Picture of a chocolate lily flower on a dark green/grey background.

(1/3) Picture of a chocolate lily flower on a dark green/grey background. By Lainie and Tucker Bush [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Picture of a green hedge on the bottom half of the image and text and blue sky on the top half.

(2/3) Picture of a green hedge on the bottom half of the image and text and blue sky on the top half. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Native Plants

(3/3) Native Plants


Native Plants

Trees and Plants > Native Plants
Over the last 50 years or so native gardening has surged ahead in popularity and is gaining the respect it deserves, not only for its beauty and uniqueness but the qualities of low maintenance, low demand for water and fertilisers and offering food and sh... Read More

Acacia - Wattle

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Acacia - Wattle



Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Banksia

Banksia are a beautiful screen plant that bears masses of small starry white flowers. Spreading habit with fine light green to bronze foliage.


Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Brachychiton


Callistemon - Bottlebrush

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Callistemon - Bottlebrush

Native to Australia their flower is nick named a bottlebrush because of the the way the flower looks just like a bottle brush. Very drought resistant.

Eucalypts - Gum trees

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Eucalypts - Gum trees


Grafted Grevillea - Weeping Standard

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Grafted Grevillea - Weeping Standard

Grevillea sp.
Grafted with prostrate species to create a unique weeping feature plant these grafted grevilleas are both beautiful and attractive to native birds. Grafted onto Grevillea Robusta rootstocks which are tough and hardy making them ideal for a wide range of soils and positions, they are frost and drought hardy.

Grafted Grevilleas

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Grafted Grevilleas

Grevillea sp.
By grafting these beautiful Grevilleas onto Silky Oak (Grevillea robusta) we offer a beautiful range of sculptural plants for your yard. They then have a chance to survive for longer, to withstand disease ||and to be resistant towards frosts so that they can perform at their best. Most Grevilleas thrive by being grafted and we now can successfully offer many lovely Grevilleas from around Australia. Grevilleas do best by giving them an annual pruning for shape, health, and extra flowers. They tolerant a wide range of soils. These selections are not only beautiful but also provide a natural food supply for native birds and allow them to gorge themselves on the nectar in our gardens. Little wrens just love the prickly Grevilleas and each garden should have at least one prickly plant, giving a home for small insectivorous birds to hide from predators. For orders and availability contact www.daleysfruit.com.au


Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Grevilleas

Grevilleas are some of Australia's favourite flowering shrubs and trees. Ranging from sprawling ground covers to the towering emergent Silky Oak, Grevillea robusta, the flowers of this genus attract and feed an enormous number of birds and insects throughout the year. They are part of an ancient plant family Protaceae, adapted to poor soil and dry conditions, so they are hardy and easy-to-maintain additions to any garden. Colours range from whites to yellows,oranges,reds and even purple. Many species flower through the cool months, brightening up a winter landscape. They can be used for hedging or display specimens on their own. Its not only the flowers that are attractive, but their often distinctive, divided foliage. Plant some today, you won't regret it.

Kangaroo Paw

Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Kangaroo Paw

Anigozanthos sp.
Kangaroo Paw are native clumping perennials originating in south western Australia. They are renowned for their spectacular displays of flower spikes now available in a range of colours - from red to pink to yellow. With good drainage, lots of sun and slightly acidic soil they will thrive.


Trees and Plants > Native Plants > Melaleuca

Tea Trees

Brown Tamarind

$2.40 ($2.40-$9.90 choose a size)

A good shade tree with glossy, dark green foliage. Needs well-drained soil in a partially shaded position. Makes an excellent indoor plant. Leaves are pale grey and have a felt-like feel underneath. Fast growing pioneer for bush regeneration projects
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Black bean

$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Attractive native riparian rainforest tree with a handsome rounded crown of glossy dark green foliage and profuse flushes of yellow and red pea-like flowers during summer. The timber is highly prized. Bird attracting. Large and spreading in the open to 10m but can reach 40m in its native habitat. First Australians used the seeds to make a damper after much preparation to remove the toxic substances by cooking, grinding and leaching in water.

