Beautiful Pepino

(1/3) Beautiful Pepino By Supamas Ihakjit [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Pepino Flowers

(2/3) Pepino Flowers

Flowers of Pepino plants

(3/3) Flowers of Pepino plants




A small satin-like fruit streaked with purple stripes and varying in colour from golden-yellow to apricot. The pale yellowish-green flesh has a juicy melon-like texture. It is a delicious subtle flavoured fruit similar to a honeydew or rockmelon.

Closely related to the tomato this shrub grows in a sprawling habit and makes an excellent ground cover plant. It tends to fruit better when grown over a trellis. The foliage is susceptible to damage by light to moderate frosts, however will quickly recover with warmer weather.

For further information:

Pepino - Kendall Gold

$14.75 ($14.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Small bush rarely above 1 m tall with yellow fruit stripped purple up to 10cm. Flavour is like a juicy rock melon. Only pick fragrant, slightly soft fruit which are ripe.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.90ea

Pepino Berry


Fruits are round berries, to 2cm in size, which ripen to yellow or pale green, with dark-colored longitudinal stripes. The flavor and texture, while similar to the pepino, tends to be tangier and more juicy. Performs best in a warm, relatively frost-free climates.

Pepino - Kendall Gold

$14.75 ($14.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Small bush rarely above 1 m tall with yellow fruit stripped purple up to 10cm. Flavour is like a juicy rock melon. Only pick fragrant, slightly soft fruit which are ripe.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.90ea

Pepino Berry


Fruits are round berries, to 2cm in size, which ripen to yellow or pale green, with dark-colored longitudinal stripes. The flavor and texture, while similar to the pepino, tends to be tangier and more juicy. Performs best in a warm, relatively frost-free climates.

Pepino Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Kevin Little
10y ago

Midway Pt Tas, TAS


We are growing quite large fruit at midway Pt in tassie

Cheryl Walsh
11y ago

Sebaspotpol, VICTO


Pepino I got it back as I have2 of them looks stale wood type as I have use a tresel may be I should will this come back this spring or summer or do I start again and the same with the lemonverbel too thanks.cheryl.

Maria Kerry
11y ago

Norwich England Uk, N/A


I have only recently acquired one and didn't really know what it was so have found these comments very useful. Mine is a very healthy plant just coming in to flower. Don't know how long will have to wait for fruit . It's in a pot in my greenhouse.

12y ago

Melbourne, VIC, Australia


I gave my pepino plant a cut back a few months ago, it is now close to 1 meter tall I have made a trellis for it, I have already taken 6 pepinos from the plant, and took some cuttings 3 months ago that have been translated in the garden.

Raylee Pittard
12y ago

Esperance, WA, Australia


Ours is 3 years old. Had trouble when allowing to grow on ground, slaters, snails etc. Husband put a fence of arc mesh around it to hold up branches. Bush is loaded now with at least 30 fruit, some as large as small rockmelons.

Valerie Cameron
12y ago

Strathalbyn 5255, S A


Keep Pipinos off the ground in wine barrel or similiar mine is loaded and this in July hope they ripen as it seems unseasonal

Michael Tinson
13y ago

Maitland, 2320, NSW, Australia


If you want large sweet tasting crops use Brunnings Tomato & veg Plant Food I have 3 plant 3 months my family of 2adults 3 kids cant keep up with them neighbor are loving it

Ulrich G.
13y ago

Rockhampton, QLD


I have my pepino in a large pot and it cascaded over the edge. I found that the branched started developing roots and where they touched the ground I had more bushes growing. I cut these branches off and now have quite a few new plants in pots.

Pamela L. Catapia
14y ago

Batangas , NONE


Pepino isvery usefull because it canbe addition to many desserets,side dishes and hEALTH-consciousmeals.Italso interesting to plant and you can have a business out of it by selling it in to your friends and others.........................................

