Lemonade Tree
Citrus limon x reticulata$39.00 ($39.00-$39.00 choose a size)
When will it be in Stock?
We previously had the most to buy in Aug and Sep. With limited quantities for sale in other months.Remember to click above to get notified when it is available once more.
Specifications of Lemonade Tree
Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm TemperateLearn About Climate Zones
Grown From GraftedLearn About Propagation Methods
Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m
Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination
Can it Handle Frosts? Sometimes
Amount of leaves in Winter? All Leaves (Evergreen)
Quarantine Restrictions to these Areas WA
Suitability in Pots Yes with 35L+ Pot
Water Requirements Moderate Watering
Is it a Dwarf Fruit Tree? No (Full Size)
Time to Fruit/Flower/Harvest 2-3 Years
Sun or Shade Full (Sun:80%-100%)
Preferred Soil Type Good Drainage
Soil pH Neutral (6.6-7.3pH)
Fruiting/Harvest Months June, July, August, September, October
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Customer Tips & Reviews Lemonade Tree
Lemonade Tree
Plenty of new growth and flowers. so hopefully we get a couple of fruit
Lemonade Tree
Already has fruit, even though it's only 1 hahaha but next season should be magic
Lemonade Tree
Haven't eaten off my plant yet, still young, but I grew up eating Lemonade fruit, always used to confuse my friends.
Cootamundra, NSW
Lemonade Tree
My Lemonade tree is 4 years old, nursed through 2 severe Coota frost years, finally this year we have a wonderful crop of: ready to harvest-smaller plum sized-tiny fruit & flowers. Picking today to make lemon cheesecake!
I was really excited to grow this fruit after reports on how delicious the fruit are, but then after buying and planting I bought a lemonade fruit from the markets and was severely disappointed, I'm clinging to hope that I was sold an mislabelled produ...
Lemonade Tree
My small lemonade tree had a bumper crop.I have read that it is a cross between lemon and navel orange. Also read it's a cross between mandarin and lemon. I don't know which cross mine is, but I don't care - I love it anyway.
Lemonade Tree
My lemonade tree was once infested with black aphids, so use this effective organic spray: mix a couple of soap flakes with warm water in some sort of non-plastic container. Let it dissolve, and pour into spray bottle. Spray until infestation is gone.
Denistone East, NSW, Australia
Lemonade Tree
Lemonade tree is a cross between a Lemon and a Mandarin
Lemonade Tree
Best cocktail ever: ice cubes, juice of one large lemonade fruit, whiskey and top up with ginger beer. Just as good without the whiskey.
Te Awamutu, WAIKA
Lemonade Tree
My parents have a Lemonade tree thats is about 35 years old and it still has an abundance of fruit, like us my children love them!!
had these for a year now, Been lucky enough to get some fruit this season but not much in the way of vegetative growth.
Lemonade Tree
Juice of half a lemon, fill glass with sparkling mineral water. Sooo refreshing !! And healthy!! No more sugary soft drinks for me.
Lemonade Tree
I bought a house with a very established tree, about 5 metres tall, has heaps of fruit on it . From other locals it is across between a mandarin and lemon tree, mine are tart at moment but apparently a couple of more frosts will release more sugar.
Lemonade Tree
I got told today there's no such thing as a lemonade tree but I have one I wounder what it's going to taste like!!
Cooroy, Qld, Australia
I loved the taste of this friut when I bought it at the market and decided to buy a healthy looking grafted 5 foot bare root tree and potted it up to go on my balcony with some other citrus.
I love lemonade fruit! Got this one from Clunes nursery - was very healthy and even though it is is quite young, I have been nipping its buds so it can get stronger before it fruits. Im thinking now to just let it do what it wants and see what happens...
Lemonadesville, NSW
Lemonade Tree
I love my lemonade tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lemonade Tree
Excited!!! We have one, have had it for four years and love it! Thanx guys for all your love-mail! We, too, live in the "love-infested" waters of this adorable tree!
Crestmead, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Lemonade Tree
Received Lemonade tree for Christmas in 20cm black bag, would like to repot into large pot, need to know what type of potting mix would be suitable. Plant is flowering and starting to producing fruit.
Amberley, New Zealand, CAN\'Y
Lemonade Tree
I make excellent marmalade with a ratio of one NZ grapefruit to three or four lemonades.
South West Rocks, NSW
Lemonade Tree
My tree is 5 years old and seems to have fruit all year round! Currently is loaded with fruit and can hardly keep it's branches off the ground. Kids love it and make there own Lemonade! Best bearing fruit tree we have.
Childers, QLD
Lemonade Tree
Give your fruit trees a dose of epson salts twice a year around the drip line for bigger juicier fruit.
didn't survive oct13firesI think the wallabies like it more
Marburg, QLD, Australia
Lots of flowers and new shoots. Had small issue with leaf borer.
