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  • Rainforest trees

  • image: Cabinet Timber Trees
    Quality rainforest trees that are great for people with a larger block and who can harvest the timber in about 10-20 years. They are suitable for creating impressive furniture and Cabinets.

    Cabinet Timber Trees

    Silky Oak Flowers with their bright yellow colours shining through By [All Rights Reserved]

    Grevillea Silky Oak

    Very fast growing slender tree with ferny foliage and bright yellow toothbrush flowers. Grows in a wide range of conditions including southern and inland areas. Good indoor plant.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 84 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 8 or more @ $2.40ea

    $17.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available
    $18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Blue Quandong fruit at the Cairns Botanic Garden By Merryjack [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

    Blue Quandong

    Fast growing rainforest tree. The species is well regarded for its timber and as a key in regenerating rainforest. The fruit of this species is round and blue, between 20 and 30 mm across, and has a seed with deep convolutions in its shell. These are eaten whole by cassowaries, woompoo pigeon and spectacled flying foxes, which pass the nut undamaged. A large tree up to 50 metres tall, usually with elaborate buttressed roots. Flowers, fruit, foliage and shape make this an ideal tree for large gardens or parks.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 58 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    $18.75 20 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $14.75ea

    $17.75 16 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm

    Firewheel Tree By [All Rights Reserved]

    Firewheel Tree

    This beautiful tree is planted all around the world but is naturally endemic to the rainforests of Qld and NSW. The name Wheel of Fire comes from the red flowers that resemble a flattened wheel. The timber is used for cabinetwork. To 30m
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.75 40 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm


    $4.90 32 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

    $14.90 24 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    Hoop Pine stand at Kyogle By [All Rights Reserved]

    Hoop Pine

    This is the tallest of the native pines and it is quite capable of reaching heights of more than 40 metres making it an impressive addition to my garden. It is a wonderful bird-attracting tree, as they love to nest in its protective prickly foliage and is an excellent host for lots of native orchid species. Australian Timber Database 
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 30 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    $18.90 22 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $12.75ea

    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    ong Jack, Flindersia xanthoxyla, Waite Arboretum, University of Adelaide, South Australia. By John Jennings [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    Yellow wood

    Sub-tropical and dry rainforest tree growing from Richmond River, NSW to Gympie, SE QLD.The yellow, elastic and durable timber was used extensively for coach building because of its steam bending qualities. Good shade tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 30 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    $4.90 28 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

    Planted right outside the information centre in Kyogle this Cudgerie Flindersia schottiana is in flower By [All Rights Reserved]


    Beautiful, fast growing tall tree with large leaves and up-turned branches. Hardy in most conditions but prefers plenty of moisture. One of the best pioneer trees. A butterfly attracting tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 26 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    $15.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $17.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Close up the vibrant Golden Penda with a bee By [All Rights Reserved]

    Golden penda

    A highly ornamental tree, native to Nth Qld Rainforests. Beautiful yellow flowers with prominent anthers occuring in winter. Its glossy green leaves makes it an ideal landscape specimen as far south as Sydney.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.75 50 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $12.75ea

    $14.75 40 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    $4.90 19 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $2.90ea

    Experiencing the aromas of the Plum Pine fruits freshly picked By Paul Daley ©A Lush Forest ( [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission]

    Plum Pine

    Attractive rainforest pine that bears seeds on swollen edible stalks - which is the 'plum'. The seeds get darker the riper they are. The purple 'fruit' are grape-like with a sweet, juicy, soft jelly-like pulp with a subtle plum flavour. The slightly resinous fruit can be used for both sweet and savoury recipes. It is an attractive hedge due to its contrasting dark and lime green foliage. The timber is popular in cabinet making. The trees are either male or female so planting 3 or more together will increase your chances of getting both a male and female tree which then allows for pollinatio
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $7.50 10 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    $21.90 5 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm

    Buy 2 or more @ $12.90ea

    $22.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $49.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 90-100cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Taken back in 2000 a giant Teak being hugged by Carla in Australia  By [All Rights Reserved]

    Teak or Crows Ash

    A medium tree much sought after for its durable timber. The leaves are aromatic when crushed. The white flowers appear from Sept to Feb. The fruit is a woody, prickly capsule which opens into five segments releasing winged seed.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $18.75 12 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm


    $4.90 8 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Old Brush Box at Carlas By [All Rights Reserved]

    Brush box

    These trees resemble a eucalypt in appearance but the large green leaves and flowers are distinctive. It has the largest trunk diameter of most rainforest trees. The showy flowers have showy white petals. Fruit is bell-shaped with three valves. Australian Timber Database
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 2 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm

    Buy 4 or more @ $3.40ea

    $12.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Coachwood stand in Nymboida National Park By Poyt448 Peter Woodard [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons


