Fruit Trees
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March 2015

The Daley News

Save 50% OFF Freight* by Pre-Ordering from our Bare Root Catalogue. Your order is sent in July the best time for transport and the safest time for planting these types of trees. Last year the popular ones sold out quickly. ( View this Email Online )

50% Off Freight when you preOrder from our Bare root Catalogue - out now

Find out Freight Costs: You get 50% OFF* these prices

Asparagus (Crowns) - Mary Washington
$7.90 Asparagus (Crowns) - Mary Washington
$9.75 Ginkgo
Maple - Sugar
$9.75 Maple - Sugar
Tulip Tree
$9.75 Tulip Tree
London  Plane
$9.75 London Plane
$9.75 Liquidambar
Silver Birch
$9.75 Silver Birch
Raspberry - Heritage
$9.90 Raspberry - Heritage
Raspberry - Chilliwack
$9.90 Raspberry - Chilliwack
Raspberry - Autumn Bliss
$9.90 Raspberry - Autumn Bliss
Raspberry - Chilcotin
$9.90 Raspberry - Chilcotin
Grape - Black Muscat (Fruits Midway)
$12.90 Grape - Black Muscat (Fruits Midway)
Grape - Cabernet Sauvignon (Fruits Midway)
$12.90 Grape - Cabernet Sauvignon (Fruits Midway)
Grape - Shiraz (Fruits Midway)
$12.90 Grape - Shiraz (Fruits Midway)
Grape - Ornamental Crimson Glory
$12.90 Grape - Ornamental Crimson Glory
Grape - Flame Seedless (Fruits Early)
$14.90 Grape - Flame Seedless (Fruits Early)
Grape - Autumn Royal
$14.90 Grape - Autumn Royal
Grape - Thompson Seedless ( Sultana )
$14.90 Grape - Thompson Seedless ( Sultana )
Grape - Gordo Blanco
$14.90 Grape - Gordo Blanco
Grape - Crimson Seedless
$14.90 Grape - Crimson Seedless
Nectarine - Early Rivers - High Chill
$27.00 Nectarine - Early Rivers - High Chill
Claret Ash
$27.75 Claret Ash
Medlar - Dutch
$29.00 Medlar - Dutch
Medlar - Nottingham
$29.00 Medlar - Nottingham
Plum - Green gage
$29.00 Plum - Green gage
Nashi - Ya Li Pear
$29.00 Nashi - Ya Li Pear
Plum Narabeen
$29.00 Plum Narabeen
Plum - Santa Rosa
$29.00 Plum - Santa Rosa
Dwarf Peach - Fresno
$29.00 Dwarf Peach - Fresno
Plum - Prune  dAgen
$29.90 Plum - Prune dAgen
Cherry - Sunburst
$34.00 Cherry - Sunburst
Quince - Smyrna
$34.00 Quince - Smyrna
Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell
$34.00 Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell
Apricot - Moorepark
$34.00 Apricot - Moorepark
Dwarf Apple - Red Delicious
$34.00 Dwarf Apple - Red Delicious
Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorepark)
$34.00 Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorepark)
Walnut - Franquette
$37.00 Walnut - Franquette
Apple - Granny Smith
$39.00 Apple - Granny Smith
Plumcott - Spring Satin
$39.00 Plumcott - Spring Satin
Chestnut - Emerald Gem
$39.00 Chestnut - Emerald Gem
Gleditzia - Sunburst
$39.00 Gleditzia - Sunburst
Dwarf Apple - Pinkabelle
$39.00 Dwarf Apple - Pinkabelle
Peach - Tasty Zee
$39.00 Peach - Tasty Zee
Plumcott - Flavour Supreme
$39.00 Plumcott - Flavour Supreme
Peach - Angel High Chill
$39.00 Peach - Angel High Chill
Dwarf Peach - Valley Red
$39.00 Dwarf Peach - Valley Red
Pear - Corella
$39.00 Pear - Corella
Pear - Packhams Triumph
$39.00 Pear - Packhams Triumph
Plum - Satsuma
$39.00 Plum - Satsuma
Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty
$39.00 Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty
Dwarf Apple - Red Fuji
$39.00 Dwarf Apple - Red Fuji
Plum - Sugar
$39.00 Plum - Sugar
Quince - Champion
$39.00 Quince - Champion
Cherry Flowering Mt Fuji
$39.00 Cherry Flowering Mt Fuji
