Wollemi Pine
Wollemia Nobilis
Conservative Collection
The Wollemi Pine is one of the world's oldest and rarest plants. As it outlived the dinasaurs, it is the ultimate survivor - versatile, low maintenance, hardy and able to adapt to a diverse range of climages from -5 to 45 degrees celsius.
Royalties from the sale of the Wollemi Pine fund the conservation of the species in the wild and other rare and threatened plant species.
Scientific Name: Wollemia nobilis
Family: Araucariaceae
Characteristics: Australian native conifer with unusual fern like foliage, multi-stemming habit and bubbly bark when mature.
Visit www.wollemipine.com for more care information to join the Wollemi Pine Conservation Club.
Full Sun / Shade
Outdoor / Indoor Pot Plant
Water moderately
Caring for the Wollemi Pine
Garden or Landscape Tree
The Wollemi Pine will make a spectacular specimen tree and can be planted as an avenue, grove or hedge. Select a well drained, fertile site and leave a 2.5 metre radius around the tree. In optimal conditions it will grow approx. half a meter per year perhaps reaching a height of up to 20m in its lifetime. Use a slow release, low phosphorus fertiliser for optimum growth.
Indoor or Outdoor pot Plant
The Wollemi Pine can be maintained in a pot, which makes it ideal for patios and courtyards, as well as indoors. If outdoors, place in a sheltered location out of the full sun. If indoors, place in a well lit position, out of direct sunlight. Water (saturate) as soon as the potting mix/soil becomes dry in the top 4cm of the pot. Ensure that the plant is not sitting in a saucer of water.
The Wollemi Pine can be pruned to shape and to maintain a compact form. Care information is provided as a guide only.
Photos: (left) Jaime Plaza, Botanic Gardens Trus, (right) Rick Stevens.
"The discovery of the Wollemi Pine is equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive on earth." Professor Carrick Chambers, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney 1994