Pre Order or Pre Purchase Fruit Trees or Plants

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Pre Purchase Fruit Trees

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Pre Order Fruit Trees and Plants

Dwarf Jaboticaba - Costada


A beautiful, ornamental tree that produces tasty, sweet fruit. Extremely rare. Is known to fruit in two years in the tropics and perfect for pots. Growing in temperate areas is experimental.
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Olive - Kalamata


Their fruit is juicy and sweet and have a unique torpedo shape and split in the skin. The most popular olive in Australia, they are ideal for use in cooking or as an olive to eat alone. Available seasonally as a grafted product as well as a cutting grown plant. Prefers cool winters and hot, dry summers. Suggested cross-pollinators are Frantoio and Koroneiki.
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Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple


A relative of the cherimoya this plant has its origins in tropical America. The fruit about 100mm in diameter has a creamy juicy and delicious flesh, according to some tasting like lemon meringue pie. Fruits within 4 years from seed. Seed selected from extremely sweet and flavoursome fruit with firm white flesh and few seeds.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Mulberry - Beenleigh Black


Large juicy very sweet fruit to 4cm. Super tasty and makes an excellant Mulberry pie with its perfect balance between sweet and tangy. This tree requires virtually no maintenance and is fairly drought-resistant once established. Well suited to a range of climates.

Feijoa - Apollo


Medium to large, oval fruit. Flavour sweet and very pleasant, quality excellent. Ripens mid to late-season. The tree is upright, spreading, tall, vigorous and productive. Fruits are soft and need to be handled with care. Feijoa is also referred to as pineapple guava, which are very ornamental with attractive red, edible flowers in spring.

Grumichama - Orange


This fruit is the tropical equivalent of the cherry and just as difficult to resist. The fruit is borne in clusters and is delicious eaten fresh. The yellow form is almost identical to the dark form apart from the orange/ yellow coloured fruit.
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Native Frangipani


Clusters of very fragrant, cream flowers form on this fast growing, Australian native rainforest tree. Flowers form in spring, wafting scent right through the garden. Terminal flowers age from white to a golden yellow. Highly recommended hardy specimen tree, with a narrow upright form.
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Fig - Sandpaper


This small fig occurs along watercourses along the east coast of Australia. An attractive small tree with sandpapery leaves and edible fruit. Grows densely in full sun, less so in shade. Very good for stream bank stabilisation.
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Grevillea Silky Oak


Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
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Papaya - Red Army


Early cropping with vibrant red flesh. To keep it dwarfed you must cut it back immediately after fruiting or in Spring. High yielding, tasty fruit, and self pollinating. Precocious and fruits in under 6 months and under 1m tall. Enrich free draining soil with compost in a warm protected position for best results. Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus.
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Palm - Ornamental Dwarf Date


Ornamental, the very popular exotic Pygmy Date palm is the perfect miniature palm tree. The edible fruits are small - 1cm and resemble tiny, thin-fleshed dates. A slim trunk and a beautiful crown of feathery leaves. Suits the warm temperate, tropical or subtropical garden, Makes an excellent potted palm.
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Native Olive


Bushy tree to 30m with a sparse canopy.The trunk has smooth grey brown bark.The blue-black fruit are oval, the fruit are bird attracting and the tree is an excellent butterfly host. This is a fast growing pioneer species.
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Olive - Frantoio


One of the most highly acclaimed olives for the production of quality oil, producing a fruity and aromatic oil. Fruit are small - medium. A mid to late season cropper consistently producing heavy yields. Dual purpose olive, good table or oil purposes. Pickled fruit have a nutty flavour, pickle green/ black. Pollinates Kalamata. Also known as Paragon
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Jakfruit - Seedling


Jakfruit is a handsome evergreen tree, reaching a height of 8-15 metres and bearing the worlds largest fruit. Fruits can weigh up to 20kg. Strong scent to fruit skin, but it is deliciously sweet, with tropical flavours of banana and mango. It can be eaten fresh or dried. Very quick growing and usually starts fruiting in 4th year. A perfect start to a Food Forest in subtropical and even protected warm temperate regions, especially in spring and summer. Cincturing can help earlier fruiting.There is an old Sri Lankan proverb that says, with Jakfruit and coconut in your backyard you will never starve. This is because every part of the Jakfruit tree is useful. Unripe Jakfruit can be cooked with chicken, fish and eggs, and ripe ones can be eaten as is, or processed into drinks, jam, jelly or candy. The same applies to other parts of the tree such as the skin, leaves, flowers, wood and latex which have their own uses and benefits.
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Grevillea - White Oak


