Image of a variety of hand drawn nut pictures with text above.

(1/2) Image of a variety of hand drawn nut pictures with text above. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Nut Trees like Walnut Trees, Pecan Nut Trees, Macadamia Nut Trees, Chestnut Trees, Bunya Nut Trees, Cashew Nut Trees, Almond Trees, Coconut Fruit Trees

(2/2) Nut Trees like Walnut Trees, Pecan Nut Trees, Macadamia Nut Trees, Chestnut Trees, Bunya Nut Trees, Cashew Nut Trees, Almond Trees, Coconut Fruit Trees


Nut Trees

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees

Growing nut trees in Australia is not new with pecans and macadamias being one of our most successful commercial crops. The Macadamia is a native of southern Queensland and northern New South Wales and is the only Australian native tree to be developed into a commercial crop. The Pecan is a native of America and is among the best of the multi-purpose trees providing a valuable nut crop and an excellent long-term investment.

Chestnuts, Hazlenuts, Walnuts and Almonds are amongst the temperate group of nuts. We do not recommend them as commercially viable within the subtropics however they will bear adequate crops for the home orchardist.


Almond Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Almond Tree

Prunus dulcis

Chestnut Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Chestnut Tree

Castanea sativa
A chestnut tree is a fast growing, long lived, large deciduous tree that produces abundant crops of nuts during Autumn. Although regarded as a cold climate tree chestnuts can be grown in the subtropics provided they have well-drained soils to minimize their susceptibility to Phytophthora. Planting 2 varieties will ensure well-filled nut burrs. Seedling chestnuts are worthy of consideration and can start cropping after 4 years. Nuts are produced inside a very prickly husk, which splits open to reveal the nuts when they are ripe. Nuts are large, brown and shiny.Chestnuts are best eaten either boiled or roasted. To prepare them, boil whole in their shells for about 30 minutes, once they are cooked, cut the soft shell and the kernel can be scooped out. To roast them in the oven, open fire or microwave be sure to pierce the outer shell to prevent them from exploding. After cooking remove the outer shell and inner bitter tasting skin before eating.

Dwarf Coconut

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Dwarf Coconut
Fruit Trees > Tropical Fruit Trees > Dwarf Coconut

Cocos nucifera
These high yielding precocious hybrid selections will grow outside of the tropics, in a warm and sheltered position. Worth trying in coastal locations as far south as Coffs Harbour. They will require free draining soil and are best planted deep with a deep organic mulch surrounding them. The seed palms originate from the Solomon Islands mainly, although a few exceptional specimens are selected from North Queensland. These varieties are capable of flowering in their third year in moist tropical conditions, with fruits in their forth year.

Ginkgo Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Ginkgo Tree
Trees and Plants > Shade and Ornamental Trees > Exotic > Ginkgo Tree

Ginkgo biloba
The Ginkgo tree is used extensively as a landscape tree due to its picturesque, unusually shaped crown and autumn coloured foliage. The trees become large making them ideal shade trees. The trees can take around 20-30 years to bear nuts, however grafted trees may bear in as little as 8 years. The sweet nuts taste like a large pine nut, a cross between potatoes and sweet chestnuts when baked or boiled. The outer coat of the fresh seeds contain oils that may cause mild dermatitis in some humans, so when picking them up wear latex gloves. The seeds are usually steamed until the hard shell cracks open, then the kernel removed and eaten like pistacho nuts, or used in pilaf, porridges, soups, vegetable dishes or mixed with rice, tofu, mushrooms and stir-fried vegetables. When planting in the ground, it is recommended to break up the root ball and free the hair from the roots. It is also necessary to make a large hole of random shape (especially not cylindrical) and loosen the soil around the foot as much as possible. Without these precautions, it will take longer for your Ginkgo to realize that it is no longer in its pot and start its normal growth. The roots must be allowed to extend their course naturally. It is very often observed that a freshly planted Ginkgo can take several years before it starts to grow. Following these last tips should reduce that lethargy time

