Fruit Trees
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October 2010

The Daley News

Fruit Fly Control
 - FREE - Fruit Fly Netting (Video: 2:07mins)
Specials Page - Buy more then 1 & Save
Visit Us In Kyogle ( Video 4:59mins)
Competition Winners - "See Their Edible Plants
Angel Peach ( Also On Special )
- Grafting (1:33mins)
- Chocolate Pudding Fruit or Black Sapote (2:08mins)
- Mango Tree Flower Formation (1:46mins )
- Dwarf Black Mulberry Tasting ( 1:10mins )
- Dwarf Red Shahtoot Mulberry Tree ( 1:10mins )
London Plane Tree

Fruit Fly Control + Free Fruit Fly Netting Promotion

Spring is the most important time of the year to Fruit Fly Exclusion Bagsput measures in place to protect your precious home grown fruits from fruit fly.  We have an active monitoring program here at the nursery which involves setting fruit fly lures in late winter.  We use two baiting systems, Wild May and the eco naturalue male traps.  On a weekly basis we count the numbers of flies that are caught in the traps to monitor how active the fruit flies are, I find that wild may is a very effective bait, this trap does require refilling while the eco naturalure male trap is better for people who wish to hang up a trap and walk away for the season.  By the end of September the fruit flies are very busy stinging stone fruits, it is important if you wish to pick perfect fruit that you protect your fruit and actively combat the nasty habit of these native insects.  I find that exclusion bags work very well for me, I use these in conjunction with a lure which helps to reduce the number of flies in my orchard.  The exclusion bags are easy to use and have the added bonus of keeping the birds out as well. 

Free Fruit Fly Control Netting

FREE Fruit Fly Control Netting (1 Per Customer)

Below we have a video on fruit fly control which is very important in Spring. So to get you starting to think about how you will battle fruit fly follow this web address to get your free fruit fly control netting with your next online order from Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery.

Add to Cart: FREE Fruit Fly Netting

Video: Fruit Fly Control


Specials Page

You will probably notice in your own backyards that sometimes you get a really successful crop of mandarins or lemons and other times you don't. It is the same for us here at Daleys Nursery when growing the actual trees.

At the moment we have some really high quality grafted pecans that are looking great along with fig trees, jaboticabas and the angel peach tree. So if you would like to save some money this spring we encourage you to check out our specials page.

Come Visit Us in Kyogle - Video Shop Tour

Competition Winners

Organic Gardener

Thanks to everybody who shared an edible plant from their backyard. We have enjoyed viewing all the entries and you can too at My Edible Backyard.

Winner: Yearly Subscription

Vladimir Henner (Carlingford NSW)

Runner Up - Copy Of the Essential Guide to Fruit

Rochana Nilaweera (Lynbrook VIC)

Angel Peach

Angel PeachThe Angel Peach or Donut peach as it is also called is a fabulous new selection of the old flat stone peach which has been cultivated since 1100 BC in China.  A high chill Angel peach was released in 2008 with a low chill subtropical selection being released last year for backyard growers.  It is proving to be a very popular fruit tree.  The flat stone peaches are well known for their sweet juicy fruits and are hard to surpass in terms of flavour.  So if you have room for another peach tree, try the Angel Peach

New Fruit Tree Videos

Video: Grafting Lemon Trees Eureka

Video: Chocolate Pudding Fruit - Black Sapote

Video: Mango Tree Flower formation and Care

Video: Dwarf Mulberry Tree Black - Taste Impressions

Video: Dwarf Mulberry Tree Red Shahtoot - Taste Impressions

London Plane Trees

London Plane TreesI occasionally receive phone calls from people who have followed their GPS to the nursery and have been directed via Clark's Lane, those who continue past the gravel road and down the goat track begin to wonder if we are 4WD access only until they come to the river where the main problem with these directions becomes apparent.  The bridge crossing the river to Daley's Lane washed away in the floods of 1989.  The only access across the Richmond River is Via Anzac Drive.

Soon after the Second World War someone planted an avenue of London Plane Trees on both sides of river, the trees on our side have matured into beautiful specimen trees, I have recently feature them on our Fruit Tree blog if you would like to read the full story here is the link to the London Plane Blog.  The trees are very versatile and are commonly used as street trees due to their ability to cope with high levels of pollution and the compaction of soil around their roots.  They are a beautiful landscaping tree if you have plenty of room for a large deciduous specimen tree.



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