Westringia - Smokey

$12.75 ($12.75-$18.75 choose a size)

A small shrub with soft grey-green and white variegated foliage with small white flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant. Ideal for formal hedging and for mid level screening. Grows in a wide range of soils, and is well suited to coastal positions, as it is very salt tolerant.
Buy 4+ @$12.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

Musk Mallow

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

Stunning red flowers last for only one day but are produced prolifically. Seeds are musk scented. Leaves, shoots and tuberous roots can be eaten raw or cooked. A small shrub that grows to about 2m. It is fast growing. Musk Mallow is not long lived, usually less than 15 years. Very Drought tolerant.
Aramex Free Freight

Waterfall Plant

$3.90 ($3.90-$12.90 choose a size)

This is a useful low growing plant with pretty, fine fern like foliage. Very suitable for a low hedge, in the rockery or in a hanging basket. Foliage hangs elegantly. Requires regular watering.
Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$4.90ea

Christmas Bush - Alberys Red


An outstanding form of NSW Christmas Bush, it has very bright red flowers just in time for Christmas, on a compact large shrub to small tree. The flowers are great for cutting for long lasting bunches for Christmas decoration. Prune about 30% off the plant, straight after flowering to encourage a more dense growth habit. A great feature plant and cut flower, growing to around 5 metres tall. It needs a good well drained sandy to loamy soil, in sun or dappled shade. Best in temperate to subtropical climates. Tolerates light frost.

Native Pink Hibiscus

$18.75 ($2.90-$18.75 choose a size)

The flowers on this native Hibiscus are deep pink with a darker throat. They are borne on a small shrub to one metre. Both flowers and leaves are edible. Hibiscus flowers generally last only a day but continue to produce flowers over the summer and autumn. Tip pruning will promote bushy growth. Native Pink Hibiscus is widespread in tropical areas of Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland, but adaptable to cooler areas, and can tolerate light frost
Aramex Free Freight

Dwarf Native Frangipani - Gold Nugget


Dwarf form of this favourite native flowering plant to 75cm. Habit is low, dense and spreading Clusters of very fragrant, cream flowers form on this fast growing, Australian native rainforest plant. Flowers form in late spring, wafting scent right through the garden. Terminal flowers age from white to a golden yellow. Highly recommended hardy shrub

Ruby Saltbush

$7.75 ($7.75-$9.75 choose a size)

A low growing perennial, drought and frost tolerant native bushfood with small succulent edible berries that range in colours of green, yellow and red. Grows in a variety of soils, preferring well drained, sandy soils.
Buy 4+ @$7.75ea usually:$9.75ea

Baeckea Seedling

$3.40 ($3.40-$16.90 choose a size)

Fine, weeping foliage and abundant white to pink flowers in Spring and Summer, make this pretty shrub a good addition to a native garden. Perfect for a medium height, informal hedge These seedlings are from the Clarence River selection, some slight variation is anticipated in their form.
Buy 4+ @$3.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Native Violet

$3.90 ($3.90-$5.75 choose a size)

Small spreading ground cover forming extensive mats in damp areas. White and purple violet-shaped flowers for long periods. Flowers are edible and can be used in salads. Full sun to part shade. Dies back in winter. Useful for hanging baskets
Buy 4+ @$3.90ea usually:$5.75ea

Old Man Saltbush

$21.90 ($4.90-$21.90 choose a size)

The largest of the saltbushes, growing to 3m. The leaves are an attractive silvery-grey. Flowers appear throughout the year on separate male or female plants. Frost and salt tolerant, it is hardy and responds well to pruning. Can be used in wind breaks or pruned into an attractive hedge. Frequently used as a fodder plant for sheep and cattle as it is drought tolerant and is an excellent forage when other feed is scarce. Does best in a sunny, well drained position. It will not tolerate water logging.

Lomandra - Lime Tuff

$14.90 ($12.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A small, hardy native plant with a clumping habit and narrow, light green leaves. Small flowers grow amongst the foliage. It grows well in full sun to part shade and grows to about 70cm x 60cm. Perfect for garden borders and rockeries. A hardy and very adaptable plant, and thrives with minimum care. Does well in most soils types, drought, salt and frost tolerant.
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Prickly Rasp Fern


This fern is found growing in a variety of habitats such as rainforest margins, eucalypt forests and rainforests. It is well adapted to both sunny and shaded areas. Its new growth is bright orange-pink and is a stunning understory plant. The fern is usually easy to grow in gardens, containers and baskets. Having a spreading growth habit makes D. aspera suitable as a groundcover. It grows best in shady conditions and in acidic soil, with high organic composition.
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Creeping Myoporum - Fine Leaf


Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is an evergreen, fast growing, spreading ground-cover with fine, narrow foliage. This easy to grow native plant produces a mass of small star shaped flowers over spring and summer.Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is best grown in full sun but will also grow well in part shade. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' will tolerate coastal conditions, dryness and moderate frost. It will also perform well in a variety of soil types but prefers well drained spots.This is an excellent plant for rockeries and embankments or to help smother out weeds in the garden. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is a very quick growing plant that stays very low to the ground to produce a fantastic green 'lawn' in your garden. To maintain compact growth it is best to prune back after flowering.
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Chocolate Lily

$19.90 ($19.75-$19.90 choose a size)

When harvested young, the tubers of this native lily are juicy and sweet. Flowers are lilac coloured with a chocolate scent and are also edible. Found in a range of habitats with lower rainfall across southern Australia. For best results, grow in a rich loamy medium.

