Small Leaf Lilly Pilly
CategorySmall Leaf Lilly Pilly OR Riberry
Syzgium luehmannii (syn. Eugenia luehmannii)
Buy RiberryDecorative tall shrub or tree with fleshy red berries.
FEATURES: Glossy lance-shaped leaves are pinkred when young. Fluffy white flowers in Spring to Summer. Showy pink-red fruits in late Summer to Autumn.
CONDITIONS: Prefers full sun but will tolerate some shade. Soils should be moist, fertile and well drained.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Mulch well with organic matter to maintain moisture and fertility. Water container grown plants freely in the growing season and moderately otherwise. Light pruning will encourage new coloured shoots.
• useful as a solid screen when planted closely
• deep-green glossy foliage makes a good backdrop for other plants
• can be grown in containers