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  • Native Trees & Shrubs

  • image: Ground Cover & Rockery Plants

    The trees listed below are available in minimum quantities of 4 of each type. Tubestocks is propagated in specially designed root pruning tubes 125mm deep by 50mm square. The stock is sun-hardened and ready to be planted out or grown-on.

    Ground Cover & Rockery Plants

    Flowering spike forming in the Mat Rush Lomandra Plant By [All Rights Reserved]

    Lomandra longifolia - Mat Rush

    Extremely versatile and hardy bush tucker plants that will grow almost anywhere. An important stabilizing plant for stream banks, as well as a useful ornamental grass in native gardens. Pull the leaves out from the base of the clump and chew the white fleshy base of them, they taste a little like sweet peas. The lusher the growing conditions, the better the taste. Flowers are high in nectar and can be soaked in water for a flavoured, refreshing drink. Mature seed can be ground into a flour to make a damper. The strap-like leaves make great weaving material too.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 136 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 16 or more @ $2.40ea

    $18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Cousin It on a rock wall in Qld Australia By Correy of By [All Rights Reserved]

    Casuarina - Cousin It

    A prostrate cultivar of Casuarina glauca. Unique, strange, fun and nitrogen fixing! This popular plant has a character all of its own, with fine 'hairy' strands of evergreen cascading foliage. Use as a ground cover or feature plant in rockeries, where it will spread to 1m across but only 10 - 20cm high. Low maintenance, competes well with weeds.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $19.90 78 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $12.90ea

    $18.75 38 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $14.75ea

    $24.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Leptospermum scoparium By KENPEI (KENPEI's photo) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 2.1 jp (], via Wikimedia Co

    Leptospermum Burgundy Queen

    Few drought resistant shrubs can rival the color of 'Burgundy Queen.' Everything about it is majestic and burgundy. Its fully double flowers are intense dark burgundy and profuse, and the fine foliage of this large shrub is also burgundy flushed. It originates from New Zealand where it grows in a wide range of areas from peaty bogs to coastal and mountain regions. It is surprisingly adaptable, especially to arid sites and soils.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.90 44 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 1 or more @ $14.90ea

    $17.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    A gorgeous mature specimen of the Leptospermum Pink Cascade flowering during Spring. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Leptospermum Pink Cascade

    Low, spreading dense shrub growing to 0.5m tall with a spread of 1m. The branchlets have an arching habit. The new growth is bright red. Pink flowers are borne in dense masses along the stems. Main flowering periods are spring and autumn, with some flowers found all year round.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 38 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 2 or more @ $12.90ea

    Native Ginger - Atherton Red Back

    Versatile plant used by Aboriginal people. The ginger tasting roots were eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit. This Red Coloured form is from Atherton Tablelands. The large leaves were thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 31 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $14.90 17 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $4.90 12 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

    Native Violets By [All Rights Reserved]

    Native Violet

    Small spreading ground cover forming extensive mats in damp areas. White and purple violet-shaped flowers for long periods. Flowers are edible and can be used in salads. Full sun to part shade. Dies back in winter. Useful for hanging baskets
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $5.75 24 Rhizome Pot: 0.3L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

    Shows how the Waterfall plant can be used in confined spaces to create a very low dense and delicate feature in a garden By [All Rights Reserved]

    Waterfall Plant

    This is a useful low growing plant with pretty, fine fern like foliage. Very suitable for a low hedge, in the rockery or in a hanging basket. Foliage hangs elegantly. Requires regular watering.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 36 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

    $19.90 23 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 1 or more @ $12.90ea

    Using Pinto Peanut as a ground cover in a fruit tree orchard By [All Rights Reserved]

    Pinto Peanut

    Excellent legume groundcover for orchards, Pinto forms a thick, luxuriant mat 20-30 cm deep, with attractive yellow pea flowers; it suits frost-free areas and is moderately tolerant of shade. Will control weeds, soil erosion and also fix nitrogen in the soil building soil fertility. Guinea fowls love foraging for the nutritious peanuts.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 69 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.95ea

