Quince Smyrna Fruiting on the Tree in front of Nursery

(1/6) Quince Smyrna Fruiting on the Tree in front of Nursery

Growing Quince Fruit Trees

(2/6) Growing Quince Fruit Trees

The flower first forming on the Smyrna Quince in the daleys fruit tree nursery carpark where it is being grown via the espalier method

(3/6) The flower first forming on the Smyrna Quince in the daleys fruit tree nursery carpark where it is being grown via the espalier method

Quince - Smyrna For Sale (Large)

(4/6) Quince - Smyrna For Sale (Large)

Spring blossoms open and ready for business

(5/6) Spring blossoms open and ready for business

Quince - Smyrna For Sale (Large)

(6/6) Quince - Smyrna For Sale (Large)


Quince - Smyrna

Cydonia oblonga
Add some gourmet to your garden! The quince is valued for its high pectin content and is used frequently in jams, jellies and cosmetics. This fruit is one of the few that must be cooked as it is too tart, hard and unpalatable to eat raw. The quince tree h... Read More

$49.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Specifications of Quince - Smyrna

Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones

Grown From GraftedLearn About Propagation Methods

Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m

Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination

Can it Handle Frosts? Yes (Often below -2)

Amount of leaves in Winter? No Leaves (Deciduous)

Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA

Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot

Water Requirements Moderate Watering

Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m

Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 5+ Years

Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)

Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage

Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)

Fruiting/Harvest Months March, April, May

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Pear - Corella

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Attractive red skinned flesh with yellow background. Mid season, early flowering variety requiring only a medium chill. Unlike the common green skinned varieties where the skin becomes very thin and hard to differentiate when biting into it. The Corella variety when ripe still has the sweet soft flesh but the skin remains hard and crunchy and it makes for a satisfying mouth feel with the crunchy tasty skin contrasting the very juicy sweet flesh. Moderate juice and the fruit is small to medium sized fruit.Pollinators, Williams, Buerre Bosc, Ya li

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Quince - Smyrna Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

★★★★★ 5months ago


Quince - Smyrna

This plant is doing well in spite of my black thumb. It was as described and very healthy.

★★★★★ 1y ago


Quince - Smyrna

growing beautifully

★★★★★ 1y ago


Quince - Smyrna

Very pleased with early leaves sprouting

★★★★★ 1y ago


Quince - Smyrna

Another healthy plant delivered timely. Thank you

★★★★★ 4y ago

BROKE, NSW, Australia

Fruits every year 


★★★★ 5y ago


Cydonia oblonga. An old tree that was already here when we moved in. Bears ample fruits that are very large and can be 0.5kg each. Easy to peel with a potato peeler. Gets a nice red colour when baked and has great flavour. The tree is easy to care for ...

Helga V Zaane
6y ago

Beechmont, QLD, Australia

Quince - Smyrna

Quince. I had a very old Quince tree in NSW, and cooked the fruit like my pears with blueberries and a little honey to sweeten, so no cane sugar. Very delicious. Lovely served with plain Greek yoghurt. Enjoy

8y ago

Oakey, QLD., Australia

Quince - Smyrna

I use to love eating these as a kid. My mum would slice them into pieces and stew them in water with a small amount of sugar, just like stewed apples. The pieces would turn almost orange-red when cooking and smell delicious. Serve with custard. Yum!



★★★★★ 10y ago


Very large yellow fruit.

Jemma Gibson
12y ago

Montville, QLD, Australia, Australia

Quince Tree - Smyrna

I planted my quince at 473m in the hills behind Sunshine Coast Queensland. I has 6 good fruit on it.



ahimsa cottage
★★★★ 12y ago

BRIGHTON, QLD, Australia

I love the taste of quince jelly and hope to make my own from my garden

Kerri Paine
13y ago

Gosford, NSW, Australia

Quince Tree - Smyrna

Lazy-day recipe: I grate the quince, add lemon juice as it oxidises really quickly. I have sugar/water syrup always made up (for cocktails, etc)Cook on low 20mins in small amount of syrup, stir occasionally. Serve with custard or icecream.

Susan Bryant
14y ago

Preston, VIC, Australia

Quince Tree - Smyrna

If you are impatient, grate the fruit and then cook in a sauce pan with sugar, stirring very frequently, and it'll be ready in 20 minutes...

★★★★★ 14y ago

lawson, nsw, australia

lovely spindley shape; fabulous flowers; there is nothing like the smell of quince; wonderful cooked.

★★★★ 14y ago

Mulbring, NSW, Australia

I love eating quince paste and jelly


★★★★ 15y ago

SAFETY BAY, WA, Australia

Cut right back 2009, lost most of leaves winter 2010, then shot again-produced beautiful flowers & in 2017 enough quince to make quince paste

Sylvia Tolhurst
15y ago

Gosford, NSW

Quince Tree - Smyrna

Quinces can be cooked to perfection in a slow cooker. Peel, cut into eighths. Cover with a light sugar syrup and leave on low overnight. In the morning the house is filled with a wonderful scent and the fruit segments are ruby red.

★★★★ 15y ago

South Maroota, NSW, Australia

Much loved young tree. Can't wait for my first crop.

★★★★★ 15y ago

, , Australia

Begining to flower and have grown near;y twice the size in the short time we have had them, current in pot to be put in ground this month

16y ago

South Coast, NSW, Australia, Australia

Quince - Smyrna

Smyrna is a good variety but not the only one. NSW DPI is a good place to start. Fullers and Van Deman are great tasting so are the old colonial ones. Avoid some of the pumped up Americans such as Missouri Mammoth. There are new Asian varieties on the way

Arnold Thomas Garnsey
16y ago

Elands, NSW, Australia

Quince - Smyrna

My first quince suffered from unknown leaf disease fungi's. (high rainfall and humidity). Replanting where drying air can circulate did the trick.

David White
19y ago

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

Quince - Smyrna

Quinces are really just giant rose hips. Feed heavily with rose food when actively growing. Add potassium for extra flowers. Pulp can be cooked with sugar to make a fabulous black paste or with less sugar and cinnamon as a dessert fruit.

Fay Carey
19y ago

Tacoma, NSW, Australia, Australia

Quince - Smyrna

I have a friend who grew up near Mudgee, in an old hut, during the depression, with Dad away on the road a lot of the time. Food was what you could find [thank God for rabbits] and she found that quinces were delicious raw if you were really hungry.

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