Picture of ripe mandarins on the tree.

(1/5) Picture of ripe mandarins on the tree. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Mixed Citrus

(2/5) Mixed Citrus

Picking citrus fruits at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(3/5) Picking citrus fruits at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery By Paul Daley ©A Lush Forest [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission] (Photo Credits)

Citrus Trees what is the difference between each variety

(4/5) Citrus Trees what is the difference between each variety

Greg Lovingly picking citrus at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery

(5/5) Greg Lovingly picking citrus at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery By Paul Daley ©A Lush Forest [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission] (Photo Credits)


Citrus Trees

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees
Citrus fruit trees are the most popular fruit bearing group of plants grown in Australia. The glossy green foliage, white scented flowers and colourful fruit make these trees just as suited to ornamental plantings and container growing as to the home orch... Read More

Finger Lime

Fruit Trees > Bush foods Australia > Finger Lime
Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Finger Lime

Microcitrus australasica
A delicate rainforest tree that naturally occurs as an understorey tree in SE Queensland and Northern NSW Australia. Finger Lime trees are erect trees growing up to 10 metres.

Grapefruit Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Grapefruit Tree

Citrus paradisi
New improved red fleshed grapefruit varieties give this old fruit a renewed interest. The varieties are sweet and make superb red juices.

Kumquat Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Kumquat Tree

Fortunella species
This small kumquat tree has an abundance of dark orange fruit that is delicious eaten fresh or used in marmalades and jams. They make very ornamental tub specimens.

Lemon Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Lemon Tree

Citrus limon
The Lemon tree is good news for gardeners who want a steady supply of fruit all year round. Full of vitamin C in the winter time they pair well with avocadoes, and are essential for many sweet and savoury dishes. Lemons, Limes and Lemonades can be used to make lemon bread, lemon meringue pie, fresh lemonade and juices. Many cuisines utilise lemon zest in savoury dishes for that fullness of flavour. Citrus trees are becoming more and more popular as landscaping plants, offering not only fruit but an attractive form of year-round, glossy, deep green foliage, and fragrant flowers that would rival any. Grow them on their own or espalier a feature row of Citrus trees for elegant use of space.

Lime Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Lime Tree

Citrus latifolia
The Lime flavour really is zesty and tasty. The juice is uplifting in a range of uses, and the leaves of the Kaffir (Makrut) is also flavourful. The fruit is frequently used when green but they do colour to yellow if left on the lime tree, at this time they are sweeter. The lime fruit makes an attractive garnish, delicious juice and is used often in cooking.

Mandarin Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Mandarin Tree

Citrus reticulata
With careful variety selection mandarin fruit trees can bear from early April through to Late October. Our nursery is involved in the rapid multiplication of varieties that have been brought into Australia from some of the best citrus growing regions of the world.

Orange Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Orange Tree

Citrus sinensis
Oranges are a versatile citrus tree contributing ornamental value with their ever abundant supply of flowers and sweet fruits. Featuring glossy green foliage and scented flowers followed by beautifully coloured fruits they are perfect for the home orchard, containers and tubs. Originating in Southeast China and being utilised for thousands of years, there are now many different varieties allowing ripe oranges to be plucked from your back yard trees for more than 6 months of the year. New navel orange tree selections are expanding the harvest beyond the common and delicious Washington Navel, starting in May. Blood Oranges and Sour Oranges are old varieties still sought after. While Valencia takes us into summer with the freshness of juicy oranges.


Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Pummelo

Citrus maxima
A tropical citrus fruit with large thick skin. It is similar to a grapefruit although sweeter and far less cold tolerant.

Tangelo Tree

Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Tangelo Tree

Citrus reticulata x C. paradisi
A mandarin-grapefruit cross that is the juiciest of all citrus. The Tangelo Tree produces fruit with a flavour that is rich and best eaten when fully ripe.


Fruit Trees > Citrus Trees > Tangor

Citrus hybrid
The Tangor is a mandarin-orange cross that is noted for its sweetness. These citrus varieties are best suited to areas with warm winters and hot summers.

Yuzu - Grafted

$44.00 ($44.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$59.00ea

Sudachi - Grafted


As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas.
Buy 1+ @$34.00ea usually:$44.00ea

Sudachi - Seedling

$24.00 ($24.00-$24.00 choose a size)

As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas. This product is a seedling grown tree.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Lemonade Tree

$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)

This delicious, sweet, juicy fruit tastes like lemonade and can be eaten as a fresh fruit straight off the tree. The tree often has thorns and bears several heavy crops each year.

Australian Round Lime

$34.95 ($34.95-$49.00 choose a size)

The round knobbly fruit, usually reaching 3.5-4 cm in diameter have a distinctive and recognisably citrus flavour, with a similar globular texture to the more commonly known Finger Lime. Also known as Dooja or Gympie lime. Occurs naturally on the fringe of lowland sub-tropical rainforests of southeast Qld, from Brisbane northwards. This slender tree can reach up to 15m in height and 6-8m in diameter with multiple trunks, making it the most vigorous of the native citrus. The round lime is suitable for including in cordials, sauces, marmalades and lime flavouring. The skin is very thick (up to 7mm) and has potential for culinary use, such as grating into spice pastes, or for candied peel and may also have potential for essential oil extraction.

