Feijoa Tree
CategoryFeijoa - Mammoth
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Large Oval
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Apollo
$49.00 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Nazematze
$44.00 ($44.00-$99.00 choose a size)
$17.90 ($3.95-$27.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Unique
$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Duffy
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - White Goose PBR
Feijoa - Triumph
Popular in Category: Feijoa Tree
Feijoa - Mammoth
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Large Oval
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Apollo
$49.00 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Nazematze
$44.00 ($44.00-$99.00 choose a size)
$17.90 ($3.95-$27.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Unique
$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - Duffy
$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)
Feijoa - White Goose PBR
Feijoa - Triumph
Customer Tips & Reviews Feijoa Tree
Melbourne , Victoria , Australia
Feijoa Tree
Grew feijoas in my raised garden beds in Kalgoirlie; watered then with the sprinkler from my evap cooling. When looked after they will truly grow anywhere! Feed them well, sit back and enjoy!
Feijoa Tree
Likes a bit of shade and lots of water in the heat but grows well in 40 deg heat I’m amazed normally a cool climate plant
All feijoas truly despise wind when young. My young tree is now quite slow-growing after those harsh winds.
Feijoa - Apollo
Apollo are my favorite...I once had one fruit the size and shape of a large pear.....the pulp went right to the skin and it was sweet as too.
Feijoa Tree
I have plenty of fruit with only one Feijoa tree and none nearby, so I'm not sure about the comment of needing more than one for pollination.
Feijoa Tree
Is it esential to have more than one fejoa tree for pollination. Mine flowers profusely every year, but no fruits.
Flagstaff Hill, S.A, Australia
Feijoa Tree
If growning in South Australia improve your soil you intend to grow it in as this helps to get good root grown hence healthier plant, give an annual feed of fertiliser,keep up the water over summer and you will enjoy a good crop in late March to mid April
Salisbury Downs, S.A
Feijoa Tree
Growing a pineapple feijoa in a pot for 2 yrs with no fruit this year I fed it with magnesium sulfate had lots of flowers & at present have about 10 fruit hanging on can't wait to try some!
Central Coast, NSW
Feijoa Tree
The Fijoa tree is NOT a native of New Zealand but a native of South America.
Christchurch, NZ
Feijoa Tree
Always get a ladder and pick them before they fall.they will taste better when they dont fall to the ground.
Feijoa Tree
Feijoas are excellent preserved. Make up a sugar syrup like standard preserving and mmm yummo. Makes the flavour of the feijoa stronger and delicious.
Feijoa Tree
When we lived in Auckland we had a feijoa hedge and masses of fruit. We used to make feijoa wine. It is to die for but quite potent, so watch out.
Berry , NSW
Feijoa Tree
Fruit fly loves Feijoa, so treat accordingly. Makes lovely jam too. Easily grown, very attractive bush.
Lower Wilmot, TAS, Australia, Australia
Feijoa Tree
To have the fruit all year round: Scoop out pulp and mix in blender with half the amount of sugar as pulp and freeze in air tight containers. Lasts for years. Bon apetit
Feijoa Tree
Easy grown but has issues with Fruit Flies so need care to collect all dropped fruit and use fruit fly baits or trap.