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Beach Birds Eye Alectryon Coriaceus

Beach Bird's Eye

Alectryon Coriaceus

Buy Beach Bird's Eye

Also known as Beach Alectryon

Bushy shrub to 3 m tall x 2 wide for well drained soil in full sun. Masses of shiny black fruit enclosed in red aril. Tolerant of salt laden winds. Hardy. Ideal windbreak.

Plants originating in Australia are very diverse and adaptable, coming from a range of different environments. For best results select plants that will suit the conditions in your garden.

Preparation and Planting:

- Remove all weeds and cultivate soil to a depth of 20 - 25 cm. N.B. Build up heay clay soils rather than digging down.

- Add gypsum to improve drainage in clay, clay/loam soils and well rotted organic matter to improve soil texture in most soils.beach brids eye

- Prepare hold twice the depth and width of root ball and incorporate fertilizer for natives (e.g. slow release, blood and bone) as directed.

- Tight root balls should be lightly teased out, removing any damaged roots.

- Plant into moist hole, backfill with friable soil to original soil level. Firm into place and water thoroughly (approx. 5 litres/plant).

- Tip prune to promote bushiness where required.

- Loose staking only necessary for large plants or in exposed sites.

For Best Results:

- Mulch with organic material. Deep infrequent watering generally preferred once established.

- Prune after flowering to retain density.