    $14.75 21 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 2 or more @ $12.75ea

    $8.95 0 Cutting Pot: 0.3L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    Westringia fruticosa By Dlanglois [GFDL (]

    Westringia - Smokey

    A small shrub with soft grey-green and white variegated foliage with small white flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant. Ideal for formal hedging and for mid level screening. Grows in a wide range of soils, and is well suited to coastal positions, as it is very salt tolerant.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.75 23   Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $12.75ea

    $14.90 21 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Westringia Jervis Gem flowering in Toonumbar NSW Australia By [All Rights Reserved]

    Westringia - Jervis Gem

    Jervis Gem is an attractive and hardy shrub that is well suited to coastal plantings as it is tolerant of salt sprays.  It is adaptable to a wide range of soil types and responds well to pruning.  Pretty pinky mauve flowers are produced throughout the year.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 20 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Shows a close up of the richmond birdwing butterfly By [All Rights Reserved]

    Richmond Birdwing Vine

    A large vine of temperate subtropical rainforests. The vine attracts one of the largest and most spectacular butterflies the Richmond Birdwing Butterfly which is considered an endangered species. This is the only food source for the catterpillars of this butterfly and is essential for the survival of the species.  Plants require support on which to climb, a trellis, a fence or over a stump.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $19.90 14 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    $21.90 6 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $4.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Lomandra hystrix By Raffi Kojian ( [CC BY-SA 3.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Lomandra hystrix - Mat Rush

    This hardy Bushfood plant has arching strap-like leaves and yellow-green flower spikes in spring. Suited to wet soils and is ideal for use around water features. It prefers part shade though will tolerate full sun. It can also be used indoors and will accept a wide range of soils and climates. Useful for drainage swales and erosion control. Like its cousin Lomandra longifolia the base of the leaves make a tasty snack. Pull the leaves out from the base of the clump and chew the white fleshy base of them, they taste a little like sweet peas. The lusher the growing conditions, the better the ta
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 12 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 16 or more @ $2.75ea

    $17.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Melaleuca White Lace By Nelson~Blue [All Rights Reserved, Used by Permission] From Flickr

    Melaleuca - White Lace

    A dense mounded shrub with small leaves. The flowers are delicately curled and very attractive, to people, birds and insects.The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. Great for shrubberies or in a pot. Frost and drought tolerant. This plant can be neglected and will still keep growing, but with some extra attention will be a great garden performer.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 7 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Shows the old man saltbush being used as a dence hardy windbreak. It is growing at a quite uniform 2m but can get up to 3m. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Old Man Saltbush

    The largest of the saltbushes, growing to 3m. The leaves are an attractive silvery-grey. Flowers appear throughout the year on separate male or female plants. Frost and salt tolerant, it is hardy and responds well to pruning. Can be used in wind breaks or pruned into an attractive hedge. Frequently used as a fodder plant for sheep and cattle as it is drought tolerant and is an excellent forage when other feed is scarce. Does best in a sunny, well drained position. It will not tolerate water logging.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $21.90 3 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Melaleuca Pink Lace Honey Myrtle By John Tann [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Melaleuca - Pink Lace

    A dense mounded shrub with small leaves and delicate pink curled bottlebrush flowers that are produced sporadically all year. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. Great for shrubberies or as a pot. A hardy plant for most soil types, likes full sun, can also be grown in dappled shade. Drought and frost tolerant once established. Regular watering will encourage flowering.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 3 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Grafted Grevillea Ivory Whip will delight with its  blooms By [All Rights Reserved]

    Grevillea - Ivory Whip

    A spreading, fast growing medium size shrub with wonderful dense grey/green foliage and attractive clusters of large white blooms that blossom throughout the year. It grows 1-2 m wide and about 1.5m high Grevilleas do best by giving them an annual pruning for shape, health, and extra flowers. It would be great not to have to provide artificial food for birds and allow them to gorge themselves on the natural supply in our gardens. Little wrens just love the prickly Grevilleas and each garden should have at least one prickly plant, giving a home for small birds to hide from predators. Grafted
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $32.00 2 Grafted Pot: 1.4L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    Grevillea nudiflora ( Grafted )

