then waiting18 months from a seed.

Papaya - Sunrise Solo

$23.90 ($4.90-$23.90 choose a size)

Sunrise Solo is a pink fleshed bisexual papaya. It is the most commonly grown papaya worldwide. The fruit is small, pear shaped with a very sweet, musky flavour. They grow true to type and you can use the seeds to re grow them, as long as they are not cross pollinated with other papayas.

Dwarf Papaya Torpedo


Discontinued line. Looking for a reliable supplier of seed. Heirloom Thai variety which will begin to yield from as little as 4 feet in height and will continue to crop abundantly even when pruned to shorter statures. Fruits, which are long and pink fleshed, can reach lengths of up to 55cm. Very prolific and reliable producer of firm and sweet papaya of unsurpassed quality. Popular Thai Papaya called Khak-dam in Thailand. Red fleshed with characteristic Torpedo shape

Papaya Berry - Oak Leaf


Bears small, bright orange fruit 50mm long, with a sweet smell and juicy, sweet pulp. Very cold hardy but does not like wet feet in winter. Attractive large oak shaped leaves make this an interesting garden plant. We use it as a rootstock for Babaco.

Papaya - Sunny Red


A Torpedo shaped red papaya selection bred in sunny Queensland. It is a small to medium height tree. Great flavour and colour. Mostly female and bisexual plants. This is a trial product and not fully tested so planting more than one is recommended for production. Papayas are fast croppers and in 12-18months from planting you could be eating delicious and nutritious home grown flavoursome papaya's. Beauty of Papayas is that you can also eat them green and if you haven't tried a Thai Som Tum salad - definitely put it on your kitchen or dining to do list. Enjoy!

Papaya - Sri Lankan Red


A red fleshed papaya from Sri Lanka. Produces large, sweet, elongated fruit up to 1kg with orange-red flesh. Bisexual papayas are generally self pollinating, occasional females can be expected these will fruit best if pollinated by a male but will produce seedless fruit on their own. These seedless, female fruits are not so flavoursome.

Dwarf Papaya - Col de Monte


Most commonly found in cultivation in Ecuador between 600 and 1,700m elevation bearing small yellow fruits. There, the people like the fruit so much that they protect and nurture even wild specimens. The smooth, hard-skinned fruit has 5 faint ridges and a orange skin. Taste is highly variable. Some of its fruits are quite sweet with an attractive taste somewhat like apples. Others are astringent and barely edible, even cooked. Some of these small, fragrant fruits are eaten raw and usually mixed with other fruits. Cooked with lemon and sugar they have been likened to stewed apricots. Their firmness makes them suitable for drying and candying, and they freeze well. The young seedlings and mature leaves are cooked as greens (hence the common name col de monte, which, translated, means mountain cabbage.) The plant grows vigorously, but reaches only 1 - 3m in height. It is generally monoecious, commonly having male and female flowers together on the same inflorescence.

Papaya - Richter Gold


A yellow dioecious variety producing yellow, broad, round fruit that has some degree of tolerance to ripe fruit rots. There are lots of local selections of the Richter Gold. They seem to perform better in the Subtropics than the Bisexual Papayas. You will need more than 1 tree to insure you have cross pollination to allow for males.

Papaya- Yellow YD1B Hybrid


The most widely grown of all the hybrids in Australia, fruit is oblong, is very clean, flesh is firm, and is a medium yielding tree. Hybrids are the result of crossing 2 (stable) parent lines. Hybrids are more vigorous than their parents, produce more fruit and are less susceptible to disease. All papaya are affected by climatic changes but when grown under stable conditions hybrids are very consistent in fruit shape and size.

Papaya - Broad Leaf

$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)

Large, elongated red fruit with great flavour on a tree with large striking foliage. Needs a warm frost free climate to thrive. Pollination is required so best to have 3 to ensure at least one female
Aramex Free Freight

Papaya - Yellow H13

$14.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Yellow Fleshed Papaya. Vigorous and heavy cropping selection. Yellows purportedly do better in cooler climates than red varieties. Still with that great tropical papaya flavour. Partner with lime juice for a zesty refreshing snack. Dioecious variety- Male and Female Flowers on different plants. Plant multiple Papayas for fruit set in dioecious varieties.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Papaya - Red RB4 Hybrid

$14.75 ($2.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Red-pink fleshed variety. These hybrid trees are bisexual so self-fruitful, however, plant two or more to increase yield. Papaya is a highly nutritious food source that is delicious, quick and easy to grow. Plant in a warm, sunny location and regularly feed. Good drainage is required as papaya do not like wet feet. Plant in raised beds, on a slope or directly in free draining soil. Protect your fruits from birds and bats when they are close to ripening. They can be picked a little early to ripen off the tree. Enjoy growing your awesome Papayas!
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea


$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Attractive tall branching plant. Bears goose-egg size yellow/orange fruits. The flesh surrounding the seed tastes like Babaco. Plants are either male or female.Prefers well drained soil, mature plants are more tolerant of dry periods. Papayuelo can be cooked and used as a vegetable when green. Once picked it will continue to ripen. Grows well in subtropical climates.
Aramex Free Freight

Papaya - Southern Red

$19.75 ($4.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Bisexual orange - red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. Seedlings have been selected from high quality self pollinated selection, so expect at least 80% bisexual plants. Performs best in a sheltered warm location.

