Image with 4 separate perennial veg photos with text in the center.

(1/2) Image with 4 separate perennial veg photos with text in the center. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Rainbow Chards just keep on giving and look fantastic in the garden

(2/2) Rainbow Chards just keep on giving and look fantastic in the garden


Perennial vegetables

Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables

Perennial Vegetables make unusual, highly appealing ornamental plants that provide edible leaves or tubers for most of the year. Apart from being a plentiful food source they also serve other functions around the house such as screening (Arrowroot), ground covers (sweet potato), and edge plants used as a barrier against weeds (comfrey).


Bamboo - Edible

Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Bamboo - Edible
Trees and Plants > Hedge Plants > Bamboo - Edible

The fastest growing plant in the world, bamboo is an excellent and useful landscaping plant. It produces edible shoots and an endless supply of canes that can be used for a multitude of purposes around the garden. To ensure the safe consumption of bamboo shoots, it's important to boil them before use. This process helps to remove the cyanogenic glycosides produced by the plant as a defence against herbivores. It's advisable to boil for at least 20mins and change the water once or twice during boiling to ensure all toxins are eliminated. Bamboos considered edible have a sweet pleasant taste when this is done. Other bamboos considered inedible can be rendered safe to eat after boiling but may be bitter in taste.


Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Rhubarb

Rheum rhaponticum
The perennial rhubarb is often referred to as the 'pie plant' due to its use in pies but it also lends itself to a wide range of muffins, biscuits, cakes, as well as fancier desserts. Versatile in savory dishes, rhubarb provides a piquant base for marinades and condiments to pair with roasted meats and poultry. It is a highly productive fruit that can be harvested within 6 months.


Fruit Trees > Berries Vines and Climbers > Strawberry
Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Strawberry

Fragaria virginiana
One of the best fruits for small space, strawberries are perfect for pots and patios. The name strawberry is often thought to come from the fact that a mulch of straw is perfect to keep the fruit off the ground, however it more likely originates from the old name strewn berry referring to the fact that the runners love to spread themselves from the parent plant. A delightful fruit used in desserts and sauces, but always best picked and eaten straight from the garden.

Sweet Potato

Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Sweet Potato

Ipomea batatus
The Sweet Potato is a perennial trailing plant that develops fleshy tuberous roots.


Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Taro

Colocasia esculenta
Taro is a staple crops of the Pacific Islands and is also very popular throughout many parts of Asia. The delicious tuber can substitute potato in almost any dish, baked, boiled or made into chips. Its very ornamental heart-shaped leaves make a great spinach when cooked thoroughly. Note that Taro leaves contain oxalic acid (also referred to as oxalates), which will cause irritation to the throat if the leaves are consumed without sufficient cooking. Long term use without proper cooking may lead to kidney stones The plant prefers moist, deep soil and it grows well in both full shade and full sun. While in the Pacific Islands ( the place of origin for the Taro) there are hundreds of different varieties, in commercial production in Australia we generally see two main cultivars, which to simplify the diversity have been separated into: Japanese and Pacific Taro Be aware that the Taro looks quite similar to the Elephants Ear and the native Cunjevoi is NOT edible.

Yam - Oca

Fruit Trees > Perennial vegetables > Yam - Oca
Plant List > Herbs, Spices & Perennial Vegetables > Yam - Oca

Oxalis tuberosa
A tuberous vegetable that produces colourful tubers that can be cooked like potato or eaten raw. The plant is attractive, having the typical leaves of oxalis, which is similar to the well known clover leaf. These are best suited to temperate climates. It is recommended to plant in Spring in cool areas and at the beginning of the Autumn in warmer areas. They can be kept in a fridge until ready for planting. Be careful not to freeze it. Protect from heat in all climate zones. Plant with about 5cm coverage, 30cm apart. Best harvests are had when the plants are hilled as for potatoes from about 4 months after planting. They are ready to harvest when the tops start to die back.

Sweet Leaf Bush

$18.75 ($18.75-$18.90 choose a size)

Sweet Leaf Bush has been a popular leafy green perennial vegetable in Malaysia (especially Borneo) for many years.The crop grows rapidly in hot humid conditions but becomes relatively dormant in cooler environments. It will grow in acid soils and in heavy clay soils.The leaves and the top 15cm of stem tips of the Sauropus plant have a pleasant taste, similar to fresh garden peas, with a slightly nutty flavour. It is one of the most popular leaf vegetables in Southeast Asia and is notable for high yields and palatability.[6] The shoot tips have been sold as tropical asparagus. In Vietnam, the locals cook it with crab meat, minced pork or dried shrimp to make soup. In Malaysia, it is commonly stir-fried with egg or dried anchovies.WARNING: Do not use raw in green smoothies. People using the leaves in this way can ingest large amounts and have subsequently developed significant health issues affecting the lungs. Small amounts used raw in salads is generally fine to ingest. Used in cooking, it is very safe.
Aramex Free Freight