    This beautiful grevillea flowers for most of the year. It is a wonderful ground cover and the birds love it. Lightly prune annually and remove any dead wood. Ideal for rockeries or as a filler in a sunny spot. It grows to 30cm high and 3m wide, suitable for most areas of Australia. Originates from Albany WA
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    eremophila debilis By Mark Marathon [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Winter Apple

    A reliable ground cover for many areas. Well suited to a range of soils provided drainage is reasonable, and is best located in a sunny position. Severe frosts may damage the plant but it will often recover quickly once the weather warms up. The small flowers occur in the leaf axils and are usually pale mauve but white and blue forms are also found. The main flowering period is summer but spasmodic flowering may occur at other times. The fleshy fruits that appear in autumn are perhaps the most attractive feature of the plant. They are about 1cm in diameter, green in colour with pink or reddi
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available
    Red Kangaroo Paw By John Jennings [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Kangaroo Paw - Big Red

    Clusters of deep-red flowers up to 40 mm long occur on stems to 1.5 - 2 metres in height. Flowering occurs over a long period from late spring to mid summer. A clumping plant with leaves 60cm long. The flower height will vary depending on site conditions. Big Red is drought tolerant but will flower best in moist well drained soils. Big Red is a long-lived variety and is one of the hardiest varieties of kangaroo paws.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.75 0 Tissue Culture Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production

    Kangaroo Paw - Everlasting Mega Gold ™

    Everlasting Mega Gold™ Anigozanthos is a mid-sized, longer lived Kangaroo Paw that gets far less black spot in comparison to short lived Kangaroo Paws. It has large gold flowers all year round, except in colder climates where it won’t flower in the winter months. Tolerant of frost and drought. Perfect for gardens, borders, mass plantings and pots. The flowers also look great when used in cut flower arrangements.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.75 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Banksia integrifolia prostrate By No machine-readable author provided. Casliber assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain] via Wikimedia Commons

    Banksia - Coastal Prostrate

    Low mounding or prostrate spreading ground cover. It is a hardy and versatile garden plant. It can be used as a dense cascade to flow over walls and embankments or as a feature in a rockery. The flowers are upright lemon brushes that appear from summer through to winter. grows 60 cm -1 m high and 1.5 - 2m wide. Requires a well drained, sunny position.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Grevillea Elegance ( Grafted )

    Grevillea Elegance ( Grafted )

    This is a hybrid of Grevillea longistyla, it is a very popular grevillea as it withstands most climates. Its has beautiful flowers which attract birds for many months of the year. Grevillea Elegance is a small tree, 4-5 m high with a spread of 3m. Its has light delicate foliage which will not shade out other plants in the garden.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $2.95 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Potted Creeping Myoporum Nursery

    Creeping Myoporum - Fine Leaf

    Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is an evergreen, fast growing, spreading ground-cover with fine, narrow foliage. This easy to grow native plant produces a mass of small star shaped flowers over spring and summer. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' is best grown in full sun but will also grow well in part shade. Myoporum parvifolium 'Fine Leaf Form' will tolerate coastal conditions, dryness and moderate frost. It will also perform well in a variety of soil types but prefers well drained spots. This is an excellent plant for rockeries and embankments or to help smother out we
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
    Email Me When Available
    Grevillea Pink Surprise By Nelson~Blue [All Rights Reserved, Used by Permission] From Flickr

    Grevillea - Pink Surprise

    Flowers are large pink/cream brush type and flowers most of the year. Large shrub 3-4 metres with finely divided grey/green leaves. Grows best in moist well drained soil in full sun. Pruning maintains denseness and encourages flowering.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    Mass Planting Lime Tuff Lomandras 16th Oct 2019 Email Niki to Greg at