Hazelnut Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Hazelnut Tree

Corylus avellana
Hazel Nuts or Filberts are highly nutritious and if you live in the cooler parts of Australia they are certainly worth growing. Cross pollination is required for Hazelnut trees so you need to plant at least two to ensure nut set, but best to plant 3-4 as some are better paired than others. The pollen is transferred between the trees by the wind. Trees require cool, moist winters with sufficient chill to break the dormancy of the flowering and vegetative buds about 700 to 900 hours and cool summers. They like a light, sandy or gravely soil with a PH of around 6 to 6.5, the soil must be well drained but still retain moisture, organic mulches will both help to retain the moisture in the soil and add vital nutrients. Protect trees from sun when temperatures climb into the mid thirties Hazelnuts can be eaten fresh or roasted and used in spreads and cereals. Ground into flour and added to breads and biscuits adds a delicious nutty flavour. Hazelnuts have many good health benefits, they are very high in vitamin E, an antioxidant, and cholesterol lowering fats, they are also high in calcium and protein.

Macadamia Nut Tree

Fruit Trees > Bush foods Australia > Macadamia Nut Tree
Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Macadamia Nut Tree

Macadamia species
It isn't any wonder that the macadamia nut tree from Australia is regarded as the best quality nut in the world. The nuts are sweet and can be enjoyed eaten raw, roasted, fried, chocolate coated, candied, made into nut butters, biscuits, cakes and pies. They have a great crunchy texture. The two edible species M. tetraphylla (Northern NSW) and M. integrifolia(S.E. Qld) make up most of the commercial varieties below. Warning: Macadamia kernels are poisonous to dogs, even sometimes in small amounts, so keep them away from your canine friends.

Pecan Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Pecan Tree

Carya illinoinensis
Pecan Nut Trees are among the best of the multi-purpose trees providing a valuable nut crop and an excellent long-term investment. The trees are long lived and unlike other commercial crops don't have to be replaced in the short to mid term. Although most varieties are self pollinating (SP), planting 2 varieties one from each group will ensure optimum cross pollination. Or, for large plantings, one of one type to up to 5 of another. Pecan cultivars differ in the order male and female flowers mature. When pollen is shed early, before the female flowers are receptive, the cultivar is called protandrous (Type A), when pollen is shed late the cultivar is called protogynous (Type B). Pecans are a large deciduous tree suited to temperate and sub-tropical areas, requiring very little chill only 200-300 hours. They love the dry spring weather of the east coast, which enables effective pollination. Irrigate for best results through these months. They tolerate a range of soil conditions, coping with pH range of 5-8 but doing best in pH 5.5-6.5. Soil is preferably deep and free draining, but in heavy soils they will still produce, provided they are not water logged. In Australia, the tree has very few pests making them an easy tree to grow for food and shade

Pine Nut Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Pine Nut Tree

Pinus pinea
The Pine nut tree is often called the 'Stone Pine'. This name apparently comes from the idea that this tree grows well in stony ground. An attractive large pine tree that bears cones of edible nuts considered a delicacy. Grows best in dry cold areas. Trees can be expected to start producing cones from about year 6, but one planting in New Zealand produced its first cones after 3 1/2 years. Each cone holds about 50 nuts and 100 kg of cones holds about 20 kg of nuts. The kernels can be eaten raw, roasted or prepared into sweet meats, cakes, puddings, stuffings, soups and of course the most popular usage is the Italian gourmet PESTO. It is the source of a high quality expensive oil that is made mostly in France.


Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Pistachio

Pistacia vera
Pistachio has been under cultivation for thousands of year. It is a long lived tree and can be productive for over 300 years. The nuts are particularly tasty and can be eaten raw or roasted, in sweet or savoury dishes. The plants grow best in hot, dry summers and cold winters. It is very tolerant to salinity and drought conditions so makes a perfect crop for inland Australia.

Walnut Tree

Fruit Trees > Nut Trees > Walnut Tree

Juglans regia
The Walnut nut tree is better suited to cold climates than many of the other cold climate nuts. Slow growing with best results achieved on deep soils with good drainage. Cross-pollination gives heavier nut set.