$19.75 ($5.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Cassava is a shrubby plant growing to about 1-3m, with thin stems and attractive large palm-shaped leaves. A perennial shrub cassava produces a high yield of tuberous roots in 6 months to 3 years after planting. The tubers are the main part that is eaten, but the leaves can be enjoyed as a vegetable dish.Cassava is an important daily source of starch for 300-600 million of the poorest people around the world. It is among the most productive uses of subsistence land, producing 40% more starch than rice, and 25% more than maize..Note that all cassava is poisonous!! In some bitter varieties, all parts of the plant are laced with a highly toxic poison (hydrocyanic or prussic acid). Sweet varieties have lower or marginal concentrations of the toxin. But the more toxic varieties produce bigger tubers! Plants from the tropics have evolved toxins as a defense against predators more so than those from temperate climates which is why they require cooking in order to eat them. Thorough cooking dispels or denatures the harmful toxins, and makes the remaining portion safe to eat.Powdered cassava is treated like a flour and made into cakes, unleavened bread, pasta, crackers. Sliced cassava is also made into crisps. Flat bread made from cassava meal can keep for a year without spoiling. Dried chips or pellets are used as animal feed.Young tender leaves are rich in Vitamin B and protein, but also has more of the toxins. They are eaten as a vegetable. Like the tubers, they have to be properly cooked to remove their toxins.
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Pigeon Pea

$9.90 ($2.90-$18.90 choose a size)

A woody, fast growing leguminous shrub, to 3.6 m, with yellow and red flowers. It is hardy, widely adaptable and tolerant of temperatures as high as 35C. It can be killed by heavy frost. The seeds are 25% protein, can be eaten fresh or as split dried peas, are used for dhal in India, contain 5 times more Vitamin A and C than green peas. The leaves and young shoots can be eaten cooked, they are fibrous and have a strong spicy odour. Animal Fodder; an excellent feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. Green Manure; incorporate the plants as they flower. Mulch production; can be cut many times in a season. Windbreaks; suitable as a shelter belt around vegetable gardens and plants provide nitrogen, habitat and soil stabilisation. Permaculture - plant on west side of newly planted trees to provide wind and sun shelter and a ready source of mulch. Prune back to control growth and use as mulch on your young tree.
Buy 4+ @$9.90ea usually:$18.90ea Aramex Free Freight

Malabar Spinach - Red

$4.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields. It grows best in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin c, iron and calcium. Malabar spinach may be used to thicken soups or as a leafy green in stir fries.


$16.90 ($16.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A vine native to Mexico and grown for it edible tuberous roots that are also called yam beans. Jicama (pronounced 'hicama') looks similar to a turnip and can be used as an alternative to water chestnuts. The creamy white flesh has a flavour that is sweet and starchy like apple or green beans. The plants die back in winter in cool climates but the tubers will shoot again in spring. The root of Jicama develops swellings the size of a large turnip, (up to 5 per plant) under the surface of the ground, they are often eaten raw with a dusting of salt and chilli powder and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Warning The rest of this plant is poisonous, leave and seeds contain a toxin, eat only the tuber.
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Betel Leaf

$19.90 ($14.75-$19.90 choose a size)

The spicy leaves can be eaten raw and cooked. The attractive leaves can be used to wrap tasty foods such as spiced rice and ginger. Requires free draining, moist, fertile soil to grow well. Trellis support advised. Or it can be grown as a dense ground cover. Soaking the leaves in cold water with a little sugar for 2 hours before use subtly alters the flavour. The white flower spikes develop into a small fruit that can be eaten. Betel leaf has many traditional medicinal uses.Betel leaf is an evergreen, perennial creeper to 90 cm. It has shiny heart-shaped leaves with small white flower spikes. It prefers a rich, well-drained soil with partial shade. It likes to be kept moist but does not tolerate water-logging. Frost will damage the leaves but not kill the plant once it is well established. It makes a good ground cover under trees in subtropical and tropical areas. It grows vigorously in the right position and because of its habit of suckering can be difficult to remove. It can be grown successfully in colder areas in a hanging basket or large pot and moved to a warm, sheltered position in winter. Betel leaf is a different plant to Betel pepper Piper betle, which is chewed with betel nut.

Torch Ginger - Thai Pink


Stunning pink flowers are fresh and zesty tasting, a favourite in SE Asian cooking. Plants produce large flower spikes in summer and are a stunning addition to gardens, both tropical and subtropical. A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height. Likes part shade and a rich, well drained soil. Fertilise and keep moist for great blooms. The entire plant is edible, including seeds, flowers and leaves.


$5.90 ($5.90-$9.75 choose a size)

Peanuts grow best in light, sandy-loam soil. They require five months of warm weather and regular moisture. The pods ripen 120 to 150 days after the seeds are planted. If the crop is harvested too early, the pods will be unripe. If they are harvested late, the pods will snap off at the stalk, and will remain in the soil. They prefer an acidic soil of preferably 5.9 - 7 pH. Although referred to as a nut peanuts are actually a legume.
Buy 4+ @$5.90ea usually:$9.75ea

Tahitian Spinach

$17.90 ($17.90-$17.90 choose a size)

This particular Taro was developed for its yield of edible leaves and stems rather than its roots. The leaves and leaf stems are eaten as a cooked, green vegetable. This plant has a Weed Warning. Weed Warning: Tahitian Spinach is prone to producing a multitude of small bulbils that, if disturbed, can spread rapidly. It tends to be hard to clear out of an area because of the sheer numbers of these small bulbils. So it is best planted off in a corner or in a large pot, where it can be left undisturbed. The stems are widely used as a celery substitute in tropical areas. They provide protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and vitamins A, B, and C. The leaves can be harvested all year round. No Taro should ever be eaten raw, due to the presence of harmful oxalates, which are eliminated with cooking.

