True Dwarf Fruit Trees are much smaller than the normal variety but produce the same sized fruit. Great for pots

(1/1) True Dwarf Fruit Trees are much smaller than the normal variety but produce the same sized fruit. Great for pots


True Dwarf Plants

Fruit Trees > Dwarf Fruit Trees > True Dwarf Plants
A true dwarf uses grafting or cuttings to produce a tree that is very compact and small but produces the same sized fruit. Examples would be citrus where the tree usually grows over 5m but when dwarf it can be under 2m.

Dwarf Citrus Trees

Fruit Trees > Dwarf Fruit Trees > True Dwarf Plants > Dwarf Citrus Trees

Dwarf citrus trees such as oranges, lemons, and limes are living conversation pieces. Daley's Nursery has been growing dwarf citrus trees that give delicious fruits for over 30 years. How? They graft a normal fruiting branch of a fruit tree (called a scion) to a dwarf tree rootstock to create a small tree that produces the fruit of its full-size cousin. Their shiny foliage, bright fruits, and fragrant blossoms provide year-round enjoyment and is the reason they are so sought after as containerised pots. Dwarf citrus trees require periodic repotting (every third year or so.) They have a shallow root system, so a wide container is far better than a deep one. When repotting, use a fresh mixture of one-third peat moss, one-third sand, and one-third sterile potting soil. Citrus trees respond well to pruning. Keep all the dead branches trimmed off, and thin the plant to the three strongest trunks.

Dwarf Peach Tree

Fruit Trees > Dwarf Fruit Trees > True Dwarf Plants > Dwarf Peach Tree

This tree is sought after just as much for its ornamental value as it is for the delicious fruit. Although small in stature these peaches are anything but small in taste. They are a white fleshed freestone variety ideally suited to the subtropics. The compact size of this variety (height can be kept to 1 metre) makes it ideal for the back yard planting, container planting or as a potted specimen. An added advantage of this variety is its beautiful pink flowers that bloom in late July making it also very ornamental. The fruit ripen around late December.

Dwarf Banana - Nathan

$24.00 ($24.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Dwarf Nathan is a cultivar of the popular Cavendish banana. The flavour is sweet and creamy on these small bananas. The tree is super dwarf reaching a maximum height of only 2m so it is perfect for pots, so it can be grown on balconies and in backyards. This makes it well suited to growing in cooler areas.

Dwarf Kumquat Calamondin

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

In the Philippines it is referred to as Calamansi, where it is commonly used when still green skinned as a lime substitute. The fragrant, acid pulp is used to make chutney or a delicious marmalade. Very ornamental, bearing heavy crops of small mandarin-shaped orange fruits.

Dwarf Lime - Kaffir

$44.00 ($29.00-$44.00 choose a size)

Native to Indonesia but widely grown worldwide as a backyard shrub for its aromatic leaves and rind that add a unique flavour to Thai cooking. Well suited to container growing. Also known as Makrut Lime. The rough bumpy fruit is inedible but its oil has strong insecticidal properties. Kaffir lime rind is an essential ingredient in a Thai curry paste, a teaspoons of Kaffir lime rind is used in both red and green Kaffir lime gives the curry a very distinctive flavour. The leaves are added to the curry once it is cooking and can also be added when cooking rice.

Dwarf Orange - Valencia Seedless


This seedless orange is a bud sport of the Valencia, maturing a little earlier, its a heavy cropper and good juicing variety. Attractive compact tree. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Mandarin - Okitsu wase


Seedless, good flavour, low acid and high TSS. Satsumas are cold hardy and form a compact growing tree. They are the earliest mandarins in the marketplace. They can even be eaten when the skin is still green.

Dwarf Mandarin - Afourer


Recently imported Tangor, with rich, sweet juicy flavour. The tree is moderate in size and vigor. Thin, smooth, orange rind that is easy to peel. The fruit is low-seeded in the absence of cross-pollination, but seedy when cross-pollinated. Flying Dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen. Trees will grow to about half the normal citrus size. Flying Dragon rootstock also adds cold hardiness and grows well in heavier soils, like Trifoliatia rootstock.