A rainforest tree to 8m The tree is covered in creamy cylindrical flower spikes in late spring. Large glossy green leaves divided when young. Underside is gold changing to a silvery grey. Attractive all year round.
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Glossy Laurel


A highly ornamental tree with dark, glossy foliage and bunches of small, yellow flowers followed by striking bright-red fruit. A native rainforest shrub appearing in subtropical rainforests north of Lismore.
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The bark and leaves of this tree are shaken in water to produce foam that contains a chemical that stuns fish. An attractive tree with ferny foliage and a rounded crown. Irritating hairs surround the orange capsule that releases brown seed. Fast growing pioneer to 8m
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Eucalyptus - Swamp Bloodwood


Distinctive large shiny leaves and showy flowers borne in pendent panicles, ranging from white to pink, apricot or red. Large ribbed seed capsules follow. This is an attractive medium sized tree endemic to the Top End, from the Kimberly to northwest Queensland. Trees show good resistance to cyclone damage. Seeds are edible in their raw state.
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Grape - Chambourcin

$19.75 ($19.75-$19.75 choose a size)

A hybrid wine grape that is well suited to coastal climates. The black fruit is medium to large with excellent tolerance to Downey Mildew. Good table variety for backyards in humid climates, heavy cropper of rich flavoursome grapes when left to fully ripen on vines.
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Tea Plant

$19.90 ($19.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Makes an attractive hedge with the added bonus of providing your own tea if you wish to dry the new leaf tips. The fragrant white flowers are an added bonus to this compact glossy leaved bush.
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Dwarf Macadamia - A16

$49.00 ($49.00-$49.00 choose a size)

An Australian selection that shows dwarfing tendencies. High yielder, excellent nut quality. Slow growing and wind tolerant. Med - large nut and high kernal recovery. A semi-dwarfing small, compact tree.
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Lilly Pilly - Riberry


The small leaved lilly pilly produces masses of red pear shaped fruit. Its handsome purple-red growth makes this lilly pilly one of the favourites as an Edible Hedge. The fruit exhibits a juicy but slightly acidic finish. Which is reminiscent of cinnamon and cloves. It is a very popular ingredient in wild-food dishes.
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Blueberry - Sunshine Blue


Sunshine Blue has it all. This semi-dwarf, versatile semi-deciduous blueberry features showy hot pink flowers that fade to white in spring, yielding large crops of delicious berries. Sunshine Blue tolerates higher pH soils better than many other blueberries and it is self-fertile. It is is a Southern Highbush with the low chilling requirement of 150 hours makes it suitable for the subtropics, but we find it is surprisingly cold-hardy and a wonderful addition to patios and gardens in cooler areas.
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Blueberry - Brightwell


Brightwell is a rabbiteye blueberry. Berries often form like grapes in thick clusters. This variety is often in the shops due to it's larger size and bigger harvest. It ripens in the middle or end of the blueberry harvesting season. It is self fertile but you can increase it's yield by planting it near other rabbiteye varieties. This variety is very well suited for the home orchard and low chill areas.
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Carambola Starfruit- Seedling


This star like fruit has five golden wings that reveal a star-shaped pattern when cut crosswise. The juicy transparent flesh has a citrus quality with a floral accent and is delicious eaten fresh, made into juice or into a delicious chutney. Seedling grown from the popular Kary selection, which we have found to begin cropping in 2-3 years.Carambola trees have an attractive weeping habit, producing a profusion of pink flowers. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Finger Lime Byron Sunrise


Byron Sunrise is a stunning fingerlime selection with dark maroon skin and bright lively sunrise coloured orange-red vesicles
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Yam - Oca - New Season


The Oca Yam is a red, waxy, crinkled tuber. Size can vary from 3 to 10cm in length. The tubers have a tangy, acid nutty flavour and are a great accompaniment to roast dinners. Temperatures over 28 degrees cause plants to wilt. Grow best in moderately cool climate. Freezing will kill the plant. Plant out after the last frost, can be kept in a bag in the fridge with moist coir until planting.
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Blueberry - Misty