Citron - Buddhas Hand

$46.95 ($34.00-$46.95 choose a size)

Buddha's hand are one of the oddities of the citrus family as unlike other well known citrus they're not eaten fresh. This fruit looks like an old shriveled hand with a thick uneven tightly adhered rind. Low on juice they can be acidic or sweet. Citrons are grown today for the specialty market, their prime use being as candied peel or for use in religious ceremonies. The Buddha's hand is such an interesting looking and fragrant fruit that it can be used to scent a room, if left on a kitchen bench or in the bathroom it will fill the space with a lovely aromatic citrus scent. The natural room freshener.

Chinotto - Grafted


The soft drink named for this citrus tree - 'Chinotto' is delicious with a unique flavour. It is well suited to this, as the taste of the flesh is bitter but the sweet citrus flavours develop with cooking. The rind is candied and added to Panettone, an Italian speciality, popular at Christmas celebrations. It is a thornless, attractive small tree with orange like fruits, well suited to container growing or small gardens.


$27.00 ($17.75-$27.00 choose a size)

The soft drink named for this citrus tree - 'Chinotto' is delicious with a unique flavour. It is well suited to this, as the taste of the flesh is bitter but the sweet citrus flavours develop with cooking. The rind is candied and added to Panettone, an Italian speciality, popular at Christmas celebrations. It is an attractive small tree with orange like fruits, well suited to container growing or small gardens.

Yuzu - Grafted

$44.00 ($44.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Native to China, the Yuzu has been used and cultivated in this region for thousands of years. The fruit is tart, resembling a grapefruit with mandarin overtones. It is rarely eaten as a fresh fruit but is used to makes sauces, preserves and a popular yuzu vinegar. In Korea thinly sliced fruits are combined with sugar and honey to make a thick marmalade like syrup. Yuzu kosho is a spicy Japanese sauce made from green or ripe yellow yuzu zest, chillis and salt. The yuzu is more cold tolerant than most other citrus, being able to tolerate to -5 degrees
Buy 1+ @$44.00ea usually:$59.00ea

Sudachi - Grafted


As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas.
Buy 1+ @$34.00ea usually:$44.00ea

Finger Lime

$19.75 ($2.95-$19.90 choose a size)

This is a seedling selection from our grafted varieties. They have a thin skin that ranges in colour from green, yellow, red, purple to even a black. The inner cells are cylindrical balls filled with lime juice. Very hardy. The bushy thorny foliage is a perfect protective habitat for small birds to nest in addition to their fruits.
Aramex Free Freight

Lemon - Meyer

$37.00 ($37.00-$39.00 choose a size)

The popular Meyer is not a true lemon but likely to be a natural hybrid between a lemon and an orange. The lower acidity and reduced sourness makes it one of the most widely grown home-garden varieties. Very hardy and prolific. The fruits are a deep orange-yellow colour with thin skin and they are very juicy, making them perfect for use in dressings and marinades. The meyer is low in pectin.

Finger Lime - Collette

$79.00 ($34.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Flavour is highly aromatic and has been rated as superior by Chefs. Fruit is highly ornamental, with its shiny black skin and as a cut fruit, as it has a dark lime green pulp. Displays well as a garnish, with the juice vesicles popping out on cutting and the fruit splitting open wide. Its wide shape facilitates scooping out the pulp with a teaspoon. Rind colour is black/purple at optimum maturity and pulp colour is a dark yellow/green. Mean fruit size is 50mm x 25mm. It is a mid to late season variety but bears fruit all year round.

Sudachi - Seedling

$24.00 ($24.00-$24.00 choose a size)

As well known as the Yuzu in Japan where this sour citrus originates it is considered an indispensable companion to eating matsutake mushroom. The freshly squeezed juice is used as an alternative to vinegar. Fruits form in tight clusters and are harvested when still green in Autumn although they do turn yellow-orange when fully ripe. Commonly used as a garnish the aroma is zestier than lemons or limes. This variety has some cold sensitivity and is best grown in sub-tropical to tropical areas. This product is a seedling grown tree.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Bush Lemon Tree

$17.90 ($17.90-$21.90 choose a size)

This naturalized lemon grows wild in subtropical Australia. They are very hardy, have a thick skin with a true lemon flavour. Grows to about 4m in a sunny position. The skin makes a good zest for cooking.
Aramex Free Freight

Lemon - Eureka

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

This lemon is probably the most widely grown lemon in the world It is a true sour lemon with a high juice and acid content. Can have some fruit most of the year. The fruit is thin-skinned and virtually seedless. An almost thornless variety makes harvesting, pruning and growing the Eureka an easy choice. It is a highly productive variety of large flavourful Lemons. The main crop will be harvested during Winter. If you like to use lemons in your Kitchen then you could juice any excess lemons and store in the freezer for later, make some preserved lemons or share with friends.

Mandarin - Imperial

$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)

A proven early variety that is still very popular today. Excellent colour and flavour; the skin is smooth, glossy, thin and easy to peel. Older trees may develop a biennial bearing habit.

Lime - Tahitian

$37.00 ($37.00-$69.00 choose a size)

The small to medium fruit is pale lemon-yellow with smooth thin skin. The flesh is a translucent pale green, tender and juicy with a true acid lime flavour. It is best to pick the fruit green as it can suffer from rot if left to ripen on the tree.

Citrus Trees Reviews & Tips

Star Rating

Mick Harding
★★★★★ 2y ago

Russell Island, Qld, Australia

Citrus Trees

Great plants. Good prices. Properly packaged and promptly delivered. If you're looking for plants I would strongly recommend checking this company out. Mick Harding

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