Dwarf Mandarin - Emperor


The fruit has a pale orange skin that is inclined to be puffy. Excellent flavour and loose skin that is very easy to peel. Most popular mid season variety. The fruit can be prone to drying if harvest is delayed. Flying Dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen. Trees will grow to about half the normal citrus size. Flying Dragon rootstock also adds cold hardiness and grows well in heavier soils, like Trifoliatia rootstock.

Dwarf Lime - Tahitian


The small to medium fruit is pale lemon-yellow with smooth thin skin. The flesh is a translucent pale green, tender and juicy with a true acid lime flavour. It is best to pick the fruit green as it can suffer from rot if left to ripen on the tree.The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Lemon - Lisbon


A good quality sour lemon with high juice and acid levels. The fruits of Eureka and Lisbon are very similar. Vigorous and productive, trees are very thorny particularly when young.The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Plum Gulf Gold Tree (G)

$42.95 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This golden plum is firm with excellent flavour & texture and a small seed. 350 hours chill. This dwarf plum is an ideal backyard variety and perfect for pots. An excellent all-round variety with the added bonus that it doesn't seem to be attractive to fruit fly as much as other stonefruit. Partially self pollinating but benefits from pollination with Gulf Ruby. Attractive in spring when it is smothered in white blossoms.

Dwarf Orange - Cara Cara


This variety was discovered in Venezuela in 1976. It is smaller than many other navel selections but has pink flesh similar to Star Ruby grapefruit. In South Africa it matures slightly earlier than Washington navel. Although Cara Cara has yet to be evaluated fully under Australian conditions there is considerable interest in it locally. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Papaya - Red Army

$21.00 ($21.00-$34.95 choose a size)

Early cropping, dwarf variety with red flesh. High yielding, tasty fruit, and self pollinating, perfect for small spaces and in small food forests. Precocious - fruits in under 6 months and under 1m tall. Enrich free draining soil with compost in a warm protected position for best results. Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus.
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Dwarf Mandarin - Imperial


A proven early variety that is still very popular today. Excellent colour and flavour; the skin is smooth, glossy, thin and easy to peel. Older trees may develop a biennial bearing habit. Dwarf trees grow to about 2m tall.

Dwarf Kumquat - Nagami


The small oval fruit is a brilliant deep orange colour with a highly aromatic skin. The fruit holds on the tree for a long period adding to its high ornamental value. It can be eaten whole as a fresh fruit or in the same way as other kumquats.

Dwarf Mandarin - Nules Clementine


Most popular Clementine mandarin grown, early, good size and vigorous tree. Seedless when grown by itself. Dwarf tree perfect for pots and patios.

Dwarf Lemon - Meyer


This popular lemon is not a true lemon but likely to be a natural hybrid between a lemon and an orange. The lower acidity and reduced sourness makes it one of the most widely grown lemons for the home-garden. Very hardy and prolific. The fruits are deep orange-yellow in colour with thin skin and they are very juicy, making them perfect for use in dressings and marinades. The meyer is low in pectin. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Orange - Washington Navel

$46.95 ($46.95-$79.00 choose a size)

The oldest and most popular navel grown in Australia. Has excellent skin colour and taste, and usually produces round fruit. Is inclined to drop fruit and split in some climates. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Almond - Self Pollinating Papershell

$69.00 ($69.00-$69.00 choose a size)

A new dwarf selection of this excellent, self-pollinating almond that bears heavy crops of soft-shelled almonds with a good, sweet flavour. The kernals are broad, full and oval in shape, they are mid season. The tree has an upright form and is a self pollinating large Papershell. Almonds require a climate with dry Summer/Autumn and cool winters.

Dwarf Kumquat Meiwa


A round brightly coloured sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten straight from the tree. Both the skin and the flesh are very sweet and low in seed. Semi dormant in winter lending it cold hardiness.Hybrid of Nagami and Marumi, to which it is most similar. A naturally small tree.