One of the most attractive Blueberries with bluish green leaves which contrast perfectly with striking pink and white spring flowers. You can get an even bigger harvest when planted with other varieties. Because of low chill hours it is a favorite in the subtropics. The Misty is one of the first varieties to fruit and the size is medium to large. Their flavour is sweet and spicy and perform brilliantly in pots.
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Lychee - Red Ball


Fruits at a young age. Attractive large red fruit with relatively small seed. Excellent sweet flavour. Mid season, the fruits are about 40g in weight. Fast growing tree. Recently imported Chinese variety that will become more widely commercially planted.
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Blueberry - Powderblue


Noted because the fruit has a powdery blush and is medium in size. It is one of the toughest blueberry varieties with a harvest later in the season. A bigger harvest can be achieved by mixing with other rabbiteyes such as the tifblue or others will suit. A great selection for QLD and northern NSW as they don't need many chill hours for the fruit to set. Often the white flowers have a flush of pink. Grows well in pots and has thick enough foliage to be used as a hedge in summer but lets the light through in winter.
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Lomandra - Lime Tuff

$14.90 ($12.90-$14.90 choose a size)

A small, hardy native plant with a clumping habit and narrow, light green leaves. Small flowers grow amongst the foliage. It grows well in full sun to part shade and grows to about 70cm x 60cm. Perfect for garden borders and rockeries. A hardy and very adaptable plant, and thrives with minimum care. Does well in most soils types, drought, salt and frost tolerant.
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Perennial small herb in the ginger family, with rounded leaves with a prostrate habit. Pink flowers are ornamental. Young leaves and young tender rhizomes are edible, raw, steamed or cooked. Dried rhizome is aromatic and sometimes substituted for turmeric. It has a camphoraceous scent. Has also been used dried to repel moths from clothes storage. Prefers a humid climate and warm temperatures in a shady environment. Traditionally used in medicinal ways
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Peanut Tree

$18.75 ($18.75-$19.90 choose a size)

This tree produces leathery, boat-shaped pods that ripen throughout summer. They split open to display a beautiful, bright red interior that contains shiny, black, peanut-sized seeds which have a delicious, nutty flavour. It is a fast growing highly ornamental rainforest tree. Indigenous Australians ate the nuts both raw and roasted and used the fibrous bark to make nets.
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Fingerlime - Rosebank Purple


A very popular fingerlime that has striking dark skin with vibrant purple pearls.Fruits have a sweet aftertaste after an initial sharpness. An upright and compact habit suited to backyards. Fruits have a long shelf life and they make an ideal garnish on desserts and lovingly crafted dishes. Prolific producer
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Dwarf Mandarin - Fremont


Bright reddish-orange peel, rich flavor, tender and juicy. Some seeds, heavy bearer. Where protected from cold, fruit flavor is unsurpassed. Flying Dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen. Trees will grow to about half the normal citrus size. Flying Dragon rootstock also adds cold hardiness and grows well in heavier soils, like Trifoliatia rootstock.
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Fig - Picone Black


A shiny, dark purple, skinned fig with very sweet flesh. Selected by a local fruit grow for the superb quality of the fruit. Sourced from Picone Exotic Orchards
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Cinnamon Myrtle


The leaves have a pleasant spicy cinnamon-like aroma and flavour. The attractive flowers are creamy coloured and star shaped, produced en masse, followed by star-like capsules. The cinnamon myrtle is well suited to the home garden. The tree is adaptable to a broad range of conditions and different soil types. Cinnamon myrtle is suitable for full-sun and semi-shade situations, in open plantings or as a managed hedge. The tree is tolerant of light frosts. Leaves can be harvested as sprigs for use in cooking. Its used in savoury recipes, desserts, confectionery and herbal teas. Cinnamon myrtle can also be used in floristry.
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Pomegranate - Ben Hur


An outstanding new variety of Pomegranate that was developed especially for the home garden. It produces very large fruit to 1.5kg. The fruit is very sweet and juicy. The variety is very adaptable and will grow in regions ranging from temperate to tropical. Unauthorised commercial propagation of this variety is an infringement under the PBR
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Cycad - Sago Palm


This very symmetrical plant supports a crown of shiny, dark green leaves on a thick shaggy trunk that is typically about 20cm in diameter, sometimes wider. The trunk is very low to subterranean in young plants, but lengthens above ground with age. It can grow into very old specimens with 6 - 7 m of trunk; however, the plant is very slow-growing and requires about 50 - 100 years to achieve this height. Trunks can branch multiple times, thus producing multiple heads of leaves.
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Perfume Guava


