Image of a lemon tree in a pot with a blurred backyard behind it.

(1/2) Image of a lemon tree in a pot with a blurred backyard behind it. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Advanced Fruit Trees are much older and more developed often being able to fruit in the 1st year

(2/2) Advanced Fruit Trees are much older and more developed often being able to fruit in the 1st year


Advanced Fruit Trees

Advanced fruit trees are older and more developed plants. Many are only available for pick up as they are too big for boxes.

Advanced Fruit Trees and Plants

Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet


A low chill, deliciously sweet and crunchy apple. Bears two weeks before Anna. On a semi dwarfing rootstock, ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens.
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Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden


Sweet aromatic apple with yellow fruit and a delightful pink blush and firm white flesh. Low chill requirement allows it to be grown in subtropical climates. Grafted on a dwarfing rootstock they are ideal for backyard plantings.
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Pomegranate - Elche


One of the most highly valued pomegranates in the world, thanks to its extraordinary flavour and high antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content. Elche comes from the Spanish city of the same name. Elche Pomegranates have to be picked at just the right time: Not too early because, once picked, pomegranates halt the ripening process immediately, and also not too late because they are then at risk of bursting.
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Monstera - Fruit Salad Tree


Often called the Fruit Salad Tree or the Swiss Cheese Plant as the ripened fruit has a pineapple-banana odour and fruit salad taste. The mature fruit has a yellow-green, violet-spotted rind of hexagonal plates covering a creamy-white, soft pulp. Highly ornamental, an excellent choice for heavily shaded positions. This is an uber popular indoor plant - you will definitely spot it gracing ledges, benches, shelves, hanging baskets and spectacular in house displays. A simple plant, grows well in a good quality potting mix and can handle a little neglect. If you are just entering the world of indoor plantery then this is a great one to start with. Happy growing
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Lychee - Salathiel


Tree has an open dome shape with excellent quality fruit. Well suited to subtropical conditions. Beautiful coloured fruit with very small seed. Needs protection from wind when young. Mid season
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Compost $21


A healthy addition to your planting hole, garden beds and potting media. This mixture is produced from natural products. It will naturally contain a variety of living micro-organisms. Avoid inhalation of dust and wash hands thoroughly after use. To make a good organic potting mix, just add 1/3 Coir Peat, 1/3 Compost, 1/3 Sand. Store under cover
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Cherry - Minnie Royal


Minnie Royal cherry is showing good promise as a low chill producer of fruit with a stand out flavour. It is a medium to large size red cherry with a firm texture Fruiting can be as early as November. The tree is very productive and has been known to set heavy crops in southern California. Chill hours can be as low as 200 hours.
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Custard Apple - Paxton Prolific


A PBR selection of the popular Pinks Mammoth variety. It has a low seed count and excellent natural fruit set. This means that, unlike some other varieties, there is no need to laboriously hand pollinate each bloom to achieve a good harvest. Unpruned custard apples grow into very large trees. With dedicated, twice yearly pruning it is possible to restrict tree height and spread to 3-4m. This variety is subject to Plant Breeder Rights (PBR).The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Persimmon - Flat Seedless (A)


A smooth textured, juicy fruit of excellent quality. Fruit is large flat shaped. One of the best Astringent varieties, has to be fully ripe to eat. Vigorous grower.
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Flowering Peach - Alboplena


A spectacular double white flowering peach putting on a brilliant display in Spring. An excellent specimen tree for small spaces or grand designs. Quite adaptable to a varied site conditions, but prefers moist, well drained fertile soils and a position receiving full sun to part-shade. Flowers best in full sun and when pruned annually, immediately after flowering. Often requires spraying to prevent leaf curl.
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Plum - Narrabeen


Large, round fruit with deep pink to red skin over a yellow-green background and a heavy bloom. Flesh is creamy white. The tree is a heavy producing variety, the fruit are sweet, firm and juicy. Used for its fresh fruits, jams and stewing.
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Lychee - Wai Chee


