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  • Native Trees & Shrubs

  • image: Koala Trees
    Koalas are fussy eaters and these are the trees they love.

    Koala Trees

    Spotted Gum being photographed with a dwarfed cyclist in the backgound By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Spotted Gum

    Hardy and Both the foliage and the trunks are beautiful, making it an ideal choice where the space is available. Well-grown stock should grow quickly, and provide beautiful character within a few years after planting. Hardy and durable timber used for multiple purposes. See
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 50 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    Stunning Koala Tree the Eucalyptus Small fruited Grey Gum Tree - Eucalyptus propinqua By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Small fruited Grey Gum

    A beautiful tall, elegant tree, 35 m or so high, with a tall, straight cylindrical trunk. Prized for the strength and durability of their timber. The bark sheds to the ground, there is no collar. Koala tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 40 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    Old Tallowood on Red Mountain near Kyogle By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Tallowwood

    This tall tree is often found on the edge of rainforests. It has soft, fibrous, orange bark and a dense crown. Tallowwood is so named due to the greasy feel of the wood when cut, and is a known koala feed tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 22 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Fruit of Eucalyptus robusta (swamp mahogany) By Geekstreet [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Eucalyptus - Swamp mahogony

    A strong-growing, tough tree that does well in poor swampy or salty soil; also adaptable to a dry climate. The leaves are a very dark green, the bark is dark and rough, and pink flowers are produced in copious quantities. These trees produce nesting hollows as they age so are a great tree to plant in farmland, bush regeneration and even as landscape specimens
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 4 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    Old Brush Box at Carlas By [All Rights Reserved]

    Brush box

    These trees resemble a eucalypt in appearance but the large green leaves and flowers are distinctive. It has the largest trunk diameter of most rainforest trees. The showy flowers have showy white petals. Fruit is bell-shaped with three valves. Australian Timber Database
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 2 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    $12.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material

    Eucalyptus - Sydney Bluegum

    This fast growing, elegant gum is valuable in plantation forestry. The white bark is often rough at base and smooth above. Favours hill slope locations and warm humid conditions. Natural distribution along the coast and nearby ranges of New South Wales and Queensland.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Red Bloodwood Bleeding By John Tann [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Bloodwood - Red

    A fast growing tree suitable for use as a street tree and park planting. Tolerates a wide variety of soils provided adequate moisture is available in the establishment period. Flowers are quite ornamental and showy since they are produced on the outside of the canopy. Copious nectar production attracts a wide range of both invertebrate and vertebrate fauna. Seeds are eaten by cockatoos. Glider possums actively scar this tree and trunk and branches to access the sap flow for food. Older trees develop hollow bearing branches which provide breeding and roosting opportunities for a diverse range
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $2.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material

    Eucalyptus - Scribbly Gum

    A medium sized tree with smooth white bark that is marked with blotches and scribbles. A primary Koala tree in its natural range which includes dry Eucalyptus forest or swampy areas along the east coast.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Eucalyptus crebra Narrow leafed Ironbark at Cobb-a-Corn Rd Kyogle NSW Australia By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Narrow-leaved Ironbark

    An erect tree with hard deeply furrowed black persistent bark and narrowed drooping leaves. One of the important commercial timbers of Qld with hard reddish durable timber used for heavy construction. A slower growing eucalypt.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Flooded Gum growing at Lynches Creek in a palm fire in the Border Rangers NSW Australia By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Flooded Gum

    One of the noblest of the large eucalypts. Originates from high rainfall regions of Aust. Can reach up to 60m. Smooth whitish or blue-grey bark. Clusters of white blossoms.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Amazing looking grey ironbark taken on a Daleys nursery staff outing

    Eucalyptus - Grey Ironbark

    A dark trunked forest tree with grey furrowed bark. When in flower, the nectar is attractive to birds and insects, and is used in honey production.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $3.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Notice the rough black bark on the trunk but towards the top it is smooth white bark a great specimen of a blackbutt Eucalyptus tree By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Blackbutt

    Identified by the stocking of rough bark, to about halfway up the trunk, above this is white smooth bark. Economically, it is one of Australia's most important hardwoods. Koala food tree. It can grow to approximately 40m and have a diameter of 3m. It is stunning to find large, old specimens of this Eucalypt which can be found growing naturally from Southern QLD to southern NSW.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Eucalyptus - Forest Red Gum location at Fawcett Plains Kyogle  By [All Rights Reserved]

    Eucalyptus - Forest Red Gum

    Frequently tall with a thick trunk gracing river flats on the east coast of Australia. Provides habitat and food for a wide variety of species - mammals, bird and insects. This is an important Koala food tree and as it is a hollow forming tree it provides nesting habitat for those species that depend on them for breeding. In areas of lower fertility and rainfall it can be stouter with a short trunk and heavily branched crown. To maximise the use of these trees by Koalas, an avenue planting providing an escape root from predators, including dogs and cattle, is very important. Long lived, h
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production