Chinese Water Chestnut

$7.90 ($2.00-$12.90 choose a size)

This popular Asian cooking ingredient is a tropical member of the sedge family. These nutritious underground corms reaching up to 4cm in diameter have an appealing crisp nut like texture. They can be cooked as a vegetable offering a contrasting texture to many dishes or they can deliver their sweetness and juiciness prepared fresh and raw or lightly steamed or sauteed for salads Water chestnuts can be grown in a pond of a container, an old bathtub or a salvaged water tank cut in half are ideal options. Plant the corms in spring, about 5cm deep into friable soil preferably rich in organic matter and course sand. Keep the plants moist until the shoots are about 10cm tall, then fill the container up with water until it's about 10cm deep, with the tips of the leaves just showing. Leave the container flooded at that depth for about 6-7 months, then drain off the water in late autumn. Leave the soil moist but not wet for another month or so until the shoots die down, then harvest the water chestnuts. Water chestnuts will grow in most areas of Australia, but they are frost tender and require at least an 8-month frost-free growing season. A single corm is said to be able to produce 100 corms within a growing season!
Buy 4+ @$7.90ea usually:$12.90ea

Malabar Spinach - Green


Grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields. It grows best in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin c, iron and calcium. Malabar spinach may be used to thicken soups or as a leafy green in stir fries.A green stemmed selection that does not seed as readily as the red.

Timor Lettuce


A hardy upright lettuce variety that can grow to 2m. Tolerant of hot and humid conditions. Leaves can be eaten fresh or when they are older cook them in soups and stews like spinach. Great for subtropical and tropical gardens producing tasty leafy greens for your kitchen creations most of the year. Chickens love it too. Semi perennial that self sows readily.
Buy 1+ @$5.75ea usually:$9.75ea

Hibiscus - Cranberry


A very nutritious vegetable. The young leaves have a pleasantly tart flavour, and eaten either raw or cooked, they retain their colour. The leaves contain oxalic acid, and should only be eaten once a week. Unlike Aibika, it is not particularly mucilaginous. Flowers are used to make teas or other drinks where they contribute colour rather than taste. In Central America the flowers are combined with ice, sugar, lemon, or lime juice and water to make a purple lemonade.This plant is a short-lived perennial shrub in the subtropics and tropics but can be grown as an annual in cooler climates. It grows rapidly to 1.7 m high with deeply cut leaves similar to Japanese maple. The leaf colour of deep cranberry red is highly ornamental; the flowers are a small, very pretty, rose-pink hibiscus-type. Cranberry hibiscus is a hardy plant that thrives when it is warm and wet; it prefers full sun but will grow in partial shade. It needs ample water, rich, fertile, well-drained soil that is kept mulched and a pH of between 6.1 and 6.5.The vivid leaf colour makes this a good choice as a background plant in ornamental beds.

Basil - Perennial

$17.75 ($4.90-$17.75 choose a size)

Perennial Basil is a vigorous and bushy plant growing all year round in frost free areas. It is a fast growing bee attracting herb with a spicy flavour. The leaves have a stronger taste then regular basil.
Aramex Free Freight

Arrowroot - West Indian


True Arrowroot, a tropical plant with rhizomatous tubers that are the source of the well known flour. Can be eaten raw or cooked but the flesh is fibrous. The flour starch is extracted from the pulped tuber, which is mixed with water and sieved. The resulting starchy water is evaporated and the fine starchy powder remains. Native to tropical Central and South America it does better in frost free areas, growing to about 1.2m. The rhizomes are ready to harvest when 10-12 months old, the stems yellow and fall over in winter and return in late spring. Grow in full sun or part shade with good moisture. Ornamental, lending a tropical ginger look to gardens. Suitable for growing in pots or in Food Forest systems


$17.90 ($9.50-$17.90 choose a size)

An edible Canna similar in appearance to its close relative the ornamental Cannas. Another of the Ancient Inca food crops, it was one of the first plants to have been domesticated in the Andean region. A popular crop in the market place in Peru and Ecuador. The large round red rhizomes can be eaten raw, cooked as you would a potato or used as a flour and thickening agent. Excellent carbohydrate, the starch is easily digested and is a promising food source. The young shoots can also be eaten as a green vegetable. The plant is easy to plant, to grow and to harvest. While the tubers multiply prolifically in deep rich friable soil, they are the most hardy of all the tuber crops and grow well in soils where most other tubers will not grow. Has few problems with pests and diseases. Can be harvested after 6 months. Will tolerate heat and frosts.

Okinawa Spinach

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A dense, low growing plant to 70 cm high. Easily the most low maintenance perennial leaf vegetable; it is a hardy plant and relatively pest-free. Thrives in warm, wet conditions and frost sensitive, it is best suited to subtropical and tropical areas. An attractive plant with shiny leaves that are green on top and purple underneath; the flowers are very small and orange. It grows best in full sun to partial shade. It needs ample water, rich, fertile well-drained soil that is kept mulched.It is a very nutritious vegetable, eaten raw or cooked, the young leaves are the tastiest. Steam the leaves and young shoos, great in stir fry, stews, and soups. It can also be steamed with rice if it is added for the last 7 minutes of cooking time.
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Yacon - Apple of the Earth

$19.75 ($3.95-$19.75 choose a size)

Also known as the 'Earth Apple' this is one of the ancient crops of the Inca's. This relative of the sunflower is popular to the people of Columbia, Ecuador and Argentina. The plant produces large tubers similar in appearance to sweet potatoes, but they have a much sweeter taste and crunchy flesh. The tubers can be eaten raw as a refreshing treat on their own, finely sliced and mixed into salads,boiled or baked, fried as chips or prepared as a pickle. There is also commercial interest as a flavouring for yoghurt. They are sweet, juicy and almost calorie free. The main stem can also be used like celery. The texture and flavour have been described as a cross between a fresh apple and watermelon. The plants are vigorous, herbaceous, perennial and extremely hardy tolerating hot summers, drought and poor soils. The foliage of the plant dies back in the winter after flowering at which time the tubers are harvested carefully to avoid damage to the tubers. They tend to continue sweetening if left in a cool dry and dark place for a week or two before consumption. The reddish rhizomes are then replanted for the next season.