Indian Almond Tree

$49.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Also known as the Sea Almond or Tropical Almond, it is common throughout SE Asia, growing wild as well as cultivated for its striking features and tasty nut. A deciduous tree it can shed its leaves twice a year. In Autumn the leaves turn into colours of red, copper, gold. This tree has a characteristic pagoda shape because it sends out a single stem from the top center. When the single stem reaches a good height, it sends out several horizontal branches. It can get very large reaching 30m in ideal conditions. The fruits are almond-shaped and green turning brown to purple when ripe. The fibrous shell surrounds an edible nut. This shell helps the fruit to float as the seed is dispersed by water. The nuts are edible, taste very much like almonds, although it can be a challenge to remove the flesh from the hard stone. The Sea Almond can be eaten raw. Oil extracted from the dried nuts is edible and used in cooking. Recommended for Tropical climates as it is cold sensitive, but is wind, salt and drought tolerant.

Malabar Chestnut

$19.75 ($16.90-$59.00 choose a size)

Also known as Saba Nut, this medium sized, fast growing tree is grown in many parts of the world. It is grown mainly for its edible seeds; however it also makes a suitable potted indoor plant or outdoor specimen. The large white flowers are very fragrant, another reason to have it in the garden. Overall, this versatile tree is a handsome landscape addition The seeds can be eaten either raw or roasted. When roasted or fried in oil they taste like chestnuts or cashews, raw they taste like peanuts and keep for months in a cool, dry place. They can also be ground and used as a flour substitute when baking bread. The young leaves and flowers are cooked and delicious eaten as a vegetable. Production starts within a few years. The large, white, self-fertile flowers display spectacular clusters of 10cm cream-white stamens. The fruit is a woody green five-valved pod up to 30cm in length. The capsules that follow burst open when the seeds are ripe. The plant grows well in mild inland parts and coastal areas. The plant will tolerate brief exposure to low temperatures but won't tolerate frost. A frost-free location with some protection from hot, drying winds is the best choice for the plant. It will take full sun to partial shade. Malabar chestnuts are not overly fussy about soil as long as it is well drained. They are semi-deciduous.

Guiana Chestnut

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Fragrant, stunning flowers and edible peanut-tasting nuts distinguish Guiana Chestnut. They are edible raw but they are more often eaten roasted, boiled or fried when they taste more like chestnuts. It is closely related to the smaller but similar Malabar Chestnut. Native to estuaries and lake shores in the tropical rainforests of Mexico, Central and South America where it is seen as a large spreading tree with buttressed root systems to hold it in place during flooding. The flowers of the Guiana chestnut are spectacular, they emerge from foot long buds where they are almost hidden amongst the dense foliage. The long cream coloured petals droop and disappear to show off the dramatic clusters of scarlet tipped stamens. The fruits that follow the flowers are football shaped large woody pods that can reach 30cm in length. The tightly packed nuts inside enlarge until the pods burst open to reveal them. They can be also be ground into flour for baking. Both the flowers and the leaves can be eaten as vegetables. The Guiana Chestnut does best in sites that are protected from drying winds, it can be grown in full sun or part shade and it requires frequent and generous watering.

Bunya Nut

$19.75 ($4.90-$29.00 choose a size)

A handsome large tree for parks and gardens. This extraordinary bush food produces large edible nuts inside large cones. They are delicious roasted or pressure cooked. Then slice them and shuck the kernel and use in a wide range of recipes. The trees produce dense shade and are cold tolerant. A symmetrical pine suitable for container growing when young as they a slow growing to start. Trees take up to 15 years to produce the large cones, which ripen mid summer. No-one should stand or park under one of these at that time, as they fall from a height when ripe. These trees were and still are very important to the cultural practices of First Nations peoples of the East Coast especially southern Queensland, producing bumper harvests every 3 years, drawing peoples to the region to share.

