Papaw or Papaya Yellow Bisexual
Carica papaya
Luscious, yellow, elongated fruits, high in vitamin, are produced throughout the year but mainly in Summer.
FEATURES: A strong, vigorous, upright tree to Sm, with large leaves and a palm-like form. Fruit are produced from a young age. Bisexual papaws do not require a pollinator.
CONDITIONS: Require a very warm, sheltered position with free draining, slightly acid soil. Avoid frost and cold, wet soils.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Keep the root area free of weeds but do not cultivate too deeply as Papaws have many roots close to the surface. Apply an organic mulch to keep weeds down and conserve moisture. Feed regularly. Water the trees frequently and deeply during the Summer months. A strong, vigorous, upright tree to Sm, with large leaves and a palm-like form. Fruit are produced from a young age. Bisexual papaws do not require a pollinator.