    Coachwood is one of the very few rainforest species that flourishes in the gullies of Sydney bushland. The trees are very distinctive, tall, with dark green, glossy leaves, mottled grey and white bark and flowers with white petal-like sepals that later turn pink. Coachwood grows in coastal rainforests of NSW and QLD. As the name suggests, Coachwood was used in early days for coach building but it has a multitude of other applications. The timber is used extensively for decorative work and also for flooring, furniture and boat masts. Seating in the High Court of Australia in Canberra was manu
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $9.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $12.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Fresh Sandalwood seeds. By [All Rights Reserved]

    Sandalwood - Indian

    Medium-sized hemiparasitic trees that attach themselves to the root system of nearby plants from which they extract water and minerals. Pinto Peanut and Acacia are suitable hosts as they are a legume and hence a natural nitrogen source. Keep Acacias pruned so they dont over take growth of Sandalwood. Used in the production of sandalwood oil, trees are harvested from 8 years and the entire tree is used for oil production including the roots and stump. The production of sandalwood in India and Nepal is strictly controlled by the government who owns all the trees, however illegal harvesting and
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $49.00 0 Seedling Pot: 1L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $99.00 0 Seedling Pot: 4L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    Bunya Nut By [All Rights Reserved]

    Bunya Nut

    A handsome large tree for parks and gardens. This extraordinary bush food produces large edible nuts inside large cones. They are delicious roasted or pressure cooked. Then slice them and shuck the kernel and use in a wide range of recipes. The trees produce dense shade and are cold tolerant. A symmetrical pine suitable for container growing when young as they a slow growing to start. Trees take up to 15 years to produce the large cones, which ripen mid summer. No-one should stand or park under one of these at that time, as they fall from a height when ripe. These trees were and still are very
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $19.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Twin White Booyong at Booyong Reserve By Poyt448 Peter Woodard [Public domain] from Wikimedia Commons

    Booyong - White

    Large buttressed tree in natural conditions, much smaller in cultivation. New growth is bronze-pink, foliage is dense. Hardy in full sun if ample water is available, otherwise, prefers shade when young.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Greg from Daleys infront of a Kauri Pine in Atherton Tablelands North QLD Australia visiting it by cycling By [All Rights Reserved]

    Kauri Pine Qld

    A magnificent tree that is suitable for larger gardens, the kauri has a tall trunk and a large crown. Planted in an open position it will become a magnificent feature tree. Requires a moist soil for best results. Protect from frost when very young. Can also be used for an indoor plant, where its leathery leaves are very attractive
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $19.75 21 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm

    Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

    $4.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $49.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
    Approx. Height: 90-100cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $39.00 0 Seedling Pot: 5L
    Approx. Height: 70-80cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Old Rosewood in Border Ranges


    An excellent shade tree that is well suited to large gardens or parks. Established plants are hardy and tolerant of dry conditions but need protection from hot sun and frosts when young. It's rose-scented, red timber is durable and resistant to termites and excellent for carving and cabinet work.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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    Flindersia brayleyana Queensland Maple QLD By Forest Starr and Kim Starr [CC BY-SA 3.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Queensland Maple

    Medium to large handsome tree with compact crown and dark leaves. Hardy and fast growing. The attractive, figured timber makes it a valuable species for agro-forestry. Excellent tree for reforestation.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $9.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $3.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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    White Beech

    Medium to large fast growing timber or specimen tree with purple and white flowers and bright blue-purple fruits which attract native pigeons. Excellent in tub when young. Partly deciduous. This superb rainforest tree is difficult to germinate, so supply can vary
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $17.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    Melia azedarach flower compliments By Jesús Cabrera [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

    White Cedar

    Hardy deciduous native tree, suitable as a quick growing shade tree. The fragrant lilac flowers and yellow fruits of the White Cedar make it an appealing ornamental tree. It is poisonous to humans and dogs, but birds and possums are fond of the fruit. Semi-deciduous. 13m
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 40-50cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $12.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Leaf of the Pencil Cedar

    Pencil Cedar

    Mature pencil cedars are sparsely branched with an umbrella-type canopy of long leaves. Very fast growing with a year growth rate of up to 3m. A handsome foliage plant for subtropical gardens and useful indoor specimen when young
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
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    Tulip Satinwood By [All Rights Reserved]

    Tulip Satinwood

    Occurs naturally North N.S.W. to South Qld in dry rainforests. A tree with attractive foliage, red flowers and brown berries. Pale yellow timber valued for cabinet work. Excellent landscape tree.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $9.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 30-40cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
    $14.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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    Red Cedar Timber cut in half exposing the quality red grain within By [All Rights Reserved]

    Red Cedar

    Fast growing deciduous rainforest tree highly valued for its timber in earlier days. Has now become rare. Easily grown on moist soils of eastern Australia.
    ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
    $17.90 1 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
    Approx. Height: 20-30cm

    $4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available In Production
    $18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
    Approx. Height: 10-20cm
    Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material