Cashew Nut Tree

$59.00 ($19.75-$59.00 choose a size)

The cashew nut tree is native to Central and South America, the nut grows within an outer shell at the end of an edible fruit known as the cashew apple. The shell of the kernal contains a thick caustic oil which can cause severe burns and skin irritation on contact. Caution must be taken when shelling nuts and protective clothing is recommended.The tree is very attractive, it produces beautiful rose-coloured scented flowers in panicles, followed by the enticing red fruits. It can grow to 15 metres and favours dry tropical conditions especially in coastal regions. It is a fast growing and strong tree that will tolerate dry conditions once it is established. It is best grown in well drained sandy or sandy loam soils. They will not tolerate poorly drained soils and can be prone to damaged from strong winds.Cashew apples and nuts are highly nutritious, they contain high amounts of vitamin C and are excellent sources of calcium, iron and vitamin B1.

Chestnut Wandiligong Wonder

$89.00 ($69.00-$89.00 choose a size)

A very large nut with excellent flavour enclosed in a green prickly burr. Used for roasting and cooking. This is a very large spreading tree to approx 10m with good crops; more suitable to cool climate areas

Andean Walnut


This fast growing evergreen walnut species is from the relative calm and frost free sub tropical Andes. The advantage of the Andean walnut is that it is a walnut that may fruit in parts or all of the subtropics where no other walnut will fruit; it fruits well; it is self fertile; it comes into bearing from seed within about five or six years; and it has large nuts that are moderately well filled. The biggest disadvantage is that the nut does not fall free of the husk and 'clings' to the nut. This means the almost tennis ball sized 'fruit' (fleshy husk plus the 'nut' in the middle) have to be collected and piled up for the husk to rot off. The olivey green to brown fruits turn dark brown as the husk breaks down, and the fleshy part becomes black and soft and spongy. Once cleaned, the round golf-ball sized nuts can be dried. Their shell is very thick heavy, and they are not easy to open. Once open, the kernel is also difficult to remove from the shell. The kernel itself is blandly pleasant.Andean Walnut is also highly prized as a cabinet timber, because of its remarkably consistent and bold cocoa color. The wood is related to the American black walnut that you might be used to seeing, but this variety grows in South America. The wood is slightly softer, much more straight grained, and much more consistent in color.

North Bauple Nut


The mauve flowers of this tree are beautiful, hanging from the trunk and the branches, followed by striking bunches of red fruits. Beautiful foliage and burgundy new growth make it an ornamental specimen for gardens and rainforest plantings. Native to Far North Queensland, it is surprisingly adaptable, as it is able to tolerate light frosts. The nuts have been known to be eaten but may contain small amounts of cyanide so caution should be exercised

Macadamia Bush Nut

$14.75 ($4.90-$24.75 choose a size)

This was the first Australian native food plant to be grown by non-indigenous Australians as a commercial crop. Genetic diversity of this valuable nut species has been reduced significantly through land clearing. Very hardy and easily grown along most of Australia's east coast and even down into Victoria.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.75ea

Pecan - Mohawk (B) SP

$39.00 ($19.75-$39.00 choose a size)

Large nuts similar to Mahan. Thin shell of attractive appearance. Kernel can exceed 60% of weight of the entire nut. Separates easily from shell; high quality, matures early. Vigorous and hardy tree, prolific bearer.

Pecan - Shoshonii (B) SP

$39.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

A precocious and heavy cropping variety in subtropical areas. Good quality medium to large oval nuts with a thin shell. A vigorous tree with an upright habit that makes an excellent backyard tree. Suited to high density plantings.

Pecan - Tejas (B) SP

$34.00 ($19.75-$34.00 choose a size)

B - SP - An outstanding all round variety. High kernel quality, extremely easy to shell. A good pollen producer and small to medium nut size. Ideally suited to commercial or backyard planting as it holds its green foliage until late in the season.