Dwarf Apricot - Bulida


Bulida is a well known and popular Apricot that produces large golden orange fruit. The fruit is firm and very sweet and juicy. Grows to a height of 2m and a width of 2m. Fruits mature early to mid December. Self pollinating. Medium chill makes this a variety that can be grown in most temperate regions of Australia. Plant in a well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilise when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.

Dwarf 2 Way Trixzie Nectazee / Pixzee (TM)


Super star dwarf strone fruit combination. Nectarine and Peach on the one tree. Grow this special tree in a pot or in the ground. Full sun, great drainage and enjoy all the fruits.

Dwarf Plum - Mariposa

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

Large heart shaped blood plums, dark red skin with some spotting, and deep red, juicy sweet flesh with excellent flavour. Fruit is soft when fully ripe - Semi-Freestone. Grows to a height of 2m and a width of 2m. Fruits mature late January - early February. One of the largest blood Plums, used for fresh fruit, preserves, jams and juices. An upright vigorous growing tree. Plant in a sunny position with well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilize when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.

Dwarf Plum - Satsuma

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

Red to purple flesh with a freestone. The flavour is good, the growth vigorous and its bears particularly well, in fact to get large fruits it may require thinning. The firm, juicy flesh has a sweet spicy flavour. 350 - 400 hours chill. Bears November to early December.

Dwarf Nectarine - Fantasia


A new dwarf selection of the Fantasia nectarine, large yellow fleshed fruits have excellent flavour. The skin ripens to a beautiful red with yellow tints.These delicious freestone fruits are eaten fresh, dried or stewed. Suitable for temperate climates.

Dwarf Apricot - Storeys (Early Moorpark)

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

Large, rich golden fruit with some red blush. Flesh is deep yellow and firm. Good flavour, excellent for jam, preserving and drying. This apricot is a 'Moorpark' strain, but matures about three weeks earlier.

Nanking Cherry


Grown for both its spectacular show of spring blossom and it tiny tasty fruits which are used in jam, jellies, juices and wines as well as being pickled with vegetables. It is prized by bonsai growers and can be used as a dwarfing rootstock for other cherries. Suitable for cool climates, it will crop in cooler parts of the Sydney basin. Our selection is a hybrid of 2 Prunus species tomentosa and japonica.

Dwarf Plum - Santa Rosa

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

Medium sized round fruit with dark red skin and yellow to pink flesh. It has a sweet taste with slight bitterness near the stone - clingstone. Grows to a height of 2m and a width of 2m. Matures early to mid January. Partially self fertile, pollinates with Mariposa or satsuma. Used for fresh fruit, stewing preserves and jams. Vigorous upright growth habit. This is a very popular variety for home gardens and has good keeping qualities. Plant in a sunny position with well drained and well worked soil. Take care to plant the bud union above the soil level. Water in well and keep soil moist until tree is established. Fertilise when planting and again after new growth appears. Prune tree when planting to encourage new growth.

Dwarf Nectarine - Royal Gem


Royal Gem is a medium sized premium quality Nectarine. It has deep red skin on a creamy background with unique pinkish white flesh. Royal Gem has firm flesh and fantastic flavour, with a semi freestone and matures in early December. It is self fertile. Suitable for temperate regions.

Dwarf Peach - Trixzie Pixzee


Dwarf Peach that is sweet and juicy. Yellow fleshed with a lovely red blush through the skin. An excellent selection for growing in pots as its a super dwarf bred for small spaces. Best in Warm temperate/ cool temperate locations. Full sun

Dwarf Apple - Trixzie Pink Lady

$64.00 ($54.00-$64.00 choose a size)

Super dwarf grafted Pink Lady apple which is one of the most popular varieties. For pots, small spaces or home orchards. Full sun and good drainage for cool climates.