Tea Gardens, NSW, Australia
It just fruits endlessly, I can use it instead of Limes or Lemons, with fish whenever I want it I can just go pick one as needed as it is usually in fruit, drinks for kids in summer, desserts and varied meat dishes etc, and all my friends think I have ...
Lemonade Tree
Bought my first lemonade tree this week. Its about 1m tall in a 50cm pot, its flowering already. I'm excited.
Eulo, Qld, Aust
Delicious juicy fruit that really do taste like lemonade. I make a jug of juice every weekend with the dropped fruit and add the juice of 1 blood orange for a beautifully pink coloured juice.
South Plympton, SA, Australia
Any growth from below the graft nipped as soon as it is seen. No fruit allowed to form for the first year.
Lemonade Tree
I believe the lemonade is a cross between lemon and mandarin.mine is in a 45cm pot and has about 20 fruit,also has lots of thorns.is this normal or is this the graft which i should trim off.
Keperra, QLD, Australia
This tree was hit the hardest by every citrus pest - galls, aphids, sooty mould, bronze orange bug - and just didnt get going well. So it was pulled up and replaced with a Freemont mandarin, a much tougher and stronger plant and an amazing fruit.------...
Wakeley, NSW, Australia
The veins of the leaves are turning yellow. Must lack some trace elements.
South Maroota, NSW, Australia
Is only just starting to grow well now, after 2 years of being cut down by pet geese. Points for toughness. Quite a draw card for the gall wasp.
Lemonade Tree
My Lemonade tree is crowded in the garden with other shrubs, hardly gets any care except good waterering and it has loads of fruit every year. It is about 12 years old now. I squeeze the juice of what we we cannot eat.
WALLARAH, NSW, Australia
There is no sourness in this fruit at all. It is absolutely beautifully sweet. A bonus for this tree is that it is always in fruit.
Even though you can't see it in the photo my tree is loaded with blossom and hopefully the fruit will follow (2/9/2009)
Mentone, VIC, Australia
The 2nd Lemon tree to die in that spot - I think I shall rethink what I plant there but it did get the full brunt of the Jan/Feb scorching weather.
Newzealand, NZ
Lemonade Tree
My tree is 3 years old had 1 flower last year but no fruit, any ideas? removed it from plastic house and replanted outside looks good fingers crossed.
Port Pirie, SA
Lemonade Tree
My tree is 18mths old, and have got about 30 Lemonades on it, varying in size, tastes like lemonade/grapefruit, has the consistency of Mandadrin.
Lemonade Tree
Does anyone know how tall they grow? i can only find small-medium, but thats not really much help to me.so in metres or centimetres would be great.
Lemonade Tree
Just want to know if the lemonade tree is crossed with anything. as it looks very much like mandarine, but taste like lemons. or is that just how they are
Lemonade Tree
I use them instead of lemons to make ice-tea-very nice and smooth. Can anybody tell me if it is a cross between a lemon and a grapefruit, a lemon and an orange or neither?
Hdfsthdtfhd, QQ
Lemonade Tree
Yea they taste like lemonade out of a bottle but with no fizzzzzzzzz.... which i hate (i mean i hate the fiz) anyway pick them when they get a slight tinge of yellow or go pale green. theyre best then and if they go yellow(ish) they are overripe
Lemonade Tree
We have been told lemonades are best when picked and eaten whilst still fairly green coloured. They are delicious!!!
Lemonade Tree
Not so much a tip but how do you know when to pick the crop.The tree is one year old and has about a dozen fruit on it.
Lemonade Tree
My lemonade tree I have just replanted after the winter crop which was that large I had to prop the branchs it is growing in a 40mill tub and loves it cow poo and blood and bone also for my mandarin tree
Lemonade Tree
Our lemonades are fruiting well at the moment. I like a squeeze of lemonade in a bacardi drink.
Palm Beach, FLA
Lemonade Tree
My variety is striped, so I don't know when they are ripe ready to pick.any help?
Lemonade Tree
Our tree is only 2.5 years old and this year we had a magnificent crop - 60 fruit on our 1.5m tree!
Lemonade Tree
Weve got a really prolific fruiter and eat them as is but mostly juice them and dilute with about 2/3 water, way better than fizzy drinks and we freeze any excess.
Te Awamutu, NEW Z
Lemonade Tree
We have a delicious crop of lemonades on a small 4 year old tree. They make the perfct marmalade with Grapefriut and tangelos
We planted our tree approx 4 years ago. As we expected, the frist few crops were small, however now our tree is almost contantly in fruit. We have flowers, tiny fruit, plum sized green fruit and full fruit all at the same time. We love our lemonade tree !
Mornington, VIC, Australia, Australia
Grows slowly and looks untidy in Winter but crops well and fruit ripens to perfect sweetness even in our climate. Popular with the kids!