Pine Nut

$19.90 ($19.75-$99.00 choose a size)

An attractive large pine tree that bears cones of edible nuts. These are considered a delicacy in Mediterranean style cooking, due to their sweet, buttery flavour. Trees can be expected to start producing cones from about year 6. But can take longer. Each cone holds about 50 nuts and 100 kg of cones holds about 20 kg of nuts. Grows best in dry cooler areas with excellent drainage. Trees can set nuts on their own, but cones may be poorly filled. Plant two or more to improve nut set.
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Indian Almond Tree

$49.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Also known as the Sea Almond or Tropical Almond, it is common throughout SE Asia, growing wild as well as cultivated for its striking features and tasty nut. A deciduous tree it can shed its leaves twice a year. In Autumn the leaves turn into colours of red, copper, gold. This tree has a characteristic pagoda shape because it sends out a single stem from the top center. When the single stem reaches a good height, it sends out several horizontal branches. It can get very large reaching 30m in ideal conditions. The fruits are almond-shaped and green turning brown to purple when ripe. The fibrous shell surrounds an edible nut. This shell helps the fruit to float as the seed is dispersed by water. The nuts are edible, taste very much like almonds, although it can be a challenge to remove the flesh from the hard stone. The Sea Almond can be eaten raw. Oil extracted from the dried nuts is edible and used in cooking. Recommended for Tropical climates as it is cold sensitive, but is wind, salt and drought tolerant.

Malabar Chestnut

$19.75 ($16.90-$59.00 choose a size)

Also known as Saba Nut, this medium sized, fast growing tree is grown in many parts of the world. It is grown mainly for its edible seeds; however it also makes a suitable potted indoor plant or outdoor specimen. The large white flowers are very fragrant, another reason to have it in the garden. Overall, this versatile tree is a handsome landscape addition The seeds can be eaten either raw or roasted. When roasted or fried in oil they taste like chestnuts or cashews, raw they taste like peanuts and keep for months in a cool, dry place. They can also be ground and used as a flour substitute when baking bread. The young leaves and flowers are cooked and delicious eaten as a vegetable. Production starts within a few years. The large, white, self-fertile flowers display spectacular clusters of 10cm cream-white stamens. The fruit is a woody green five-valved pod up to 30cm in length. The capsules that follow burst open when the seeds are ripe. The plant grows well in mild inland parts and coastal areas. The plant will tolerate brief exposure to low temperatures but won't tolerate frost. A frost-free location with some protection from hot, drying winds is the best choice for the plant. It will take full sun to partial shade. Malabar chestnuts are not overly fussy about soil as long as it is well drained. They are semi-deciduous.

Guiana Chestnut

$39.00 ($39.00-$49.00 choose a size)

Fragrant, stunning flowers and edible peanut-tasting nuts distinguish Guiana Chestnut. They are edible raw but they are more often eaten roasted, boiled or fried when they taste more like chestnuts. It is closely related to the smaller but similar Malabar Chestnut. Native to estuaries and lake shores in the tropical rainforests of Mexico, Central and South America where it is seen as a large spreading tree with buttressed root systems to hold it in place during flooding. The flowers of the Guiana chestnut are spectacular, they emerge from foot long buds where they are almost hidden amongst the dense foliage. The long cream coloured petals droop and disappear to show off the dramatic clusters of scarlet tipped stamens. The fruits that follow the flowers are football shaped large woody pods that can reach 30cm in length. The tightly packed nuts inside enlarge until the pods burst open to reveal them. They can be also be ground into flour for baking. Both the flowers and the leaves can be eaten as vegetables. The Guiana Chestnut does best in sites that are protected from drying winds, it can be grown in full sun or part shade and it requires frequent and generous watering.

Chestnut - Reilly

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

The Reilly originates from a planting made early this century on the Alstonville Plateau. A low chill variety that bears prolifically in Feb/March. Fair nut and keeping qualities.

Pecan - Mahan (B)

$39.00 ($29.00-$39.00 choose a size)

Also known as the Lismore nut. Very large, long nut with a thin shell that may be poorly filled on older trees. A vigorous tree and prolific bearer.

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