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Acerola Barbados Cherry

Acerola or Barbados Cherry

Malpighia glabra

Buy Acerola or Barbados Cherry

Dence shrub to small tree from 2-5m tall. Grown for cherry like fruits that have a very high vitamin C content. Grow your own.



Acerola or Barbados Cherry

Malpighia glabra

Evergreen shrub or tree with attractive red edAcerola or Barbados Cherry - Malpighia glabra Evergreen shrub or tree with attractive red edible berries.ible berries suited to sub/tropical climates.

FEATURES: Thick woody branches clothed in shiny deep-green foliage. Bright cherry-red fruit vary in taste from tart to sweet depending on variety. Fruit are thin skin-skinned so bruise easily. A little like crab apples in taste and uses.

CONDITIONS: Suited to most soils including fertile heavy soils in full sun. Water generously.

FOR BEST RESULTS: Heavy. compost rich mulching is recommended. Prune in early Autumn after fruiting. Avoid waterlogging. Heavy soils are preferred to avoid nematodes.


• use fresh fruit as soon as possible after harvest as fresh juice, juice blends, baby food

• freeze fruit or juice