Picture of a grevillea flower on a dark blurred background.

(1/2) Picture of a grevillea flower on a dark blurred background. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Grevillea Honey barbara

(2/2) Grevillea Honey barbara



Grevilleas are some of Australia's favourite flowering shrubs and trees. Ranging from sprawling ground covers to the towering emergent Silky Oak, Grevillea robusta, the flowers of this genus attract and feed an enormous number of birds and insects through... Read More

Grevillea - Loopy Lou


A compact shrub that produces large blooms throughout the year that can vary in colour between red, yellow and pink. A hardy native with good drought tolerance this will bring many birds and insects into your garden year round. 1m x 1m size. Grafted for extra hardiness in a variety of conditions.

Grevillea - Coconut Ice

$18.75 ($18.75-$18.75 choose a size)

The cultivar grows to 2m tall x 1-2m across. The plant has bright green foliage and is of medium density. The new growth is covered with fine red hairs. The flowers are in terminal racemes15cm long by 9cm diameter and are also covered with red hairs. Individual flowers are red/pink with dark red styles and flowers are found all year round in warmer climates.

Grevillea - Superb

$12.75 ($12.75-$17.90 choose a size)

A magnificent salmon coloured flowering grevillea. A hybrid between QLD Grev. banksii and WA Grev. bipinnatifoda. Flowers open in succession giving a long flowering time. Grows to 2mtrs and is moderately frost hardy.
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$14.90ea

Grevillea - White Oak

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A rainforest tree to 8m The tree is covered in creamy cylindrical flower spikes in late spring. Large glossy green leaves divided when young. Underside is gold changing to a silvery grey. Attractive all year round.

Grevillea Silky Oak

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Grevillea - Ivory Whip


A spreading, fast growing medium size shrub with wonderful dense grey/green foliage and attractive clusters of large white blooms that blossom throughout the year. It grows 1-2 m wide and about 1.5m high Grevilleas do best by giving them an annual pruning for shape, health, and extra flowers. It would be great not to have to provide artificial food for birds and allow them to gorge themselves on the natural supply in our gardens. Little wrens just love the prickly Grevilleas and each garden should have at least one prickly plant, giving a home for small birds to hide from predators. Grafted grevilleas are more hardy in challenging soils and locations.

Grevillea Weeping Standard - Royal Mantle

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Royal Mantle is a hardy ground cover that when grafted onto Grevillea robusta creating a delightful weeping standard. It has beautiful coppery red foliage and dark red toothbrush-type flowers that are borne terminally on short branchlets. The red styles have conspicuous yellow stigmas. (Nursery Pick up only, too tall to ship out.)

Grevillea - Lollypops


Produces deep raspberry pink flowers year round. It grows to around 1.5m by 1.5m and attracts numerous nectar feeding birds. It requires soil with reasonable drainage and is hardy to light frosts. Prune hard at least once a year. Spectacular feature plant for the small garden. Frost tolerant -1C.

Grevillea - Honey Barbara

$19.75 ($19.75-$27.00 choose a size)

This spectacular honey/orange flowered shrub will make for good screening with its 3metre height and 2metre spread. Best in full sun, copes well with mild frosts and once established is regarded as drought tolerant. Watering during extended dry periods will extend the flowering performance. Prune and shape at least by one third in Spring or after flowering and apply a good organic fertilizer suitable for natives.

Grevillea - Forest Rambler


This is a beautiful dense ground cover to small shrub that produces attractive flowers through late winter into summer. It is fantastic habitat for small birds.

Grevillea - Ned Kelly

$17.90 ($14.90-$17.90 choose a size)

Fast growing spreading shrub with attractive deeply divided, fern-like, green foliage. Large red and yellow flowers all year round. Grows to a rounded 2m high.

Grevillea Robyn Gordon

$17.90 ($17.90-$32.00 choose a size)

Small growing shrub (about 1.5m high ) with bright red flowers throughout the year. Very popular with native birds. Makes a colourful low growing hedge or will brighten up a native themed garden. This variety was discovered in 1981 on David Gordon's property at Glenmorgan in Queensland. It is a hybrid between G. banksii and G. bipinnatifida

Grevillea - Honey Gem


Outstanding large, dense shrub, ideal for screens. It bears large orange bird attracting flower spikes in profusion all year. 4m

Grevillea - Sandra Gordon

$16.90 ($4.90-$16.90 choose a size)

Fast growing, open, tall shrub with silvery-green divided leaves, with yellow brush type flower heads winter/spring. Hardy in a moist well drained soil in full sun. Pruning maintains denseness and encourages flowering.

Grevillea - Orange Marmalade


Vigorous dense shrub with long, wide leaves making it a great screen. The orange flowers are held in terminal clusters , at the end of its branches, year round.

Grevillea - Moonlight


An attractive shrub with soft cream flowers. It flowers for most of the year, rarely being without the odd flower. Highly bird attracting. 3-5m

Grevillea - Misty Pink

$19.75 ($19.75-$27.00 choose a size)

A tall shrub to 4m with ferny foliage and prolific long pink flowers that are produced over a long period.

Grevillea - Royal Mantle


Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle' is a hardy ground cover with beautiful coppery red foliage. Dark red toothbrush-type flowers are borne terminally on short branchlets. The red styles have conspicuous yellow stigmas. 6m wide and 30-50cm high

Grevillea - Red Silky Oak

$9.90 ($2.95-$17.90 choose a size)

Large shrub with large, blood red flowers throughout the year. One of the original grevilleas and the parent of many hybrid grevilleas. Excellent bird attractant.

Grevillea - Pink Surprise


Flowers are large pink/cream brush type and flowers most of the year. Large shrub 3-4 metres with finely divided grey/green leaves. Grows best in moist well drained soil in full sun. Pruning maintains denseness and encourages flowering.