Bamboo - Oldhamii

$42.95 ($42.95-$79.00 choose a size)

An edible species of bamboo. Fast growing in just about any soil type or environmental condition. Oldhamii is a medium sized upright clumping bamboo. It has deep green foliage that starts low on the smooth clumps which turn yellow as they are exposed to sunlight. The tall upright culms grow straight and strong making it a popular variety for many different horticultural and agricultural applications. Both the timber and the shoots are popular for construction and human consumption purposes. To ensure the safe consumption of bamboo shoots, it's important to boil them before use. This process helps to remove the cyanogenic glycosides produced by the plant as a defence against herbivores. It's advisable to boil for at least 20mins and change the water once or twice during boiling to ensure all toxins are eliminated

Asparagus - Mary Washington

$14.90 ($14.90-$19.75 choose a size)

It is an attractive fern-like perennial that can produce fresh tasty spears for over 20 years if the beds are well-maintained. Asparagus prefers sandy soils but with the right preparation will perform very well in heavier clays. Valuable investment in the long term vegetable garden. Asparagus plants are either male or female plants. These crowns are unsexed. Both male and female plants produce delicious spears, the male spears being slightly thicker, the females producing seed heads which can be pruned to encourage growth.

Asparagus - Purple

$14.90 ($14.90-$17.90 choose a size)

Purple Spears.An attractive fern-like perennial that can produce fresh tasty spears for over 20 years if the beds are well-maintained. Valuable investment in the long term vegetable garden. Plant these established crowns into rich well drained soil in your garden and you will be rewarded with delicious fresh asparagus spears every spring. Asparagus plants are either male or female plants. These crowns are unsexed. Both male and female plants produce delicious spears, the male spears being slightly thicker, the females producing seed heads which can be pruned to encourage growth. Purple vegetables are a great source of extra phytonutrients.


$14.75 ($4.90-$17.75 choose a size)

An attractive annual bushy shrub with flowers and fruit used to give colour and flavour to jams, fruit punches, sauces and desserts. A relative of the hibiscus family, best grown in rich soil in a sunny position.

Choko - White

$19.75 ($7.75-$19.75 choose a size)

A vigorous vine with large white fruit cooked as a popular vegetable. They are delicious when eaten at a small size. Very versatile and often used as a pear and apple substitute or supplement in cooking. Very hardy. Choko plants are perennial but die back in winter and the tuber will sprout again in spring. They grow best in hot conditions and are frost tender so chose a site that gets full sun to plant your chokos.

Jerusalem Artichoke

$14.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A Jerusalem artichoke is a white-fleshed root vegetable that is related to the Sunflower. The plant is upright, tall-growing with bristly woody stems, green pointed leaves, and golden-yellow flowers similar to the sunflower. The edible tubers are elongated, knobby, white, red or purple skinned. Several tubers are clustered at the base of each stem. The tubers can be eaten raw or cooked and the flavour improves if they are left in the ground until frosted. It is not related to the thistle-like globe artichoke, even though they taste rather similar. It is used in a popular creamy soup in France. Best planted in the spring or early summer for good tuber production. Appreciates well drained and friable soils. Raised garden beds can be useful where you have heavier soil types. Keep them well mulched and visit them regularly to enjoy their fine presence in your garden.

Mushroom - Shiitake Grow Kit


Edible mushroom native to East Asia, grown in conditions similar to their natural environment on either artificial substrate or hardwood logs, such as oak. Fresh or dried shiitake are used as an ingredient in many steamed and simmered dishes, they may be served fried or steamed. Aussie Mushrooms Grow Kit - 100% Australian Made Shiitake Lentinula edodes (High Yeild Strain) If your not ready to start your kit keep it in your fridge until you are ready (up to 2 months) Step 1, Cut the top off the bag and fill with Cold Water until the Block is submerged let the Log soak in the water for 12 hours, (put something heavy on the Log so its submerged in the water) Step 2, put a Brick in a large bucket or container and some water in the Bottom no more than Half way up the brick, Sit your log on the Brick out of the water as pictured below, and cover the top of the Bucket with some plastic leave a small gap for air exchange (approx 20%) Mist with water 2 times per day, Keep the walls of your bucket wet and your log moist, when the mushrooms start to form do not spray the mushrooms directly. When your mushrooms are grown, Cut them off as close to the block as possible. Allow your block to rest for 10 days and repeat the process, You should get 3-4 flushes of mushrooms You do not need to eat your mushrooms all at once, They will keep in the fridge for 2 weeks in a paper bag. You should get around 500Grams from your first flush. When you harvest pick the large mushrooms leave the small ones until they are fully grown.Ideal Fruiting Temperature between 16-18C. Through summer, gardeners create shaded, moist, cool microclimates like the bucket described above.

Torch Ginger - James Pink


Pink Waratah-like flowers are fresh and zesty tasting with a ginger-like flavour, a favourite in SE Asian cooking. Plants produce large flower spikes in summer and are a stunning addition to gardens, both tropical and subtropical. A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height. Likes part shade and a rich, well drained soil. Fertilise and keep moist for great blooms. The entire plant is edible, including seeds, flowers and leaves.