The yellow fruit is aromatic, sweet and juicy. They resemble guavas but rounded and flattened, and are up to 6cm in diameter. The fruit are borne in abundance on evergreen trees that are easily pruned to below 5m. Native to tropical South America, the species prefers warm, humid conditions with high rainfall. It does well in the frost free sub-tropics, but should be able to tolerate light frosts with care. Trees have a handsome rounded habit and a perfume can be extracted from the papery leaves.
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Banksia - Hairpin


A beautiful native plant with stunning large flowers that range in colour from brown, red and orange to gold. It is a shrub or small tree that is suited to a wide range of soil types and temperatures growing naturally from Victoria through to Cairns. Great food source for bees and nectar feeding birds.
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Fig - Violette De Bordeaux


Considered by many the finest of Fig Varieties, Violette De Bordeaux sets the standard for closed-eye, mission type figs. Deep Aubergine skin conceals a vibrant red strawberry pulp that is superb and rich with complex flavours, notably that of maple sugar. Fruits are medium to large sized and suitable for both fresh and drying. A hardy cultivar that is naturally semi-dwarfing and drought tolerant, Violette de Bordeaux is an excellent choice for those with space and water restrictions. The tree will grow to more than 3m high and wide if not pruned
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Dwarf Pummelo Nam Roi


A recently imported Pummelo from Vietnam, where it is a very popular seedless variety. Pummelos are similar to grapefruits, but larger and sweeter. Most adaptable citrus to tropical areas. The dwarf rootstock, Flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.
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Snow wood


Orange red curly pods stand out in summer and as a member of the Mimosaceae, the similarity of this trees' pods to Acacia can be seen. The small greenish-white pom pom flowers are seen in summer Small, hardy pioneer rainforest tree, it's attractive with fine glossy leaves.
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Magnolia Midnight


A beautiful deep purple colored Magnolia. A stunning deciduous feature tree with magnificent blooms in late winter.
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Grapefruit - Honneffs Surprise


An Orange-Grapefruit cross with heavy crops of dark orange skinned fruits. The fruit is sweeter than a regular grapefruit, it has a thin rind, few seeds and is very juicy.
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Rhubarb - Sydney Crimson


Adelicious red stemmed variety that is excellent for pies, tarts and jams. Grows very well over a range of climates. The perennial rhubarb is often referred to as the pie plant due to its use in pies. It is a highly productive plant that can be harvested within 6 months. Requires rich well drained soil. Plant crowns in rich well drained soil with growing bud just above soil.
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Malay Apple


This attractive evergreen tree is native to Southeast Asia. It has large, dark-green glossy leaves and large, red-purple flowers set in clusters that appear tassel-like. The deep-red oval fruit has a thin skin and white crispy flesh with an aromatic, sweet mild flavor. Strictly tropical requiring a humid climate. Hardy in most soil types and tolerant of water-logging. Malay apple's make great thirst quenching snacks. Fruits can be eaten fresh but are best as a stewed dessert. The fruit can also be used to make wines.
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Large striking tree with vibrant red flowers in Summer. Regarded as on of the best shade trees in the subtropics. Broad spreading quick growing tree. Protect from frost when young.
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Torch Ginger - James Red


Add an exceptional flavour to your culinary creations. Edible flower buds, this has large flower spikes and is a stunning addition to tropical and subtropical gardens.A very large ginger that in optimum conditions can reach 2-5m in height.
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An adaptable, handsome plant useful for shady places or as a tub specimen. The fruits are pleasantly scented, sweet and edible. The flowers are strongly perfumed and the bark was used by Indigenous Australians for making fishing lines.
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Dragon Tree


Young dragon Trees have a single stem. At about 10 - 15 years of age the stem stops growing and produces a first flower spike with white, lily-like perfumed flowers, followed by coral berries. Soon a crown of terminal buds appears and the plant starts branching. Each branch grows for about 10 -15 years and re-branches, so a mature plant has an umbrella-like habit. Very slow growing requiring about ten years to reach 1.2 metres.
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Winter Apple


A reliable ground cover for many areas. Well suited to a range of soils provided drainage is reasonable, and is best located in a sunny position. Severe frosts may damage the plant but it will often recover quickly once the weather warms up. The small flowers occur in the leaf axils and are usually pale mauve but white and blue forms are also found. The main flowering period is summer but spasmodic flowering may occur at other times. The fleshy fruits that appear in autumn are perhaps the most attractive feature of the plant. They are about 1cm in diameter, green in colour with pink or reddish tones.
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Prickly Rasp Fern


