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  • Citrus

  • image: Kumquat
    One of the most versatile of citrus plants, this tree makes an excellent ornamental specimen as a standard or in the garden. The sweet delicious flesh and rind of the Nagami can be eaten fresh, other varieties used mainly for preserving.


    Kumquat Nagami By [All Rights Reserved]

    Kumquat - Nagami

    The small oval fruit is a brilliant deep orange colour with a highly aromatic skin. The fruit holds on the tree for a long period adding to its high ornamental value. It can be eaten whole as a fresh fruit or in the same way as other kumquats.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $39.00 21 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm

    $39.00 0 Grafted Pot: 5L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    A rounder shape to the fruits with a sweet skin

    Kumquat - Meiwa

    A round, brightly coloured, sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten straight from the tree. Both the skin and the flesh are very sweet and low in seed. Semi dormant in winter lending it cold hardiness.Hybrid of Nagami and Marumi, to which it is most similar. A naturally small tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $39.00 12 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 50-60cm

    Calamondin By [All Rights Reserved]

    Kumquat - Calamondin

    In the Philippines it is referred to a as Calamansi, where the acid pulp is used to make chutney, marmalade or as a lime substitute. Very ornamental bearing heavy crops of small round fruits.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $39.00 12 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm

    Calamondin fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

    Dwarf Kumquat Calamondin

    In the Philippines it is referred to as Calamansi, where it is commonly used when still green skinned as a lime substitute. The fragrant, acid pulp is used to make chutney or a delicious marmalade. Very ornamental, bearing heavy crops of small mandarin-shaped orange fruits.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $44.00 11 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm

    $79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 70-80cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Kumquat - meiwa By [All Rights Reserved]

    Dwarf Kumquat Meiwa

    A round brightly coloured sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten straight from the tree. Both the skin and the flesh are very sweet and low in seed. Semi dormant in winter lending it cold hardiness.Hybrid of Nagami and Marumi, to which it is most similar. A naturally small tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $59.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 50-60cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Kumquat Nagami By [All Rights Reserved]

    Dwarf Kumquat - Nagami

    The small oval fruit is a brilliant deep orange colour with a highly aromatic skin. The fruit holds on the tree for a long period adding to its high ornamental value. It can be eaten whole as a fresh fruit or in the same way as other kumquats.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $49.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 50-60cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Variegated Kumquat By James Steakley [CC BY-SA 3.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Kumquat - Variegated

    A highly ornamental kumquat with variegated foliage. Well suited as a pot specimen. Also known as Calamondin it has acid fruit that is most commonly grown in the Philippine Islands although it is probably of Chinese origin. It is believed to be a natural hybrid, with kumquat in the parentage. In the Philippines it is sometimes called calamonding or calamansi. Calamondin is cold-resistant. The fruits are very small, round, and orange at full maturity. The orange flesh is acidic, juicy, and contains a few seeds. If you are a fan of Kumquats then these will be a great addition to your collecti
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $34.00 0 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
    Approx. Height: 50-60cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $39.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 70-80cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $69.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 60-70cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material