Choko - Green

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A vigorous vine known for its large green fruit cooked as a popular vegetable. They are delicious when eaten at a small size. Very versatile and often used as a pear and apple substitute or supplement in cooking. Very hardy. The leaves, shoots, fruits and tubers are all eaten, making this an excellent plant to have around the garden and kitchen. It's growth can be kept in check be pruning or providing a strong trellis for the plant to climb. Fruits form quickly during the warm months and will continue over a long period of time. The vines will die back in winter as they are frost tender. Free draining soil is best and the plant will respond well to a feed of organic compost or manures during the growing season.An old fashioned plant that produces a tonne of fruit for modern times.

Perennial Leek


Perennial leeks are slim and clumping and can be eaten just like annual leeks, with that typical mild flavour that it adds to slow cooked dishes. They propagate themselves from offsets formed at the base of the plant, and these can be separated off to create new plantings.

Mushroom Plant

$14.75 ($14.75-$18.75 choose a size)

This low growing perennial herb gets its name from the mushroomy flavoured leaves. The leaves and stems are eaten raw in salads or they can be cooked as a green vegetable in stir fries. The leaves are rich in chlorophyll. Leaves contain 3% protein, they are also very high in calcium, a richer source than most foods.

Asparagus Green UC157


A popular, high yielding producer of uniform large green spears. A reliable commercial variety that is long lived and will provide flavourful spears for many years. A perennial vegetable that requires a permanent bed, spears are harvested in the third year during Oct-Dec. Prefers a sandy well drained soil with full to part sun. Unharvested spears grow tall and become ferny growth that can be cut back in autumn / winter when they have changed colour to yellow/brown. Asparagus plants are either male or female plants. These crowns are unsexed. Both male and female plants produce delicious spears, the male spears being slightly thicker, the females producing seed heads which can be pruned to encourage growth.

Potato - Dutch Cream


Oval tuber with a yellow skin and rich yellow, waxy flesh; good flavour and texture, holds its shape when cooked and is excellent mashed. Also perfect for frying, baking and potato salads. Sold as a 1kg bag

Tree Collard

$17.75 ($4.90-$17.75 choose a size)

This perennial brassica is excellent for a continual supply of greens, sweeter and Tastier than regular collards. The leaves turn purple in cold weather. High in calcium any excess leaves can be fed to your chickens. The trunk and branches get woody after three years so it is a good idea to take cutting after 18 months - 2 years while the top branches are still tender.

Longevity Spinach


Fast growing, fleshy-leaved edible green to 1m high, that can be eaten raw in salads, smoothies and stir-fries. The plant is best grown well-watered and in part shade in warm climates, and pruned as the fleshy stems and leaves can get quite heavy. Can be used as a Living Mulch as it has a scrambling, vine-like habit. May have the potential to be a weed risk.

Brazilian Sissoo Spinach


A low growing perennial leaf vegetable, which forms a neat mound to 30 cm high, rather than spreading in a mat. This growth habit makes it a handy plant for edging paths, especially in partial shade as it is quite shade-tolerant. It is suitable for subtropical and tropical areas only; it is unlikely to do well further south than Sydney. It will tolerate most soils although it prefers a moderate to rich loam, it dislikes water logging. Plant in full sun to medium shade. Use it steamed or stir-fried rather than in salads.

Gac -Female


The Female Gac produces flowers for fruit production. It is a vigorous climbing perennial melon noted for its orange-red flesh. The aril around the seeds is cooked to make strikingly red dishes. Green fruits can be cooked as a vegetable. It can be made into both sweet and savoury dishes. The plant is dioecious, so both a Male and Female are required to get fruit. Hand pollinating with a Male produces larger fruit on this Female vine. Suited to subtropical climates, where dormancy occurs during winter. In tropical areas its vigorous habit needs care.

Green Globe Artichoke


A perenial thistle from the Mediterranean region, the flowers are picked when immature and only the heart of the bud and the fleshy base of the leaves are edible. Green globes have large flowering heads, suitable for warm climates. They require a sunny position that is generously fertilized.Most common variety grown in Australia.

Bitter Leaf


A small shrub from tropical Africa that grows 2-5m. The bitter leaves are used in soups and stews.

Sorrel - French


Sorrel is a slightly lemon flavoured green perennial herb used as a delightful tangy salad green and is also known as Buckler sorrel. It is a refined plant that grows as a clump reaching 30-40cm with leaves 4-6cm across. It is a very hardy plant that will continue to flourish when the rest of your fresh garden greens are suffering either from heatstroke or the chills. Sorrel is best located in the full sun or with some afternoon shade and loves rich well-drained soil that is kept fairly moist.



A perennial melon noted for its orange-red flesh. The aril around the seeds is cooked with sticky rice to make a striking red dessert. Green fruits can be cooked as a vegetable.It can be made into both sweet and savoury dishes. Vines can be at the same time both male and female. Which is required for the plants to set fruit. Unusually gac vines can change between being male and female and may change from one season to the next. Hand pollinating allows for a better crop. Suited to subtropical climates.