Papaya - Red Army

$29.00 ($21.00-$29.00 choose a size)

Early cropping with vibrant red flesh. To keep it dwarfed you must cut it back immediately after fruiting or in Spring. High yielding, tasty fruit, and self pollinating. Precocious and fruits in under 6 months and under 1m tall. Enrich free draining soil with compost in a warm protected position for best results. Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus.
Pre Order Options

Dwarf Papaya - Southern Red


This cutting grown Papaya is dwarfed in size and the fruit is produced low to the ground. Bisexual red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. It is possible to have fruit within 4 months rather then waiting18 months from a seed.

Papaya - Sunrise Solo

$23.90 ($4.90-$23.90 choose a size)

Sunrise Solo is a pink fleshed bisexual papaya. It is the most commonly grown papaya worldwide. The fruit is small, pear shaped with a very sweet, musky flavour. They grow true to type and you can use the seeds to re grow them, as long as they are not cross pollinated with other papayas.

Dwarf Papaya Torpedo


Discontinued line. Looking for a reliable supplier of seed. Heirloom Thai variety which will begin to yield from as little as 4 feet in height and will continue to crop abundantly even when pruned to shorter statures. Fruits, which are long and pink fleshed, can reach lengths of up to 55cm. Very prolific and reliable producer of firm and sweet papaya of unsurpassed quality. Popular Thai Papaya called Khak-dam in Thailand. Red fleshed with characteristic Torpedo shape

Papaya Berry - Oak Leaf


Bears small, bright orange fruit 50mm long, with a sweet smell and juicy, sweet pulp. Very cold hardy but does not like wet feet in winter. Attractive large oak shaped leaves make this an interesting garden plant. We use it as a rootstock for Babaco.

Papaya Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Kevin Oxford
5y ago

Glen Forrest, WA, Australia


Name confusion - In Australia usually red flesh = papaya, yellow flesh = pawpaw. In USA,sometimes all papaya are called papaya and a different species, Asimina triloba, is called pawpaw. but it seems this is not consistent in either country

Rhys Rigsby
6y ago

Lakewood, Ohio, Australia, Australia


A papaya is not a pawpaw, irregardless of what you call it. Pawpaws are a completely different fruit than a papaya.Pawpaws are native to the US. And are often called Custard Apples.

6y ago

Brisbane , Qld , Australia

Papaya - Southern Red

Pawpaw, the common name used in Australia for Papaya spp. (for over 40 years) vary in quality and flavour. The 1st red/orange Pawpaw I tried was in 1993 and I was hooked. I've watched a fruit bat & a possum fight over one in my tree. Obviously Popular!

9y ago

Virginiab, VA

Papaya - Col de Monte

I gotta preferred this web web page it appears very valuable quite advantageous ebfgddefggdfacdf

Carl Ramirez
14y ago

Kensington, NSW

Paw Paw

Grow from seeds, planted densely in a garden bed. This ensures a mix of male, female and bisexual plants. Let them grow into each other as a natural form of grafting.

15y ago

Wollongong, NSW

Paw Paw

Here in Oz we call them paw paws! Just tasted my first homegrown bisexual paw paw (papaya) and was amazed how much better tasting it was compared to the insipid paw paws that are common in supermarkets. Very sweet with a wonderful aftertaste.

E. Griffith
15y ago

Berkeley, CA

Paw Paw

The name Paw paw also refers to Asimina triloba. I was disappointed to find this article about papayas under the paw paw name. Essentially I agree with Mr. Morgan's view.

Murray Hallam
16y ago

North Maclean, QLD, Australia

Pawpaw - Red RD2 Hybrid

I am growing the Bi Sexual Red Pawpaw in my Aquaponics system. It is growing amazingly well setting fruit just 10 weeks from seedling.

Matt Morgan
16y ago

Dallas, TEXAS

Paw Paw

I believe Pawpaw is a little grown North American tree with fruit somewhat like the Annonas. The kinds you list here seem to be papayas, which are not synonymous with the term pawpaw. However, a real pawpaw can grow in temperate climates also!

David White
18y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Paw Paw

Mine is a single red bisexual variety. Grown against an Eastern facing wall, it weathers Winters quite well. Prolific bearer, likes good water and heavy feeding. Lopping produces multi-stems. Green fruit can be eaten as a vegetable. Very sweet when ripe.

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