    Lomandra - Lime Tuff

    A small, hardy native plant with a clumping habit and narrow, light green leaves. Small flowers grow amongst the foliage. It grows well in full sun to part shade and grows to about 70cm x 60cm. Perfect for garden borders and rockeries. A hardy and very adaptable plant, and thrives with minimum care. Does well in most soils types, drought, salt and frost tolerant.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Dianella Kentlyn - By Ramm Botanicals [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission]

    Dianella - Kentlyn

    Its slim foliage appears a beautiful shade of deep green and produces flowers that sit on stems above the foliage. The flowers and berries appear blue in colour and are produced during Spring and Summer. These Dianella fruits are edible, and best consumed in moderation. This native bush tucker plant is an attractive choice for informal borders, under-plantings or rockeries.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Bush Ballad kangaroo paw flowers

    Kangaroo Paw - Bush Ballad

    One of the most prolific flowering of all the kangaroo paws. The compact habit and bright red flowers make this an attracting native to grow in mass plantings. A tough plant, with great garden performance. The flowers are highly attractive to birds. A good kangaroo paw for landscaping, as it is disease resistant and reasonably hardy. Likes a sunny spot in well drained soils. Cut back the dead flower stems to keep the plant neat.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $17.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Myrtaceae - Callistemon viminalis Slim By Ettore Balocchi Flickr [CC BY 2.0 (] via Flickr

    Callistemon - Slim TM

    Unique narrow growth habit, growing on 1.3 m wide. Great for hedges or screens. A large number of flower buds develop in the spring and open throughout the spring, summer and again in late autumn.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Grevillea Royal Rambler By Ozbreed [All Rights Reserved,Supplier of]

    Grevillea - Royal Rambler

    A cross between Poorinda Royal Mantle and Bronze Rambler. It is an extremely low growing ground cover that is also low maintenance.Regular pruning will maintain it in a small compact shape. Grows 20-30cm high and 2.5m wide.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Kangaroo Paw -Yellow Gem For Sale

    Kangaroo Paw -Yellow Gem

    Compact grassy and evergreen with bright, yellow, furry flowers on 1m stems, in spring and summer. Nectar rich blooms will attract native wildlife to your garden.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Bush Elegance kangaroo paw flowers By [All Rights Reserved]

    Kangaroo Paw - Bush Elegance

    A compact clumping perennial with green, strappy foliage and deep red to burgundy flowers Plant in well drained soil in a sunny position. Feed with slow release fertilizer in Spring and Autumn. Some watering during dry periods will keep the plant looking it's best. An easy care kangaroo paw, suited to small gardens and patios.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Tissue Culture Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    A sea of colour at Daleys :)

    Federation Daisy - Summit Red, White and Pink

    A new breed of marguerite daisy that sets a superior standard of flowering performance. It is an early, long and repeat flowering variety that will delight in any garden or patio setting. Argyranthemum Federation Daisy bears masses of beautifully formed, yellow-centered flowers. Main flowering time in Spring and Autumn, with flushes of flowers occasionally throughout the rest of the year. Product is sold with a choice of 3 mixed colours - Red, White and Pink.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $9.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    *Buy 9 Mixed Varieties and Save 50% In Production
    $14.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Red fruited saw sedge By [All Rights Reserved]

    Red fruited Saw sedge

    The red seeds of this attractive tussock sedge can be ground for flour, and also provide food and nesting habitat to native birds. The edges of the leaves are serrated and can easily cut skin. A native perennial, it can be found in rainforests, schlerophyll forest and inland woodlands in NSW and QLD
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production

    Prickly Rasp Fern

    This fern is found growing in a variety of habitats such as rainforest margins, eucalypt forests and rainforests. It is well adapted to both sunny and shaded areas. Its new growth is bright orange-pink and is a stunning understory plant.  The fern is usually easy to grow in gardens, containers and baskets. Having a spreading growth habit makes D. aspera suitable as a groundcover. It grows best in shady conditions and in acidic soil, with high organic composition.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle' By Akos Kokai (Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle') [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Grevillea - Royal Mantle