Water Celery


Water Celery is a perennial bog plant with a strong celery flavour that becomes milder with cooking. It grows to 60 cm when in flower in most areas of Australia. The leaves and tender stems are eaten raw in salads, used in soups, or to flavour rice; the white roots are also edible. It spreads rapidly to form a dense mat and prefers full sun to a partially shaded position.Weed Warning: Care should be taken to keep it out of natural watercourses

Chinese Yam


A perennial climbing vine native to China. The edible tubers can be eaten raw after briefly soaking in vinegar, it is starchy and bland in flavour. It is cold hardy and its weedy habit needs to be considered when planting to prevent it spreading into bushland. The cinnamon scented flowers give it its alternative name, cinnamon vine.



This plant is a short-lived perennial shrub in the subtropics and the tropics but an annual in cooler climates. It grows 2 - 3 m high with large, soft green leaves. There is great variation in the leaf shape within the species, from deeply palmate to large and rounded. Our supply will vary from season to season, accordingly. Young leaves and shoots may be eaten raw, steamed, boiled, stir-fried or added to soups. The large soft leaves can be used to wrap food, similar to vine or cabbage leaves. As the leaves cook quickly, add them last to steamed veges or stir-fry. The leaves contain mucilage, which can give a slightly slimy feel in the mouth. It is a hardy plant that thrives when it is warm and wet. It prefers full sun but will grow in partial shade. Aibika needs ample water and rich, fertile soil that is kept mulched. It is a very nutritious vegetable; the leaves are high in vitamins A and C, and iron, and have 2% protein by dry weight. Weed Warning: Annual types flower and self-sow readily and have the potential to become quite weedy; their seedpods are also very prickly so are best avoided.

Gac - Male


The Male produces flowers that will pollinate a Female vine. Gac is a vigorous climbing perennial melon noted for its orange-red flesh. The aril around the seeds is cooked to make strikingly red dishes. Green fruits can be cooked as a vegetable. It can be made into both sweet and savoury dishes. The plant is dioecious, so both a Male and Female are required to get fruit. Hand pollinating produces larger fruit. Suited to subtropical climates, where dormancy occurs during winter. In tropical areas its vigorous habit needs care

Cassava - Variegated


Colourful cassava that boasts bright green and creamy white to bright, sunny yellow leaves highlighted with red petioles. Its palmate leaves add both colour and a tropical feel to the garden. It can be grown year round in the tropics and subtropics and as an annual in cooler regions as the roots will send up shoots in the spring. Both the leaves and roots are edible but are also poisonous so must be cooked correctly.Toxicity warning - Cassava must be prepared before it is eaten as it contains cyanide. Boil leaves for 10 minutes and roots for 20 minutes. Discard the water.

Madagascar Bean


An ancient vegetable grown in Peru for over 8000 years.  madagascar bean is a vigorous climbing lima bean.  it is excellent at coping with wet humid condition.  There is usually little pod production in the 1st year but it is very prolific after that.  The seeds are an attractive white with burgendy speckles. The shelled beans can be used fresh or dried in soups and stews.  If harvested young, while the seeds are still white, it is a good tropical substitute fro broad beans.

Sorrel - Red-vein

$15.90 ($4.90-$15.90 choose a size)

Red-vein sorrel is edible and ornamental. An attractive perennial it has the look of spinach, with the green leaves described as lance shaped, from 5-14 cm long. The characteristic red-purple veins are quite striking and may be more prominent in the summer months. This colouring also gives the red sorrel the names bloody sorrel, bloody dock or red veined dock. The plant itself spreads, with a rosette like base creating a clump of leaves above the taproot. The tall spikes of tiny, greenish flowers appear in summer. Small, brown fruits, containing seeds, appear after flowering. The young leaves of sorrel can be used sparingly in salads, the presence of oxalic acid means it should not be eaten in large amounts. Sorrel may be used for sauces and soups, salads and omelettes.

Lagos Spinach

$12.90 ($3.95-$12.90 choose a size)

An unusual annual leafy vegetable, it is easy to grow in most climate zones and is drought tolerant. The leaves, young stems and young flower buds are used cooked. The leaves have a soft texture and a mild spinach-like taste. It is known to self-sow. Suitable for temperate, subtropical and tropical areas. In Nigeria it is traditionally called 'soko yokoto', which means "make husbands fat and happy"



Cultivated for the edible corm, which must be cooked before eating. The starch from the corm is used to make flour, jelly and noodles. A unique plant producing only one enormous bipinnate leaf a year, up to 1m tall and 2m across. The flower is produced before the leaf, and when grown, the flowers have a fetid smell to attract pollinators, carrion flies and midges and can be up to 50cm tall. Once pollinated the smell abates. Corms may grow up to 25cm in diameter and must be thoroughly boiled or baked to destroy the calcium oxalate crystals contained within, which are toxic when raw. Native to tropical SE Asia and found from Northern Australia to China. It has many traditional culinary and medicinal uses throughout SE Asian cultures. Care must be taken when eating the jelly form as it is very firm and may present a choking hazard.

Surinam Spinach


Surinam spinach is a product we no longer sell due to its invasiveness. It has bright green, slightly tangy, crunchy leaves and dainty pink flowers. It is related to purslane and so contains oxalic acid. It is ornamental enough to use in a flower garden. Use it raw in salads or tossed in at the end of a stir-fry. It is a low bushy plant between 30 and 100 cm tall. It grows and thrives in partial shade and high soil moisture.

Rainbow Chard Silverbeet


A multi-coloured relative of beetroot and silverbeet, this plant is one of the easiest to grow in the garden and you wont have to force yourself to drink wheatgrass juice, this plant is packed with chlorophyll and loads of vitamins and minerals.Very easy to grow only some caterpillar, snail and potential Beet leaf miner. Rainbow chard is a delicious vegetable. Make sure to eat the coloured stems which are considered a delicacy in part of Europe, not just the leaves. The young leaves can be eaten raw in salads. Older leaves are sweetened up with some steaming, which, if you eat a lot of it, is important to destroy the oxalic acid.