Hugh Schroeder
14y ago

Dromana, VIC


Hi guys,try dried fruit, before drying stand sliced and cut fruit in lime juice for 5 minutes, the dry in fruit drier.yummmmy or try stew apples with equal amount of pepino. Hug Schroeder- Mornngton Peninsula Vic 13 March 2011

Pauline Borg
14y ago

Deer Park, VIC


Grown in full sun in pot. just picked our first fruit after the bush was planted in september. One large fruit with four smaller ones. Pick when a pale yellow with purple mottled stripes and slight give to flesh. Melony texture and yummy to eat.

Nathen Brickly
14y ago

Busselton, WA


Need a good watering but does the pepino need any specal elements in the soil

Nathen Brickly
14y ago

Busselton, WA


I just have a couple of plants and i plant then 30 to 45 cm apart from each other and im surprise how much it has grown

Wendy Rushbrook
14y ago

Stansbury, SA


Pepinos are a good ground cover and snail attractor around fruit trees. Now we have so many I'm drying them and making chutney. My pepinos don't taste too flash on their own, maybe it's because we have very alkaline soil...

Tony Forde
14y ago

York, N.YOR


I have mine on the patio in a large pot.Its about six months old about half a meter high and a meter across has at least eighteen fruits, and are yellow/green no purple.

Anna Gibson
15y ago

Niddrie, VIC, Australia


More than 1 metre high and fruit is yellow/green no purple. anyone else seen fruit with no purple ?

Vicky H.
15y ago

Hallam , VIC


Lve just planted a new shrub of pepino..and am looking forward to my first crop of fruit.

15y ago

Melbourne, VIC, Australia


A great plant! I'm in Melbourne and my outdoor pepino plant gets bit down a bit every winter by the cold but comes back quickly in spring. (perhaps would be better under cover for safety tho) easy to grow from cuttings. nice fruit

Sally Lewis
16y ago

Palmerston North, NZ


I have had mine in for 3 months and am trying to work out if the fruit are ready mine is purple too they seem to do ok in palmerston north so i am happy any one with ideas on how to tell if fruit are ready please post a thing so i can read it thanks

Rob Mcmillan
16y ago

Brisbane, QLD


The Pepino recipes link above from Cecilia is now wrong. Try instead, same site & same recipes. PS they grow well in SE Qld but my dog eats more of them than I do!

Frank Kemp
17y ago

Poole, U.K.


Did well in the U.K. had seven in total from one plant. taste like a Melon

Frank Kemp
17y ago

Poole, Dorset, U.K.


I will let you know, am getting ready to eat my first one. They are as large as a big Tom tomato.. I have about six on my first plant.

Margaret Eldridge
17y ago

Sandy Bay, TASMA


Try sprinkling pepinos with a dusting of ground ginger and castor sugar. Let the dish stand for a while and serve with cream or icecream.Or as a savoury, wrap proscuttio around slices of pepino.

Jane Donaldson
17y ago

Tolga, QLD, Australia, Australia


Pepino is wonderful dried: really intense sweet flavour. good to add to home made muesli

Bruce Roberts
17y ago

Sale, VIC, Australia, Australia


I plant my Pepino in pots (500mm) so I can put them in the sun during summer and under cover to stop frost damage in winter. My first crop was over 50 fruit. A very prolific tasty fruit.

18y ago

Melbourne, VIC, Australia


There are some good pepino recipes here

18y ago

Adelaide, SA, Australia


I'm amazed how prolific and large the fruit is on my little 1 year old Pepino Gold! It seems to like Adelaide and limey soil, and can thrive with less than judicious watering. Does anyone have any recipes for the fruit?

Ray Aquilina
18y ago

Drysdale, VIC, Australia


L grow my pepino in stack of car tyers 3 high.the fruit hangs down and the snails miss out on dessert.

David White
18y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Well worth growing. Fruit tastes like extra juicy and sweet rock melon. Easy to propagate from cuttings and layering. Watch out for fruit fly and snails. Keep fruit clear of the ground and exposed to light. Water well in hot weather.

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