This fern is found growing in a variety of habitats such as rainforest margins, eucalypt forests and rainforests. It is well adapted to both sunny and shaded areas. Its new growth is bright orange-pink and is a stunning understory plant. The fern is usually easy to grow in gardens, containers and baskets. Having a spreading growth habit makes D. aspera suitable as a groundcover. It grows best in shady conditions and in acidic soil, with high organic composition.
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Jaboticaba - Yellow


Yellow fruiting species with a distinctive sweet tangy flavour reminiscent of pineapple. We consider this tree a showpiece. Its lime green leaves have an unusual soft, almost powdery appearance and its beautiful golden green pendulous branches make it a worthy feature in the garden for its highly ornamental nature. The fruit of the black jaboticaba is becoming more popular and widespread (I even found some on the shelf of a local grocery store here in Lismore last week) while the yellow jaboticaba still remains a mystery to many. A prerequisite for enjoying the fruits of the Black Jaboticaba is patience. They can often take 6-7 years to come to fruit. However, we have found the Yellow Jabot produce fruit in as little as 3 years. It is a small bushy tree, usually growing to 3-4m in the subtropics of Australia, however I have seen photographs of the tree, in Brazil (its place of origin), with a couple of young boys perched high in the branches. These trees must have reached 9-10 m tall. The tree has a moderate cold tolerance but is best protected from frost. It is a suitable container grown tree in those areas that do receive frost and can be moved to a sheltered position during the cooler months. They are happy in full sun or part shade and are generally small enough to find a place in most gardens. They are relatively wind tolerant but will not enjoy salt spray. They particularly enjoy deep rich soil pH 5.5 to 6.5 but with regular nutrient application can be grown in most soil types. While the fruits have some similarities to the Black Jaboticaba, they are quite different in appearance, having a slightly furry yellow skin instead of the smooth shiny black skin. The fruit contains a gelatinous whitish pulp which has a pleasant, slightly acid flavor. A single tree will produce fruit, but cross pollination has shown to increase productivity. When planting a jaboticaba, the crown (uppermost) roots should be 2 to 3 inches higher than the surrounding soil levels to provide water runoff. Peat, compost or rotted manure may be mixed with the soil from the planting hole to improve it. The soil should be a well-aerated mixture.
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Guava Hawaiian - Pink Supreme


A selection of Hawaiian guava. The fruit is large, yellow skinned, with delicious, juicy, pink flesh. Very hardy, prolific cropper. Delicious eaten fresh or juiced. Pruned to keep compact, perfect for growing in pots and containers.The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Passionfruit - Misty Gem


Known to be the tastiest of all the Passionfruit varieties, the pulp varies in colour from bright yellow to pumpkin colour with a flavour that is refreshing, guava-like and tangy. A commercial selection that is only available to commercial growers. "This variety is owned by APIA and cannot be propagated without permission"Misty Gem is clonally propagated as a grafted variety. Unfortunately, over the years the vigour and health of this vine has been deteriorating and has been identified by the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation as a variety in need of replacing with productive new varieties with an expanded genetic diversity. At Daleys we will no longer be propagating this variety.
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Pineapple - Red


A highly ornamental pineapple with striking red fruits. The flesh is sweet and juicy, pink-yellow in colour. The fruit weigh about one kilo each. Plant has spines or sharp edges; use extreme caution when handling. Short lived small perennial. Evergreen sword-like grey green leaves with a red hue. Plants take 18 to 24 months from planting to fruit. Fruit should be picked when fully ripe and have developed full flavour and sweetness. Sweetness is enhanced by regular irrigation. Summer ripening. Ripeness can be assessed by tapping the fruit: ripe fruits have a dull, solid sound; unripe fruits have a hollow sound.
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Kiwifruit - Male Sweetie


A very low chill male non fruiting kiwifruit for pollinating the Sweetie Kiwifruit selection.
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Blueberry - Sharpblue


Excellent quality large fruit. Very low chill requirements and self-pollinating. A tough and vigorous bush. It has grown well in both sandy soils and heavier loams. The fruit has an open picking scar, and is likely to become soft during very hot weather, meaning that it needs to be harvested frequently to overcome this. A great back yard variety
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Dwarf Grumichama - Black