Dwarf Orange - Valencia


Late variety, very juicy, holds well. The ideal variety to extend the season right through to December. Crops very well in the subtropics. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Apple - Trixzie Gala

$64.00 ($54.00-$64.00 choose a size)

A super dwarf grafted offering of the Gala apple. A high chill variety with high crunch and high flavour. Best in a full sun location with good drainage. Pollinator required such as granny smith, pink lady, red fuji

Dwarf Banana - Lady Finger


A small version of the popular Lady Finger Banana. Expect plants from 3.5 to 4m high. Sweet and tangy, the Lady finger is a good sized fruit with a thin skin.

Dwarf Banana - Nathan

$24.00 ($24.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Dwarf Nathan is a cultivar of the popular Cavendish banana. The flavour is sweet and creamy on these small bananas. The tree is super dwarf reaching a maximum height of only 2m so it is perfect for pots, so it can be grown on balconies and in backyards. This makes it well suited to growing in cooler areas.

Dwarf Kumquat Calamondin

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

In the Philippines it is referred to as Calamansi, where it is commonly used when still green skinned as a lime substitute. The fragrant, acid pulp is used to make chutney or a delicious marmalade. Very ornamental, bearing heavy crops of small mandarin-shaped orange fruits.

Dwarf Lime - Kaffir

$44.00 ($29.00-$44.00 choose a size)

Native to Indonesia but widely grown worldwide as a backyard shrub for its aromatic leaves and rind that add a unique flavour to Thai cooking. Well suited to container growing. Also known as Makrut Lime. The rough bumpy fruit is inedible but its oil has strong insecticidal properties. Kaffir lime rind is an essential ingredient in a Thai curry paste, a teaspoons of Kaffir lime rind is used in both red and green Kaffir lime gives the curry a very distinctive flavour. The leaves are added to the curry once it is cooking and can also be added when cooking rice.

Dwarf Orange - Valencia Seedless


This seedless orange is a bud sport of the Valencia, maturing a little earlier, its a heavy cropper and good juicing variety. Attractive compact tree. The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Mandarin - Okitsu wase


Seedless, good flavour, low acid and high TSS. Satsumas are cold hardy and form a compact growing tree. They are the earliest mandarins in the marketplace. They can even be eaten when the skin is still green.

Dwarf Mandarin - Afourer


Recently imported Tangor, with rich, sweet juicy flavour. The tree is moderate in size and vigor. Thin, smooth, orange rind that is easy to peel. The fruit is low-seeded in the absence of cross-pollination, but seedy when cross-pollinated. Flying Dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen. Trees will grow to about half the normal citrus size. Flying Dragon rootstock also adds cold hardiness and grows well in heavier soils, like Trifoliatia rootstock.

Dwarf Mandarin - Emperor


The fruit has a pale orange skin that is inclined to be puffy. Excellent flavour and loose skin that is very easy to peel. Most popular mid season variety. The fruit can be prone to drying if harvest is delayed. Flying Dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen. Trees will grow to about half the normal citrus size. Flying Dragon rootstock also adds cold hardiness and grows well in heavier soils, like Trifoliatia rootstock.

Dwarf Lime - Tahitian


The small to medium fruit is pale lemon-yellow with smooth thin skin. The flesh is a translucent pale green, tender and juicy with a true acid lime flavour. It is best to pick the fruit green as it can suffer from rot if left to ripen on the tree.The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Lemon - Lisbon


A good quality sour lemon with high juice and acid levels. The fruits of Eureka and Lisbon are very similar. Vigorous and productive, trees are very thorny particularly when young.The dwarf rootstock, flying dragon modifies the top growth making this a dwarf plant that is ideal to use planted out or as a pot specimen.

Dwarf Plum Gulf Gold Tree (G)

$42.95 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This golden plum is firm with excellent flavour & texture and a small seed. 350 hours chill. This dwarf plum is an ideal backyard variety and perfect for pots. An excellent all-round variety with the added bonus that it doesn't seem to be attractive to fruit fly as much as other stonefruit. Partially self pollinating but benefits from pollination with Gulf Ruby. Attractive in spring when it is smothered in white blossoms.

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