Crops heavily and regularly in subtropical climates with high quality delicious fruit. Compact growth habit. Freshly picked Lychees are absolutely delicious compared to canned or supermarket fruit. Prefers sheltered, rich well drained soil, with lots organic mulch, and cool winters. Late season
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Pots and Tray set - 0.75ml x 12


Our most versatile pot size, 750mL volume, 90mm bottomless square pot, in a convenient 12 pack with a plastic holder tray.
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Hanging Basket


Hanging baskets with coir liners for small pants or hanging vines. Perfect for Strawberries, Native Violets, Ruby Saltbush, Hoya, Jade vine, Richmond Birdwing, etc.
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Kwai Muk


Kwai Muk produces a 5cm wide orange fruit that is subacid and excellent flavour. It can be eaten fresh when fully ripe, dried, or preserved. The tree grows slowly and good for landscaping. More cold hardy than the Jakfruit.
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Plumcott - Flavour Supreme


A Fleming's quality introduction. Pluot; 'Flavour Supreme' interspecific plum (meaning plum/apricot hybrid) is one of a new generation of traditionally bred plums with a bright, very sweet flavour. 'Flavour Supreme' does not have the tart aftertaste of many plums; this has been replaced with the aroma of the apricot that forms part of its parentage. Pluot interspecific plums are as easy to grow as any regular plum. Suitable pollinizer: 'Mariposa'.
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Plum x Cherry - Little Chum


A cherry plum cross with attractive smooth red skin. The flesh is golden-yellow in colour and very juicy when mature. Firm texture with a small seed. The flavour is excellent and well balanced between the plum and cherry parentage. Pollination is currently under evaluation but it will cross well with mid to season plums such as the mariposa, santa rosa or satsuma.
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Dwarf Banana - Nathan


Dwarf Nathan is a cultivar of the popular Cavendish banana. The flavour is sweet and creamy on these small bananas. The tree is super dwarf reaching a maximum height of only 2m so it is perfect for pots, so it can be grown on balconies and in backyards. This makes it well suited to growing in cooler areas.
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Persimmon - Hachiya (A)


The large conical fruits are deep orange and very sweet when fully ripe. Very similar to the Nightingale persimmon.
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Premium Potting Mix 15L Bag


A 15L bonsai bag filled with our Nursery Stock Soil-Free Potting Media. Ready and waiting for you to repot your plants as soon as you get home from our retail store. Great for indoor plants, topping up garden beds, or tubing vegetable seedlings. The bag full of mix can make a nice herb garden for small spaces when batch planted.
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Pandanus - Native Screw Pine


The tough, inedible serrated leaves distinguish this Australian native, but the large Screw Pine fruits are used as pulp to flavour fruit-based desserts and sweet sauces, and is also used in jams and chutneys. Seeds can be eaten after roasting. Once known as breadfruit in early colonial Brisbane The leaf fiber is used traditionally to make string and in basketry. Leaf shoots and root tips are also used as traditional medicines. It is not to be confused with Pandanus amaryllifolius, used in Asian cooking. Screw Pine fruit is high in beta-carotene and can help to prevent vitamin A deficiency. Screw pine tree is a very ornamental plant, well suited to backyard gardens as a feature tree. A small tree up to 6 m in height and 6 m wide the leaves spiral out from the central growing shoot. It has unique aerial prop roots that emerge from the trunk to support the tree as it grows. Screw pine grows naturally by the sea, and is well adapted to seaside conditions. There are male and female trees, with only female trees producing the fruit. The entire fruit is about 25 cm across, and resembles a pineapple. Screw pine is adaptable to a range of situations, including sites away from the coast. Generally preferring frost free, full sun conditions and well-drained soils, avoid poorly drained soils. It can take up to 20 years for female trees to produce the fruit, but is well worth it as the tree is a spectacular ornamental. To ensure that there is female and male trees for pollination, plant at least three seedling trees, but planting a group of five is also ideal if you have the space. Screw pine can be subject to die-back from planthopper (Jamella australiae) insect infestation. However, Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery stock is free of this insect pest due to our distance from established coastal specimens.
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