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Loganberry Grown your own


Buy Loganberry


Large aromatic berries particularly good in jam, pies and other desserts.. Too tart for most to enjoy eaten fresh. Loganberries are thought to be a hybrid between an American dewberry and a blackberry.

Loganberries are a trailing vine producing red· purple berries up to.3cm long. Their flavour is distinctive and rather sharp.

Trim back new Spring shoots tLOGANBERRY CULTURAL NOTES Large aromatic berrieso around 20-30cm to encourage branching. The resulting canes will· be thinner and more numerous making them easier ·to train on wires next season. Plant· 2.5·3m apart and train to two wires; 60 and 120 cm above. the ground or spiral 1·2 plants around a single post.

Fruit ripens in December and is best picked every 4·5 days. Berries can be enjoyed fresh, lightly poached or stored frozen.

Suitable for jams.