Garlic Chives


The flat strappy leaves of this perennial herbs add a delicate garlic flavour to stir fries, salads and other savoury dishes. They can be used in place of garlic where a less spicy and more delicate flavour is desired. The attractive white flowers are also edible and if left to mature to seed, the seeds can be sprouted for a peppery and healthy addition to the salad bowl. Garlic chives are the perfect border plant for the kitchen garden, they will thrive will very little attention, in a sunny well drained position.

Capsicum - Perennial


Hardy, short-lived perennial capsicum, growing to 2m. Flesh is bright red, thin and sweet . Fruit are very resistant to disease, producing abundant crops for months through late spring, summer and autumn. Dies back during winter in cooler sub tropical areas, but returns vigorously in spring with care. Can be pruned to 1m.

Lebanese Cress

$9.90 ($9.90-$12.90 choose a size)

Lebanese Cress is a low growing to 25 cm high, spreading, perennial herb which is very easy to grow. It likes moist conditions and partial shade. It makes an attractive ground cover with fern-like leaves but be aware it can cover quite a large area so don't plant it where it will become a problem. If space is limited grow it in a pot or saucer. It is a good addition to salads, can be used as a garnish or in soups.

Tree Dahlia


Herbaceous perennial growing to 8-10m from its tuber, after a period of winter dormancy. The tuber is edible and is consumed as a starchy root vegetable. Petals are also eaten and the plant has attractive pink flowers. Rapid grower during the warm months and the dormancy may be brief in warm climates.



Mauka is a fairly large plant, growing up to 1.8 m in diameter and three to 1 - 1.2 m high in a single growing season. Stems are long and unruly, so the plant has a sprawling habit. The root, which is the primary edible part, is like a dense cluster of fat carrots, weighing over 2kg or more if given sufficient time to grow. Flavor is subjective, but the flavour of mauka root is a bit like a combination of potato and cabbage. The texture is denser than potato and the flavour is a little bit more savory with a mild cabbagey aftertaste.All parts of the plant are edible. Stems are tough and can be rendered edible only by long, slow cooking. The leaves can be used as a salad green, but some people may find them irritating due to calcium oxalate content, they can be bitter and astringent. Roots are best to cut into chunks and then peeled. Every individual root has a thin core that is woody and inedible. The core is easily removed after cooking. The simplest method of preparation is to boil for about an hour.

Chinese Artichoke (10)

$0.50 ($0.50-$14.90 choose a size)

This is a groundcover plant that produces small, white, knobbly tubers in winter after the foliage dies down. The tubers have a delicate flavour, being slightly sweet and nutty, they add crunch to salads and stir-fries and are popular as a novelty vegetable. Can be eaten raw or cooked. Water well in summer. Can spread aggressively if given good conditions but are easily controlled by fencing them off and letting the chooks in for a day or two. Even tiny bits grow into full sized plants.


$14.90 ($1.00-$14.90 choose a size)

Very nutritious but takes 2-3 years for tubers to get to eating size. The tubers grow in 'strings' on the roots. The plants die down in winter which is when they are harvested. Plant them in three spots and dig each spot in turn each year for eating, this allows the tubers time to mature. The tubers are peeled then boiled well before eating. They are delicious and nutty. Only eat well cooked. This is a non-vigorous climber but does spread to some extent by the root. Pull up any shoots that appear in the spring where they are not wanted. They sometimes flower but do not set pods as this one seems to be sterile.

Sweet Leaf Bush

$18.75 ($18.75-$18.90 choose a size)

Sweet Leaf Bush has been a popular leafy green perennial vegetable in Malaysia (especially Borneo) for many years.The crop grows rapidly in hot humid conditions but becomes relatively dormant in cooler environments. It will grow in acid soils and in heavy clay soils.The leaves and the top 15cm of stem tips of the Sauropus plant have a pleasant taste, similar to fresh garden peas, with a slightly nutty flavour. It is one of the most popular leaf vegetables in Southeast Asia and is notable for high yields and palatability.[6] The shoot tips have been sold as tropical asparagus. In Vietnam, the locals cook it with crab meat, minced pork or dried shrimp to make soup. In Malaysia, it is commonly stir-fried with egg or dried anchovies.WARNING: Do not use raw in green smoothies. People using the leaves in this way can ingest large amounts and have subsequently developed significant health issues affecting the lungs. Small amounts used raw in salads is generally fine to ingest. Used in cooking, it is very safe.
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$19.75 ($5.90-$19.75 choose a size)

Cassava is a shrubby plant growing to about 1-3m, with thin stems and attractive large palm-shaped leaves. A perennial shrub cassava produces a high yield of tuberous roots in 6 months to 3 years after planting. The tubers are the main part that is eaten, but the leaves can be enjoyed as a vegetable dish.Cassava is an important daily source of starch for 300-600 million of the poorest people around the world. It is among the most productive uses of subsistence land, producing 40% more starch than rice, and 25% more than maize..Note that all cassava is poisonous!! In some bitter varieties, all parts of the plant are laced with a highly toxic poison (hydrocyanic or prussic acid). Sweet varieties have lower or marginal concentrations of the toxin. But the more toxic varieties produce bigger tubers! Plants from the tropics have evolved toxins as a defense against predators more so than those from temperate climates which is why they require cooking in order to eat them. Thorough cooking dispels or denatures the harmful toxins, and makes the remaining portion safe to eat.Powdered cassava is treated like a flour and made into cakes, unleavened bread, pasta, crackers. Sliced cassava is also made into crisps. Flat bread made from cassava meal can keep for a year without spoiling. Dried chips or pellets are used as animal feed.Young tender leaves are rich in Vitamin B and protein, but also has more of the toxins. They are eaten as a vegetable. Like the tubers, they have to be properly cooked to remove their toxins.
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Pigeon Pea