Sandalwood - Australian

$27.00 ($19.90-$27.00 choose a size)

Native to the semi-arid areas in Southwest Australia. It is traded as sandalwood for it aromatic oil and timber. The tree is a hemi-parasite requiring macro-nutrients from roots of hosts. The host should be surface rooted, evergreen, water storing, nutrient storing and with a high osmotic pressure. Olives, acacias and most Australian natives are good. Eucalytpus, conifers and citrus are not suitable hosts. The more trees and shrubs and ground covers you have in your yard as host plants the happier the Santalum will be. The kernal inside the hard shell is edible. Drought and salt tolerant. Host plant - Myoporum parvifolium

Curry Myrtle


The leaves have the sweet scent of curry, with eucalyptus overtones. Can be used fresh or dried or infused in oil. A shrub or small tree to 5 m with white flowers. Can be pruned to 2m. Native to rainforest of Qld and northern NSW

White Kunzea


Fine leaved, medium sized shrub, profusely bearing delicate white flowers through spring. Leaves are traditionally used as tea or strong spice for cooking. Prunes well and is adaptive to many soil types. It is well suited to gardens similar in climate to it's native East Coast range and regular trimming after flowering give the bush a more compact structure. Works well as a hedge or screen.

Stream Lily


Native to NSW and QLD rainforest creeks and gullies. They have long, dark-green strap-like leaves and form clumps that are up to 2 metres high. The tall flower spikes, which appear in the summer, are pale pink, look beautiful in their natural environment, landscaping the creeks of the Border Ranges. Loves moist shaded spots.

Hardenbergia - White


White flower form of the popular native vine, Hardenbergia. Use as a groundcover, to screen a fence, in native or cottage gardens. Great for bee forage, birds and butterflies. Hardy in poor, dry soils, and coastal areas too. Hardenbergia are nitrogen fixing plants

Hardenbergia - Mini Ha Ha


Beautiful purple flowers attractive to bees and butterflies. A compact growing cultivar of the popular native climber Hardenbergia violaceae. Growing as a small shrub or ground cover perfect for low maintenance native gardens, courtyards or pots. Hardenbergia are nitrogen fixing plants

Native Rosella

$4.90 ($4.90-$14.75 choose a size)

Hibiscus heterophyllus is a tall erect shrub. The flowers may be white, pale pink or yellow with a large crimson central flute and are up to about 15 cm across. The leaves are either narrow, broader or deeply lobed, up to 15 cm long. 6m. Unlike Rosella the Native rosella has no edible calyx however the flowers and leaves are still edible. It is also used to make rope.

Hardenbergia - Happy Wanderer


Evergreen shrub form of the native climber with profuse, deep violet, pea-shaped flowers in late winter to early spring. Grows well in full sun or part shade, preferring a well drained soil. Prune after flowering to maintain a more compact habit. Hardenbergia are nitrogen fixing plants

Dianella - Kentlyn

$17.90 ($14.90-$17.90 choose a size)

Its slim foliage appears a beautiful shade of deep green and produces flowers that sit on stems above the foliage. The flowers and berries appear blue in colour and are produced during Spring and Summer. These Dianella fruits are edible, and best consumed in moderation. This native bush tucker plant is an attractive choice for informal borders, under-plantings or rockeries.

Creeping Myoporum

$9.90 ($3.90-$9.90 choose a size)

This hardy native has pretty pink or white star shaped flowers from late spring to early autumn. It is an excellent, spreading groundcover for a sunny position and is hardy in a range of soils and climates.

White Bean


White Bean is a fast growing tree found on the Eastern seaboard, north from the Clarence River, NSW to North Qld and into SE Asia. It has a handsome form, as the tree develops an open branched structure, and the compound leaves cluster at the ends of the branches giving the foliage a feathery look. Attaining a maximum height of 35m and a stem diameter of up to 80cm when fully grown, it is a wonderful addition to rainforest regeneration plantings. It is well adapted to dry periods and does like good drainage in wet times.