    Grevillea 'Poorinda Royal Mantle' is a hardy ground cover with beautiful coppery red foliage. Dark red toothbrush-type flowers are borne terminally on short branchlets. The red styles have conspicuous yellow stigmas. 6m wide and 30-50cm high
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    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Grevillea Rosemary Rosemarinifolia

    Grevillea Rosemary Rosemarinifolia

    Evergreen shrub, densely branched, with dark green needle-shaped leaves that are feathery on the under-sides. Produces clusters of tubular red or pink flowers in the summer. Height 2m. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil. Hardy.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $3.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Cunjevoi lily flower and leaf. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Cunjevoi Lily

    A clumping native rainforest plant up to 1.5m in height with large, green, spade-shaped leaves. This plant has a fragrant flower and juicy sweet smelling, red fruits. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous. In the rainforest understorey they look lush and tropical, making a very attractive planting. Believed to be the antidote for the Giant Stinging Tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 30 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $7.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.3L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    $19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
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    Native Ginger Alpinia caerulea fruit By Ethel Aardvark [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Native Ginger

    The ginger tasting roots are eaten and the flesh from the bright blue fruit can be sucked off the seeds. Excellent landscape specimen. A versatile plant loved by First Nations people. The large leaves are thatched and used to make shelters and to wrap food for cooking.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 15 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $17.90 15 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm


    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Warrigal Greens - Native Spinach

    An attractive scrambling, ground cover which enjoys semi-sun rich soil and a moist position. Once established, it will self seed prolifically. The thick leaf makes an excellent boiled spinach.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    $7.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.3L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    forest rambler flowers By Melburnian [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY 2.5  (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Grevillea - Forest Rambler

    This is a beautiful dense ground cover to small shrub that produces attractive flowers through late winter into summer. It is fantastic habitat for small birds.
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    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    Indigofera australis - Austral indigo

    A small slender shrub of the pea family, the Austral indigo bears attractive mauve flowers in winter and spring.  The flowers are and excellent source of pollen and nectar for many native insects and it is the host plant for the Tailed pea-blue and Common Grass-blue butterflies.  Tip pruning will improve the appearance and encourage a bushy form.  Indigenous Australians used the crushed leaves or roots to kill or stun fish and eels.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $2.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Liriope showing delicate bright purple flowers By [All Rights Reserved]

    Liriope - Evergreen Giant

    A small clumping lily with dense strappy leaves, bears purple bell shaped flowers in terminal spikes, highly recommended as a filler plant for feature areas in landscape projects
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Creeping ground cover for moist shady areas.

    Large Pennywort

    A bright green succulent plants that creeps along the ground.  Thrives in moist sites and rainforest margins.  The smooth leaves are kidney shaped or round, to 10cm diameter.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.95 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.6L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    Myoporum parvifolium By Stickpen [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons

    Creeping Myoporum

    This hardy native has pretty pink or white star shaped flowers from late spring to early autumn. It is an excellent, spreading groundcover for a sunny position and is hardy in a range of soils and climates.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $9.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    $3.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    Hibbertia Guinea Vine By Karelj [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Golden Guinea Vine

    A sprawling native groundcover or climber with large golden flowers all year. Will flower best in full sun, this plant will grow in a variety of conditions from exposed coastal dunes to sheltered mountain areas. Prefers soils with good drainage. Very hardy and salt tolerant.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $12.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    $4.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    Grevillea baileyana ( grafted )

    This is a small tree with striking bronze backed leaves. It has white flowers in spring and early summer. The attractive foliage and flowers make this an excellent garden specimen. Grows 5m high and 2-3 m wide.
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    $29.00 0 Cutting Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    One of the best native flowering climbers Bower of Beauty

    Bower Of Beauty - Pink

    The Bower of beauty is a vigorous climber that likes part shade but accepts full sun as well. This popular and well known variety is native to NSW and Queensland but is often seen growing all over Australia. It can be easily trained over fences and trellises forming a dense screen.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
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    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    A gorgeous Australian Native. Not exact variety shown.

