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  • Native Trees & Shrubs

  • image: Butterfly Trees
    Often it is because a certain type of tree exists that you will get a Butterfly species. These are some of those Butterfly Attractant Trees.

    Butterfly Trees

    Shows the seed pot cones and the flower of the coastal banksia tree By [All Rights Reserved]

    Banksia - Coastal

    This bush has large dull-green leaves that are white underneath. Flowers are yellow with thick dense spikes and strongly scented. Performs well on poorly drained sandy sites.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 101 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.95ea

    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Acacia floribunda Gossamer wattle By Tangopaso [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

    Wattle - Gossamer

    A small attractive tree with deep yellow spikes of flowers. Excellent fill-in between slower growing windbreaks. Upright, compact growth with slightly weeping branches.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 35 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    $14.90 20 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Flowers of Black Wattle Plants By Dinesh Valke [CC BY-SA 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Wattle - Black

    This fast growing wattle has inconspicuous cream ball shaped flowers occuring in spring. A very hardy shade or shelter tree. Tolerant of most growing conditions. Good timber tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 24 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    $18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Cassia brewsteri By Tatiana Gerus from Brisbane, Australia [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Leichhardt Bean

    Rare native tree with beautiful 30cm sprays of yellow-orange flowers in summer. Drought resistant. Pigeons, parrots, cuckoos, silver eyes and Australian ravens feed on this species. Grows in coastal forests from Northern NSW to North Qld and ranges in height from 4 - 10+ m in height
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 17 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 1 or more @ $14.75ea

    $18.75 16 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm


    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Shows a close up of the richmond birdwing butterfly By [All Rights Reserved]

    Richmond Birdwing Vine

    A large vine of temperate subtropical rainforests. The vine attracts one of the largest and most spectacular butterflies the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly which is considered an endangered species. This is the only food source for the catterpillars of this butterfly and is essential for the survival of the species.  Plants require support on which to climb, a trellis, a fence or over a stump.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $19.90 14 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    $21.90 6 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $4.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    banksia robur By Tatters ✾ [CC BY 2.0 (] via Flickr

    Banksia - Swamp

    An upright shrub with large serrated leaves bearing large yellow-green brush type flowers. Performs well in open sunny positions with damp soil. Attracts nectar feeding birds.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 15 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    $14.90 10 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $4.90 6 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    Melaleuca Pink Lace Honey Myrtle By John Tann [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Melaleuca - Pink Lace

    A dense mounded shrub with small leaves and delicate pink curled bottlebrush flowers that are produced sporadically all year. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. Great for shrubberies or as a pot. A hardy plant for most soil types, likes full sun, can also be grown in dappled shade. Drought and frost tolerant once established. Regular watering will encourage flowering.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 3 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Hibiscius Barambah Creek in Flower By [All Rights Reserved]

    Hibiscus - Barambah Creek

    Huge pink flowers contrast beautifully against the grey/green foliage make this fast growing hardy shrub a must for any situation. Prune well after flowering to shape and promote prolific flowering. Grows to 3m if allowed. Mulch, fertilise and water as necessary. Flowers in spring & summer.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Tree Waratah By [All Rights Reserved]

    Tree Waratah

    This is one of the most stunning rainforest trees with a spectacular flowering in spring. Adapting well to cool climates, it will flower most prolifically if grown in full sun in deep rich soil with extra water given in periods of hot dry weather.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $24.00 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $7.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Hairpin Banksia shrub near Brisbane. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Banksia - Hairpin

    A beautiful native plant with stunning large flowers that range in colour from brown, red and orange to gold. It is a shrub or small tree that is suited to a wide range of soil types and temperatures growing naturally from Victoria through to Cairns. Great food source for bees and nectar feeding birds.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Flower and fruit of the Hairy Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum tomentosum). Paruna Reserve, Como NSW Australia, January 2010. By John Tann from Sydney, Australia [CC BY 2.0 (]

    Hairy Clerodendrum

    A fantastic pioneer tree that attracts bird, insects and butterflies.  It does require a shady moist position to look its best.  New shoots are tinged with purple and both the flowers and fruits are highly attractive. 
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $2.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Native Mulberry compares the white mulberry fruit on the developed deep green leaves and the new shoots of leaves also on the left of the picture is the flowers before they turn into fully developed mulberry fruits  By [All Rights Reserved]

    Native Mulberry

    This is an excellent tree for rainforest restoration as it attracts many birds and insects.  It has small, white edible fruits that are sweet and hold their seeds on the outside like strawberries.  Trees are dioecious, having male and female flowers on separate trees.  
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    The Native Rosella in full flower

    Native Rosella

    Hibiscus heterophyllus is a tall erect shrub. The flowers may be white, pale pink or yellow with a large crimson central flute and are up to about 15 cm across. The leaves are either narrow, broader or deeply lobed, up to 15 cm long. 6m. Unlike Rosella the Native rosella has no edible calyx however the flowers and leaves are still edible. It is also used to make rope.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $14.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Green round vessicals bursting out of the Alstonville grafted finger lime variety By [All Rights Reserved]