Heath Myrtle - miniature


A beautiful screen plant that bears masses of small starry white flowers. Spreading habit with fine light green to bronze foliage 1.5m

Kangaroo Paw Triple Treat

$14.90 ($5.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A stunning perennial plant with multi coloured flowers. They feature grass like foliage with brightly coloured flowers that resemble a Kangaroo paw. Anigozanthus will tolerate drought and coastal conditions. They can also survive a light frost. Used in mass plantings, borders, feature plants and for cut flowers. Prune back after flowering to promote new growth. Moderate watering required during dry season. Anigozanthus can be affected by 'ink disease' a fungus which can cause black marks on foliage.

Christmas Bush - NSW

$2.95 ($2.95-$14.90 choose a size)

A delightful shrub used for cut flowers and ornamental plantings. Masses of red flower like bracts cover the trees in December. Likes well drained soil.

Casuarina - Cousin It

$12.90 ($12.90-$24.00 choose a size)

A prostrate cultivar of Casuarina glauca. Unique, strange, fun and nitrogen fixing! This popular plant has a character all of its own, with fine 'hairy' strands of evergreen cascading foliage. Use as a ground cover or feature plant in rockeries, where it will spread to 1m across but only 10 - 20cm high. Low maintenance, competes well with weeds.
Buy 4+ @$12.90ea usually:$19.90ea

Tea Tree - Lemon Scented

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A small tree with fine, green, lemon scented foliage used for teas and abundant white flowers in early summer, attracting Native and European bees. Excellent screen, windbreak and hedge, responds to pruning beautifully . Leaves and stems contain essential oils used in candle and soap making.
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Brown Tamarind

$2.40 ($2.40-$9.90 choose a size)

A good shade tree with glossy, dark green foliage. Needs well-drained soil in a partially shaded position. Makes an excellent indoor plant. Leaves are pale grey and have a felt-like feel underneath. Fast growing pioneer for bush regeneration projects
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Bottle Tree

$18.75 ($4.90-$59.00 choose a size)

Narrow Leaf Bottle Tree has a swollen bottle like trunk. The insignificant flowers followed by small interesting boat like pods. A very attractive specimen tree or useful indoor plant. This is the QLD bottle tree and is very similar in the way it looks to the Boab Tree also nicknamed bottle tree from Western Australia however they are a different family of plants. You can even try growing them in pots but the pot would need to be very large.
Aramex Free Freight

Wattle - Queensland silver

$18.75 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

An attractive shrub with rounded silvery-white leaves producing clusters of large golden blooms. It is one of the earliest winter flowering wattles and responds to heavy pruning after flowering. Thrives on practically any soil. 5m
Aramex Free Freight

Sheoak - River

$2.75 ($2.75-$4.90 choose a size)

Riparian species, tall, elegant and a good choice for windbreaks and compacted soils with the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing. It is a conical evergreen tree with pendulous needle-like foliage.
Buy 16+ @$2.75ea usually:$4.90ea

Little Kurrajong - Best Pink

$39.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This grafted selection flowers early. The large, bell-shaped flowers are usually deep pink and occur in clusters at the ends of the branches. The flowers are very spectacular and are followed by seed capsules which contain many large seeds.

Leptospermum Burgundy Queen

$14.90 ($14.90-$17.90 choose a size)

Few drought resistant shrubs can rival the color of 'Burgundy Queen.' Everything about it is majestic and burgundy. Its fully double flowers are intense dark burgundy and profuse, and the fine foliage of this large shrub is also burgundy flushed. It originates from New Zealand where it grows in a wide range of areas from peaty bogs to coastal and mountain regions. It is surprisingly adaptable, especially to arid sites and soils.
Buy 1+ @$14.90ea usually:$18.90ea

Black bean

$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)

Attractive native riparian rainforest tree with a handsome rounded crown of glossy dark green foliage and profuse flushes of yellow and red pea-like flowers during summer. The timber is highly prized. Bird attracting. Large and spreading in the open to 10m but can reach 40m in its native habitat. First Australians used the seeds to make a damper after much preparation to remove the toxic substances by cooking, grinding and leaching in water.

Westringia - Smokey

$12.75 ($12.75-$18.75 choose a size)

A small shrub with soft grey-green and white variegated foliage with small white flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant. Ideal for formal hedging and for mid level screening. Grows in a wide range of soils, and is well suited to coastal positions, as it is very salt tolerant.
Buy 4+ @$12.75ea usually:$18.75ea Aramex Free Freight

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