    Kangaroo Paw Triple Treat

    A stunning perennial plant with multi coloured flowers. They feature grass like foliage with brightly coloured flowers that resemble a Kangaroo paw. Anigozanthus will tolerate drought and coastal conditions. They can also survive a light frost. Used in mass plantings, borders, feature plants and for cut flowers. Prune back after flowering to promote new growth. Moderate watering required during dry season. Anigozanthus can be affected by 'ink disease' a fungus which can cause black marks on foliage.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    $5.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    $14.90 0 Rhizome Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Grevillea generic By Akos Kokai [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Grevillea Bronze Rambler

    New growth is bronze and is highlighted by bright pinkish red toothbrush style flowers which appear for most of the year. Hardy in well drained soil and a full sun position. It is also drought hardy.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    $4.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    Grevillea flexuosa ( Grafted )

    A lovely scented grevillea with loose long stems which hang, displaying creamy white honey and cinnamon scented flowers. This is a tough bush which needs a good pruning annually pruning back one third of the new growth. 1.5 m high and 2m wide. Attractive foliage and bird attracting. Originates from South Western WA.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Grevillea levis ( Grafted )

    This gorgeous grevillea flowers throughout the year. Its prickly nature adds to its beauty as the little birds like to hide or nest in the bush. Beautiful delicate pink flowers adorn the shrub. Tip prune once a year. This grevillea is best grafted at .5m high to make easy access for pruning. Originates from Mt Churchman in WA.
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    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Grevillea Paddys Pink ( Grafted )

    This is a very attractive grevillea which flowers all year round. It takes well to a tip prune annually. A relatively new grevillea which grows successful in various areas of Australia. Trialled for 5 years and best grafted for high performance. A seedling selection of Grevillea Misty Pink. New Release Coming Soon
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Young Dianella Silver Streak By [All Rights Reserved]

    Dianella Silver Streak ®

    A clumping perennial with grey-green and white, striped, strappy leaves. Clusters of blue flowers appear on spikes in spring and summer and are held above the leaves. These are followed by shiny, decorative dark blue berries. Excellent specimen for form and colour contrast in mixed beds. Ideal for mass planting and more formal landscape designs. Prefers a sunny position in well drained soil. Tolerant of dry periods and light frost.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Tissue Culture Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    $4.90 0 Tissue Culture Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Bright coloured blossoms for native gardens

    Grevillea Lana Maree

    A smaller sized deep pink flowered grevillea with a spreading habit perfect for rockeries and native gardens. Flowering most of the year it will brighten up your garden and attract many different birds and insects into the garden. Tolerant of light frosts. Grafted to increase hardiness.
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    $32.00 0 Grafted Pot: 1.4L
    Approx. Height: 50-60cm
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    Grevillea decora ( Grafted )

    One of the best grevilleas to grow as it flowers from April to August and it is an important source of food for birds in the winter months. New foliage is brown and its silver rusty foliage is very attractive year round. Prune it annually to keep it bushy and prevent wind damage. Grows 2-5 m high and 2-4 m wide, frost hardy once established. Originates from Queensland - Burra Range, Barcaldine, & the Great Dividing Range.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Grevillea commutata (Grafted )

    A beautiful loosely growing small shrub 1.5m to 2m. Flowers appear most of the year with the heaviest flowering in summer. Tip prune in late winter. Rare but easily grown. Originates from Port Gregory in WA.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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    Grevillea curviloba sub. sp. incurva ( Grafted )

    This is quite a hardy grevillea which has a magnificient show of scented creamy white flowers in the spring and spot flowers throughout the growing season. It adapts well to most areas in Australia. Grevillea curviloba is best grafted as it tends to be quite weak on its own roots. Tip prune after flowering flush in the Spring or Autumn. It grows well as a standard grafted onto Grevillea robusta. It grows 1m high and 3m wide. Originates from Muchea WA.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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