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Yry's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Yry Forum Contributions
Fruit fly9 - Does anyone have information on how far a fruit fly can fly? This becomes important if you have neighbours that neglect control. I suspect they can travel several kilometres...3884 days 3hrs
Preparing soil blueberries - As an aside to the issue of salt in the garden perhaps the following is of interest--- as many of us redirect the water from bathroom and laundry into the garden one of the issues to face is the varying and, sometimes, large quantities of sodium chloride ..3884 days 3hrs
This looks delicious - Sure does. The highlight of my stay in Ho Chi Minh City (actually the only one) was Durian pancakes. The rest of Saigon was unrelievingly awful...3885 days 8hrs
Avocado varieties - Sad to say adding sand to clay does not seem to work; in fact, you are part way to making cement. Better advice is to add organic matter plus gravel, lots of it ,say, 80% in total . Then plant on a slope or ,if unavailable, on a mound...3887 days 2hrs
Asimina tribolaamerican pawpaw temperate custard apple - Protognous ,Paul . i just had to work my word of the week into the record . It means the ovary matures first and cannot be fertilised by the later maturing but fertile male part of the flower...3889 days 3hrs

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