Euodia Elleryana
Buy Corkwood
A fast growing, evergreen, large shrub or small to medium tree, forming a broad, spreading canopy which is excellent for shade. Masses of delecate pink flowers appear along the branches in summer, attracting many species of birds and butterflies. The eudia is the host tree for the ulysses butterfly and may flower when only a year old. Plant in an open, sunny position in well drained soil. Keep well watered during dry periods and protect from strong wind. Cut back hard in spring if plant becomes too leggy. A hardy tree for suburban gardens, parks and streetscapes, tolerating unfavourable sites such as concrete carparks.
- Butterfly Attracting
- Garden: Height: 3-6m Width: 3-4m
- Rainforest: Height: 6-10m, Width: 6-8m