    Finger Lime - Alstonville

    Mostly seedless fruit with lime green vesicles, the skin is smooth and brown with green tinges. A highly productive selection with excellent quality fruit. Fruits are 7-12 cm long when fully ripe.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $59.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $39.00 0 Cutting Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Close up of the Judy Everbearing Finger Lime fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

    Finger Lime- Judys Everbearing

    Large juice vesicles are clear light green to pink in colour with few seeds, the skin is Khaki, dark brown and maroon in colour. The trees is most productive between Summer and Autumn with a light crop throughout the year. Heavy crops of high quality fruit are produced, the flavour is aromatic with a lemon lime flavour.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $49.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    $46.95 0 Cutting Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Fingerlime - Jali Red By [All Rights Reserved]

    Finger Lime - Jali Red

    One of the largest of the Finger limes 8-12cm long. Bright pinkish-red vesicles are held inside a dark brown to maroon coloured skin. Good flavour and a high yielding variety.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $39.00 0 Cutting Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $59.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $24.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $99.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Cunjevoi lily flower and leaf. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Cunjevoi Lily

    A clumping native rainforest plant up to 1.5m in height with large, green, spade-shaped leaves. This plant has a fragrant flower and juicy sweet smelling, red fruits. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous. In the rainforest understorey they look lush and tropical, making a very attractive planting. Believed to be the antidote for the Giant Stinging Tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 30 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $7.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.3L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
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    Cassia By 41330 [CC0 1.0 (]

    Brush Cassia

    Rare cassia, native to North NSW and South Qld, found in lowland subtropical rainforest. Dark bushy tree to 10m with spectacular showers of golden flowers in spring time.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $16.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Callistemon Cherry Time Guide only Image: Callistemon By Chilepine at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons

    Callistemon - Cherry Time

    A medium weeping shrub with fine glossy leaves and bronze new growth. Vivid cherry coloured brushes flourish from spring to early summer, most attractive to Honey Eaters. Extremely frost hardy, suited to coastal gardens as well.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $2.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Heath Banksia By Merrillie Redden [All Rights Reserved, Used by Permission] via Flickr

    Banksia - Heath

    Evergreen, wiry, freely branching shrub with small needle-like leaves. 10 to 25cm flower spikes of vibrant orange flowers in autumn-winter. Great for an informal hedge providing food and habitat for local wildlife
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    Trunk of Acacia elata, Springwood NSW. This tree around 20 metres tall By Poyt448 Peter Woodard [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

    Wattle - Cedar

    A handsome fast wattle with ferny dark green foliage. New growth is a pink bronze colour and flowers are cream. A long lived wattle.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.75 5 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 1 or more @ $14.75ea

    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Acacia fimbriata Fringe Wattle By Dlanglois [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.5  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Wattle - Fringe

    Fast growing, profusely flowering with small yellow balls. Foliage is light green with a soft appearance. Best used as a temporary fill-in for screens or windbreaks while slower growing trees develop. Native of south-east Qld and northern NSW. 5m
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 20 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm


    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production

    Native pomegranate

    Small tree with large, lightly scented, white flowers that have over 100 spreading stamens, flowers from Nov to Jan.Round green fruits on long stalks from March to May. 6m
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $9.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    Queensland Silver Wattle By [All Rights Reserved]

    Wattle - Queensland silver

    An attractive shrub with rounded silvery-white leaves producing clusters of large golden blooms. It is one of the earliest winter flowering wattles and responds to heavy pruning after flowering. Thrives on practically any soil. 5m
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.75 54 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Bramble wattle - Acacia victoriae By Jim [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission]

    Wattle - Bramble

    Native to arid regions this is a hardy plant and valuable as food and shelter for native animals. During flowering the spiky branches are covered in clusters of strongly scented yellow flowers. Fast growing and relatively short lived, it grows to about 5-6m and lives for 10 - 15 years. The protein rich seeds of this nitrogen fixing plant are edible and are used in breads as well as ground into flour. This is one of the main sources of culinary wattle seed, due to its large, flavourful seed
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    The first tree is the feature tree of the red ash

    Red Ash

    This tree is a natural colonizer in a wide range of conditions. Fruits are round and black and the mealy flesh encloses two hard capsules. These usually fall, leaving red seeds attached to the twigs for months.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    $17.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Pink Ash

    Very fast small to medium tree. Excellent pioneer species with open crown of rounded green leaves with silver backs. Bird attractive. Full sun.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $3.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Ivory Curl Buckinghamia celsissima (Ivory Curl Tree) By Jan Smith from Brisbane, Australia [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Ivory Curl Tree

    This tall shrub or small tree flowers in its third year. It is often grown as a street tree or specimen where its sweetly scented cream flower spikes can be appreciated. Retains its compact shape when grown in full sun. Frost tender when young.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 15 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $16.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material