$9.90 ($2.90-$18.90 choose a size)

A woody, fast growing leguminous shrub, to 3.6 m, with yellow and red flowers. It is hardy, widely adaptable and tolerant of temperatures as high as 35C. It can be killed by heavy frost. The seeds are 25% protein, can be eaten fresh or as split dried peas, are used for dhal in India, contain 5 times more Vitamin A and C than green peas. The leaves and young shoots can be eaten cooked, they are fibrous and have a strong spicy odour. Animal Fodder; an excellent feed for cattle, pigs and poultry. Green Manure; incorporate the plants as they flower. Mulch production; can be cut many times in a season. Windbreaks; suitable as a shelter belt around vegetable gardens and plants provide nitrogen, habitat and soil stabilisation. Permaculture - plant on west side of newly planted trees to provide wind and sun shelter and a ready source of mulch. Prune back to control growth and use as mulch on your young tree.
Buy 4+ @$9.90ea usually:$18.90ea Aramex Free Freight

Sweet Potato - Sweet n Star

$17.90 ($4.95-$17.90 choose a size)

Purple skin with pale cream flesh. A warm and sunny position is essential, this variety is less susceptible to attack by soil insects than gold types. The Sweet Potato is a perennial trailing plant that develops fleshy tuberous roots over summer which are harvested in autumn. Leaves are small and emerald-green and can be eaten as a substitute for any leafy green, such as Kale or Spinach either fresh or steamed. The shoot tips are especially tender.

Malabar Spinach - Red

$4.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

Grows well under full sunlight in hot, humid climates. Growth is slow in low temperatures resulting in low yields. It grows best in sandy loam soils rich in organic matter with pH ranging from 5.5 to 8.0. Leaves are high in vitamin A, vitamin c, iron and calcium. Malabar spinach may be used to thicken soups or as a leafy green in stir fries.


$16.90 ($16.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A vine native to Mexico and grown for it edible tuberous roots that are also called yam beans. Jicama (pronounced 'hicama') looks similar to a turnip and can be used as an alternative to water chestnuts. The creamy white flesh has a flavour that is sweet and starchy like apple or green beans. The plants die back in winter in cool climates but the tubers will shoot again in spring. The root of Jicama develops swellings the size of a large turnip, (up to 5 per plant) under the surface of the ground, they are often eaten raw with a dusting of salt and chilli powder and a squeeze of lemon or lime. Warning The rest of this plant is poisonous, leave and seeds contain a toxin, eat only the tuber.
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Betel Leaf

$19.90 ($14.75-$19.90 choose a size)

The spicy leaves can be eaten raw and cooked. The attractive leaves can be used to wrap tasty foods such as spiced rice and ginger. Requires free draining, moist, fertile soil to grow well. Trellis support advised. Or it can be grown as a dense ground cover. Soaking the leaves in cold water with a little sugar for 2 hours before use subtly alters the flavour. The white flower spikes develop into a small fruit that can be eaten. Betel leaf has many traditional medicinal uses.Betel leaf is an evergreen, perennial creeper to 90 cm. It has shiny heart-shaped leaves with small white flower spikes. It prefers a rich, well-drained soil with partial shade. It likes to be kept moist but does not tolerate water-logging. Frost will damage the leaves but not kill the plant once it is well established. It makes a good ground cover under trees in subtropical and tropical areas. It grows vigorously in the right position and because of its habit of suckering can be difficult to remove. It can be grown successfully in colder areas in a hanging basket or large pot and moved to a warm, sheltered position in winter. Betel leaf is a different plant to Betel pepper Piper betle, which is chewed with betel nut.

Torch Ginger - Thai Pink


Stunning pink flowers are fresh and zesty tasting, a favourite in SE Asian cooking. Plants produce large flower spikes in summer and are a stunning addition to gardens, both tropical and subtropical. A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height. Likes part shade and a rich, well drained soil. Fertilise and keep moist for great blooms. The entire plant is edible, including seeds, flowers and leaves.


$5.90 ($5.90-$9.75 choose a size)

Peanuts grow best in light, sandy-loam soil. They require five months of warm weather and regular moisture. The pods ripen 120 to 150 days after the seeds are planted. If the crop is harvested too early, the pods will be unripe. If they are harvested late, the pods will snap off at the stalk, and will remain in the soil. They prefer an acidic soil of preferably 5.9 - 7 pH. Although referred to as a nut peanuts are actually a legume.
Buy 4+ @$5.90ea usually:$9.75ea

Chilli - Cheongyang Gochu


A Korean variety of chilli for adding to most dishes where you enjoy some mild heat or spiciness. A well known ingredient in the production of fermented foods such as Kim Chi. Ripens to red providing the colour of a typical Kim Chi. This is a long, skinny type chilli and tastes similar to birds eye with a little more flavour and heat. Excellent for pots or in the ground. A highly productive chilli variety.

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