Grevillea Bronze Rambler

$14.90 ($4.90-$14.90 choose a size)

New growth is bronze and is highlighted by bright pinkish red toothbrush style flowers which appear for most of the year. Hardy in well drained soil and a full sun position. It is also drought hardy.

Grevillea - Sunkissed


A dense sprawling compact groundcover with apricot coloured flowers in Autumn. A beautiful feature plant when mass planted. It can handle heavier soils and once established is low maintenance and hardy. Sunkissed grows to approximately 30cm high and 75cm wide.

Grevillea - Royal Rambler


A cross between Poorinda Royal Mantle and Bronze Rambler. It is an extremely low growing ground cover that is also low maintenance.Regular pruning will maintain it in a small compact shape. Grows 20-30cm high and 2.5m wide.

Grevillea - Coochin hills Seed grown


Large, upright shrub with attractive, finely divided foliage. It bears glossy, creamy-yellow, cylindrical flower spikes in autumn and winter. 3-5m

Grevillea - Just Rosy


A medium sized bush with bright red bird attracting flowers. Tip prune the bush to keep it tidy and producing masses of these beautiful blooms. they are excellent cut flowers.

Grevillea - Sunkissed Waters


Dense native groundcover with attractive red toothbrush-like flowers and toothed green and gold variegated foliage. New growth has a pink blush. Fast growing and great to capture a site. Can be used as a groundcover or grafted onto tall rootstock for a weeping standard form. Variegated form of the popular 'Royal Mantl' . 6m wide and 30-50cm high

Grevillea venusta


It bears unusual bird attracting clusters of yellow and green flowers with navy blue styles most of the year. Ideal screen plant. 4m

Grevillea - Firesprite


A large spreading shrub, flowers are a unique deep burnt red and orange/green. Prune regularly to maintain compact shape.

Grevillea - Jennifer Joy


This cultivar is a bushy shrub which grows to a height of 1.5m by up to 1m wide. Attractive pink to red flowers in abundance. Hybrid between Grevilla speciosa and Grevillea linearifolia.

Grevillea Rosemary Rosemarinifolia


Evergreen shrub, densely branched, with dark green needle-shaped leaves that are feathery on the under-sides. Produces clusters of tubular red or pink flowers in the summer. Height 2m. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Hardy.

Grevillea - Kay Williams


Tall shrub to 4m, grey green foliage with large pale pink/cream flowers. Prolific flowering native.

Grevillea - Loopy Lou


A compact shrub that produces large blooms throughout the year that can vary in colour between red, yellow and pink. A hardy native with good drought tolerance this will bring many birds and insects into your garden year round. 1m x 1m size. Grafted for extra hardiness in a variety of conditions.

Grevillea - Coconut Ice

$18.75 ($18.75-$18.75 choose a size)

The cultivar grows to 2m tall x 1-2m across. The plant has bright green foliage and is of medium density. The new growth is covered with fine red hairs. The flowers are in terminal racemes15cm long by 9cm diameter and are also covered with red hairs. Individual flowers are red/pink with dark red styles and flowers are found all year round in warmer climates.

Grevillea - Superb

$12.75 ($12.75-$17.90 choose a size)

A magnificent salmon coloured flowering grevillea. A hybrid between QLD Grev. banksii and WA Grev. bipinnatifoda. Flowers open in succession giving a long flowering time. Grows to 2mtrs and is moderately frost hardy.
Buy 2+ @$12.75ea usually:$14.90ea

Grevillea - White Oak

$4.90 ($4.90-$18.75 choose a size)

A rainforest tree to 8m The tree is covered in creamy cylindrical flower spikes in late spring. Large glossy green leaves divided when young. Underside is gold changing to a silvery grey. Attractive all year round.

Grevillea Silky Oak

$2.40 ($2.40-$18.75 choose a size)

Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
Buy 8+ @$2.40ea usually:$4.90ea

Grevillea - Ivory Whip


A spreading, fast growing medium size shrub with wonderful dense grey/green foliage and attractive clusters of large white blooms that blossom throughout the year. It grows 1-2 m wide and about 1.5m high Grevilleas do best by giving them an annual pruning for shape, health, and extra flowers. It would be great not to have to provide artificial food for birds and allow them to gorge themselves on the natural supply in our gardens. Little wrens just love the prickly Grevilleas and each garden should have at least one prickly plant, giving a home for small birds to hide from predators. Grafted grevilleas are more hardy in challenging soils and locations.

Grevillea Weeping Standard - Royal Mantle

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

Royal Mantle is a hardy ground cover that when grafted onto Grevillea robusta creating a delightful weeping standard. It has beautiful coppery red foliage and dark red toothbrush-type flowers that are borne terminally on short branchlets. The red styles have conspicuous yellow stigmas. (Nursery Pick up only, too tall to ship out.)

Grevillea - Lollypops


Produces deep raspberry pink flowers year round. It grows to around 1.5m by 1.5m and attracts numerous nectar feeding birds. It requires soil with reasonable drainage and is hardy to light frosts. Prune hard at least once a year. Spectacular feature plant for the small garden. Frost tolerant -1C.

Grevillea - Honey Barbara

$19.75 ($19.75-$27.00 choose a size)

This spectacular honey/orange flowered shrub will make for good screening with its 3metre height and 2metre spread. Best in full sun, copes well with mild frosts and once established is regarded as drought tolerant. Watering during extended dry periods will extend the flowering performance. Prune and shape at least by one third in Spring or after flowering and apply a good organic fertilizer suitable for natives.

Grevillea - Forest Rambler


This is a beautiful dense ground cover to small shrub that produces attractive flowers through late winter into summer. It is fantastic habitat for small birds.

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