This is a Dwarf Grumichama cutting grown selection. The tropical equivalent of the cherry. The purplish-black fruit 2cm diameter are produced in clusters. Flesh white, melting and tasty. Mostly used for fresh eating, but also highly prized for jams, jellies and pies. Fruiting will begin sooner in this variety then from a seedling grown tree.
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Nashi Pear - Shinseiki


Round, medium to large, yellow fruit. Crisp creamy white flesh; mild, sweet flavour. Tastes best when tree ripened. Hangs on the tree in good condition for 4 - 6 weeks. Vigorous and spreading. Self-pollinating with a lower chill requirement than most.
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Dwarf Pineapple


This selection produces very sweet small fruits. They are ideal for pots in a sunny position. Once the mature plant has fruited it will form offsets which are called pups which can be divided and replanted.
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Fig Prestons Prolific


Very thick, sticky, flesh that is pink to honey coloured, with a delicious sweet flavour. Vigorous, heavy and late cropping.
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Guava - Malay Red


Burgundy skin with reddish pink flesh and smooth, delicious Guava flavour. Fruit is medium sized to about 6-8cm, the tree backyard sized with attractive burgundy red foliage and pink flowers. Great for eating fresh, but needs protection from fruit fly and birds, which may spread the seed to create weed trees. A new product to Daleys, so may be some time before we have good supply.
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Creeping Myoporum - Fine Leaf


Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is an evergreen, fast growing, spreading ground-cover with fine, narrow foliage. This easy to grow native plant produces a mass of small star shaped flowers over spring and summer.Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is best grown in full sun but will also grow well in part shade. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' will tolerate coastal conditions, dryness and moderate frost. It will also perform well in a variety of soil types but prefers well drained spots.This is an excellent plant for rockeries and embankments or to help smother out weeds in the garden. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is a very quick growing plant that stays very low to the ground to produce a fantastic green 'lawn' in your garden. To maintain compact growth it is best to prune back after flowering.
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Dwarf Poinciana Barbados Pride


Spectacular flowering shrub to 3m. Great for hedges as it tolerate pruning well. This shrub will be deciduous in cooler climates and evergreen in the tropics. Stems, branches and petioles are armed with sharp spines and it has attractive fern-like foliage. It flowers throughout the year in the tropics and in late summer through autumn in frosty climates.
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Kiwiberry - 74-49 Female


Related to the Chinese Gooseberry or Kiwi it differs in fruit size and cold hardiness. The fruit are generally green, fuzzless, and the size of grapes with great flavour. Cut open, they look much like regular kiwifruit with its small black seeds. Also known as the Hardy Kiwi due to their hardiness to cold.
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Grape - Carolina Black Rose


Excellent size, colour and texture. Very good disease resistance. Best home garden variety available.
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Mandarin - Shiranui


Easy to peel, sweet and seedless. These flavoursome mandarins have an unusual bump near the stem that resembles the hair bun of a sumo wrestler. Self pollinating and with some cold tolerance. Shiranui is a Tangor type of mandarin, being a cross between sweet mandarin and sweet orange. A trial product with Daleys Nursery.

Palm - Date Medjool


Seedling of the well known Californian Medjool variety. Beautiful ornamental tree with the added advantage of delicious dates. They require both a Male and female plant for pollination and fruit set along with hot dry summers. Our palms can not be chosen as male or female. The only way to know this is after they flower. You can then identify by the flowers to know if you have a male tree or a female tree. They will take about 4-6 years to flower. We recommend a planting of at least three to increase your chances of having both a male and a female palm.

Bush Lemon - Grafted


This naturalized lemon grows wild in subtropical Australia. They are very hardy, have a thick skin with a true lemon flavour. Grows to about 4m in a sunny position. The skin makes a good zest for cooking.

Chestnut - Marone


This large-nut was sourced from WA but is originally of Italian origin. Fairly upright habit exhibiting Asian characteristics such as fine wood and pointy buds. Excellent quality.

Chestnut - Emerald Gem


From Emerald Lake in the Dandenong region. It is a beautiful spreading tree that is almost weeping in habit. Very prolific, tends to bear heavily which greatly influences nut size. A distinctive orange-tan coloured nut without stripes. Evidence of Asian parentage.

Round Root Galangal


Has beautiful variegated leaves and Crocus-like flowers which emerge after dormancy before the leaves. Young leaves are eaten raw or cooked also the root tubers can be eaten cooked and are quite hot.
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