Maple - Japanese Atropurpureum
$39.00 Maple - Japanese Atropurpureum
Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)
$39.00 Persimmon - Fuyu (NA)
Gleditzia Ruby Lace
$39.00 Gleditzia Ruby Lace
Dwarf Plum - Mariposa
$39.00 Dwarf Plum - Mariposa
Dwarf Plum - Santa Rosa
$39.00 Dwarf Plum - Santa Rosa
Spicezee - Nectarine x Plum
$39.00 Spicezee - Nectarine x Plum
Dwarf Apple - Granny Smith
$39.00 Dwarf Apple - Granny Smith
Dwarf Apple - Pink Lady
$39.00 Dwarf Apple - Pink Lady
Sugar N Spice - Nectarine x Plum
$39.00 Sugar N Spice - Nectarine x Plum
Cherry - Black Boy
$39.00 Cherry - Black Boy
Dwarf Peach - Angel High Chill
$39.00 Dwarf Peach - Angel High Chill
Cherry - Lapins
$39.00 Cherry - Lapins
Dwarf  Nectarine - Fantasia
$39.00 Dwarf Nectarine - Fantasia
Dwarf Nectarine - Royal Gem
$39.00 Dwarf Nectarine - Royal Gem
Golden Ash
$39.00 Golden Ash
Cherry - Stella
$39.00 Cherry - Stella
Pear - Williams
$39.00 Pear - Williams
Plum - Mariposa
$39.00 Plum - Mariposa
Dwarf Plumcott - Spring Satin
$44.00 Dwarf Plumcott - Spring Satin
Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty
$44.00 Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty
Dwarf Apricot - Moorepark
$44.00 Dwarf Apricot - Moorepark
Dwarf Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell
$44.00 Dwarf Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell
Chestnut - Buffalo Queen
$49.00 Chestnut - Buffalo Queen
Persimmon - Dai Dai Maru (A)
$49.00 Persimmon - Dai Dai Maru (A)
Apricot - Fireball
$49.00 Apricot - Fireball
Apple - Flamenco  Ballerina ®
$49.00 Apple - Flamenco Ballerina ®
Dwarf Cherry - Trixzie Black Cheree
$49.00 Dwarf Cherry - Trixzie Black Cheree
Peach - Anzac
$49.00 Peach - Anzac
Dwarf Apricot - Bulida
$49.00 Dwarf Apricot - Bulida
Chestnut - Marone
$49.00 Chestnut - Marone
Cherry - 2 way, Royal Rainer - Stella
$49.00 Cherry - 2 way, Royal Rainer - Stella
Dwarf Apple - Montys Surprise
$49.00 Dwarf Apple - Montys Surprise
Mulberry  - Black English
$59.00 Mulberry - Black English
Persimmon - Nightingale (A)
$69.00 Persimmon - Nightingale (A)
Walnut - Tulare
$69.00 Walnut - Tulare
Apple 3 Way - Easy Care
$69.00 Apple 3 Way - Easy Care
Plum Multi grafted 3 way - Fruit Salad Tree
$69.00 Plum Multi grafted 3 way - Fruit Salad Tree
Apple 3 way - Gala, Red Fuji, Pink Lady
$69.00 Apple 3 way - Gala, Red Fuji, Pink Lady

Do this before you get your bare root fruit trees * Only Bare Root items from this page can be pre-ordered and not plants that are currently in stock or not sold as bare root. Please order other plants in a separate order *Add to cart and enter postcode to view discounted freight prices.

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Adonis Grape - Warm Climate Grape Pearl Dragon Fruit Why People Fail at Avocado Trees

Postage Free - New Additions

Only some of our plants are Postage Free as they fit our specially designed box - View All

Muscadine Grape - Noble
$19.75 Muscadine Grape - Noble
Cape Chestnut
$19.75 Cape Chestnut
Panama Berry
$19.75 Panama Berry
Passionfruit - Sweet Lilikoi
$19.75 Passionfruit - Sweet Lilikoi
Dwarf Mulberry - Black
$19.75 Dwarf Mulberry - Black
Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple
$19.75 Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple
$19.75 Pummelo
$17.90 Tulipwood
Pawpaw - Southern Red
$17.90 Pawpaw - Southern Red
$17.90 Jaboticaba


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