Guava - Strawberry
Psidium cattleyanum$18.75 ($18.75-$19.75 choose a size)
Specifications of Guava - Strawberry
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From SeedlingLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas SA, WA
Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? Can be pruned to 2m
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Moderately Acidic (5.5-6.5)
Fruiting/Harvest Months March, April, May
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Customer Tips & Reviews Guava - Strawberry
Guava - Strawberry
Fantastic plant. They always seem to arrive in great condition. Wonderful deep rich green leaves. These plants look beautiful so they can also be ornamental
Guava - Strawberry
I love guava but don't live in the right zone. I saw this plant reviewed by Melbourne Foodforest on YouTube and decided to give it a go. So far so good.
Guava - Strawberry
Perfect hedging for wind breaks or privacy and the fruit is edible if the plant. Make great jams and chutney/relish.
Guava - Strawberry
Good growth so far, wanted to try a new fruit option for the souther highland region- prone to winter frosts, and several fruit have be set, will reserve judgement until fruit ripen
Guava - Strawberry
A great companion for citrus. This is not a fruit Ive tried but I like growing fruit that are considered a little bit different. Due to my colder climate I will grow this in a pot for a few years before transferring to a warmer part of the garden. Looking forward to trying this one.
Guava - Strawberry
Purchased for the woman of the house who loves the fruit...saves her 'borrowing' them from the neighbours...
Grows well with little attention, sweet tart taste, eat straight off the tree. Antioxidant level is high. Only watered in worst heat of summer
Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Guava - Strawberry
A notifiable environmental weed. General Biosecurity Duty. All plants are regulated with a general biosecurity duty to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risk they may pose.
Some selections seem to be way too fruitful and set so much fruit that they will literally kill themselves. So fiddly to thin them. The Yellow variety seems to be mroe prone to this? I prefer the red one in our cooler climate, but prefered the yellow i...
Guava - Strawberry
I have 2 bushes of Guava strawberry one gets mid to late arvo shade from near apple tree and is the larger and best fruit producer. The other in full sun. I do not protect from frost.
Guava - Strawberry
This is probably the best Guava to grow in Melbourne. They do very well and can handle the frost. They also give stacks of fruit in late Autumn
Guava - Strawberry
Planted 8 trees along a fence line for a fruiting hedge. They receive no more than 50% sun, and after 3 years most are producing bunches of fruit with so little sun. Have made home made ice cream with them. Delicious.
I enjoy the flavour and hope to use to make a drink when tree is bearing enough fruit.
Strawberry Guava aka Cherry Guava aka Cattley Guava (Psidium cattleyanum)A good "grazing" shrub when fruit are ripening. Quite ornamental, suited as a screen. Planted one of the red and one of the yellow fruited Strawberry Guavas. The yellow (photo) s...
HILLARYS, WA, Australia
Fruits readily but they are quite small. Flavour is good in colder seasons but rather bland in hot weather. Trees are easy to grow and carefree. I still prefer the normal guavas.
Burnside, VIC, Australia
We have a small strip of dirt on the side of our driveway. Instead of growing flowers or oriental plants, I decided that we would put something edible in it. I planted a row of 4 Guava plants last year. I didn't really give the plants much attention. J...
newcastle, nsw
tasty little berry that produce little bounties perfect for kids. easy to grow and have had mucg sucess in the past
Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia
Great tasting fruit and tree. Growing in a pot and has a great shape, leaf and bark.
Have been told these are delicious, and also that i will have to keep the fruit fly away too. It is growing really well in the pot so far, had a couple of flowers but just too early for fruit, i guess.doing well potted it up to tree bagflowering Spring...
I like that I have heard this is easy to grow. When I first bought them they had hardly any leaves but they have taken off after winter. I am trying to grow these into a hedge
Cringila, NSW, Australia
Going very well, no maintenance, no problems with fruit fly as had been reported by some locals. Growing brilliantly now, fruited moderate amount of small but nice fruit, over a fairly short period, within first year in ground. Is in position to be e...
, SA
Nice looking, hardy shrub, used as a "filler" in our yard. he poor thing has been dug up and moved twice and has always bounced back very quickly.Tough plant. Fruits prolifically over a long time. I like the fruit, husband and 2yr old not so keen..
bateau bay, nsw, australia
purchased at whyee nursery- during this visit i noticed gall wasp on some of their citrus trees. i will not be purchasing citrus there in the growth
Greenbank, Qld, Australia
fruiting hedge! I have this planted in a mixed hedge with fejioa it is pruned to ensure a bushy growth. I needed some privacy along one side of my block and daleys had a special on so.....
bundaberg, qld, australia
When I was a kid we used to visit my great Aunt in AUckland and can remember sneaking to the front yard to pinch her guavas,eating them straight off the tree. She used to make incredible guava jelly . A clear dusky pink color and so sweet it made your ...
I had never tried it before but it looked interesting. The tree grew quickly to a shrub and had the berries within a couple of years. I haven't had enough yet to do anything else but nibble them straight off the tree but that is what I like to do with ...
West Leederville, WA, Australia
Four little plants from Bunnings, planted quite close together (just over 1m apart as I'm hoping to create a dense hedge) in 2010. I've loaded them with compost and some blood & bone. Hopefully the soil improvements will be enough - but the soil is ver...
Like the Yellow Cherry Guava, a very attractive shrub that fruits prolifically in summer. hen they are really ripe, these are my favourites of all the guavas I am growing.
Rathmines, NSW, Australia
In pot about to be put in ground. Since putting in ground in Nov 09 has flourished, starting to flower but hit and miss with pollination. Lots of new growth and flower buds February 10.Been in ground for 10 months, very happy, abundance of new gro...
South Maroota, NSW, Australia
Planted out of childhood nostalgia. Doing very well with no additional care other than water in hot weather first year in.
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Great bush, and really takes well to Warners Bay on Lake Macquarie near Newcastle. Kids love the fruit, and it fruits very well
Maryland, NSW, Australia
Planted in pots in full sun. Nice little shrub, fairly drought hardy but needs daily watering when hot because the pots are relatively small.
We have about 6 reds and 9 yellows. They are thriving, easy to grow and bear prolifically.I think the yellows are sweeter n milder but the reds are a taste sensation.The yellows planted this year, the reds over last 2 yrs. I haven't pruned as yet.
Bellbird Park, QLD, Australia
Have just planted 2 of these. Now they have been in 6months. they are looking healthy and have put on new growth tho they have not grown in height. Now they have been in 10 months I have pulled one out as it was no longer doing well and replaced it wit...
Cohuna, VICT, Australia, Australia
Guava - Strawberry
Use the fresh leaves to make a tea drink cures internal complaints/upsets basis of most medicines.
Guava - Strawberry
There is a very mature tree with great fruit on the side of the road at Kurmond in Sydney. In fact, not far from an Integrefolia Macadamia which is about 5 metres high. Magnificent fruit. Ripe roughly in April May.
Guava - Strawberry
This variety is really cold tolerant, doing well and remaining evergreen in a sheltered spot in Armidale. Lovely fruit in May-June. It is not as drought tolerant as sometimes suggested. Has thrived since I moved it from a dry spot in the garden.
Guava - Strawberry
Great little tree/shrub. Tolerates a wide variety of soils and climes. However, beware especially of fruit fly which is a fatal nuisance. Potash in late Winter increases flowering and fruiting. Makes a great jam/wine. Prune late Autumn.
Bankstown Sydney, NSW, Australia
Guava - Strawberry
Taste test for free before you buy : Windsor , Sydney has many trees on their main street shopping mall. Ripe probably after february and probably around april or may .