Fruit Trees
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image: Subtropical Fruits
Lots of people in Australia are blessed with temperatures that are just right not overly hot all year round and not overly cold. We are Sub Tropical and can grow lots of these fantastic fruit trees in our backyards.

Subtropical Fruits

Coffee Fruit Beans Ripening to Red By Stanislaw Szydlo [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (] from Wikimedia Commons

Coffee K7

Resistant to both 'Berry Disease' and 'Coffee Rust' this tree was developed and recommended for growing in the Northern Rivers Area by NSW Agriculture Department after extensive trials at Alstonville NSW. An open spreading variety, it is a reliable cropper, producing large flavour-filled beans; it is also the recommended variety for those who intend to harvest mechanically.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 113 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$49.00 0 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
F180 ripening after a few years a little while to go yet before it colours up more and starts to produce a noticeable scent By [All Rights Reserved]

Pineapple - F180

This selection is very sweet with low acidity. The pineapple makes a very attractive patio plant, which will reward you with fruit within 2 years. In the Bromeliad family it requires very well drained potting mix and a sunny warm position, otherwise very hardy.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.95 97 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$4.90 0 Cutting
(Bare Root)
Pot: NONE (Bare Root)
Approx. Height: 5-10cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Coffee fruits ready to pick, eat or process. Not exact variety shown. By Faukon Hamam  [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement (]

Dwarf Coffee - Catuai

A dwarf coffee selection suitable for handpicking. Makes an ideal choice for growing in a pot as an ornamental. Prolific cropper of quality roasting beans. An internationally important cultivar due to its compact size for efficient picking and crop protection. A mid season producer of quality beans. The lineage of this cultivar is Mundo Novo x Caturra and it was released in Brazil in the 70s. For good production plant in rich free draining soil in full sun to part shade location with regular watering. Coffee fruits can also be eaten.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 94 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$49.00 12 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$29.00 5 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$17.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Brazilian Cherry - Black By [All Rights Reserved]

Brazilian Cherry - Black Beauty

This selection of Brazilian Cherry ripens to a black colour with exceptional flavour. A highly ornamental shrub with spreading branches and aromatic foliage. The young bronze foliage is deep, glossy green when mature and deep red in cold, dry weather. The fruit is delicious eaten out-of-hand or as an ingredient in jelly, sauce and pies. Refrigeration enhances the flavour.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 91 Grafted Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 80-90cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Jaboticaba Costada Myrciaria phitrantha grown in a pot By Raymond Johnson [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission]

Dwarf Jaboticaba - Costada

A beautiful, ornamental tree that produces tasty, sweet fruit. Extremely rare. Is known to fruit in two years in the tropics and perfect for pots. Growing in temperate areas is experimental.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 78 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$39.00 14 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$59.00 0 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available
Phalsa shrub in fruit By [All Rights Reserved]


Shrub native to Asia produces small, orange-yellow flowers followed by fruits, 1cm in diameter produced in in open, branched clusters. The soft, fibrous flesh is greenish-white stained with purplish-red near the skin. The flavour is pleasantly acid, somewhat grape-like. The fruits are eaten fresh as dessert, are made into syrup, and extensively employed in the manufacture of soft drinks. After fruiting prune to keep to an attractive shrub to 2mts high. Phalsa during transit may drop some leaves. It is a hardy plant and with acclimatisation in its new location it will respond well and boun
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.75 79 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$19.75 74 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$19.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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Tis the season to be jammy. A unique fruit to grow! By [All Rights Reserved]

Blackberry Jam Fruit

The flesh of this rare fruit thinly coats the seed and tastes just like blackberry jam. They are ready when they turn yellow and can be eaten straight off the tree. Slow growing, this is an attractive bushy shrub with fragrant flowers. Grows best in part shade and it is sensitive to over-watering in the cooler months. It required an acidic soil and good drainage.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 69 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$18.75 24 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Achacha Fruit ripening on the tree at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery Kyogle NSW Australia By [All Rights Reserved]


A cousin of the mangosteen, Achachas are tangy and refreshing with a delicate subtle sweetness, a fine balance between sweetness and acidity, producing an unusual taste sensation. Fruit should be picked mature as it does not ripen further on storage. Originating from the Bolivian part of the Amazon basin in South America, the Bolivian name of the fruit is Achachairu and translated means honey kiss. Achacha is protected by Plant Breeders Right (PBR) and cannot be grown or propagated without licence agreement with Achacha Fruit Group
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 67 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$29.00 43 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Buy 2 or more @ $19.75ea

$59.00 23 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Nursery Pick up only too large to ship out

$27.00 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$129.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm
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12 year old blueberry trees at Picones Exotic Orchard near Mullumbimby. Rabbiteye and Biloxi cross pollinating each other, fruiting from November to February By [All Rights Reserved]

Blueberry - Biloxi

A great choice for hotter climates with very few chill hours. It is often the first variety to hit the markets ripening a few weeks before other early blueberry varieties. The fruit is firm and the size is medium. Even though it fruits early it can often produce a second harvest later in the season although it's first time to fruit yields the best harvest. Best to mix with other varieties so that when this one is not fruiting another variety is.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 67 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

*Beneficial Pollinators Below

$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$27.00 0 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$49.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Mammoth Feijoa Fruit By chestnutgrey [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission] From Flickr

Feijoa - Mammoth

A large, round to oval fruit with a slightly wrinkled thick skin. Very good flavour and quality, moderately soft and juicy, moderately smooth. Self-fertile but bears larger fruit with cross-pollination. Mid-late season.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$44.00 66 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollination beneficial with another variety

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm
Email Me When Available In Production
The Grumichama Black fruits can be enormous as seen here freshly picked. By [All Rights Reserved]

Grumichama - Black

The tropical equivalent of the cherry. The purplish-black fruit 2cm diameter are produced in clusters. Flesh white, melting and tasty. Mostly used for fresh eating, but also highly prized for jams, jellies and pies.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 64 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$18.75 50 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$79.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 80-90cm
Email Me When Available
*Nursery Pick up only Seeking Propagation Material
$28.90 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$49.00 0 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Pecan Mohawk By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Mohawk (B) SP

Large nuts similar to Mahan. Thin shell of attractive appearance. Kernel can exceed 60% of weight of the entire nut. Separates easily from shell; high quality, matures early. Vigorous and hardy tree, prolific bearer.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 63 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Self pollinating but will benefit from cross pollination by an A group variety

$19.75 0 Grafted Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$29.00 0 Grafted
(Bare Root)
Pot: NONE (Bare Root)
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Pecan Shoshoni By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Shoshonii (B) SP

A precocious and heavy cropping variety in subtropical areas. Good quality medium to large oval nuts with a thin shell. A vigorous tree with an upright habit that makes an excellent backyard tree. Suited to high density plantings.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 60 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Self pollinating benefits from cross pollination by an A group variety

$29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 1L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$39.00 0 Grafted
(Bare Root)
Pot: NONE (Bare Root)
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$49.00 0   Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material

Dragon Fruit - Dark Star

Medium to large sized fruit with red flesh and a mild, sweet grape-like flavor that is most enjoyed when chilled and eaten fresh. It has long skinny bracts or fins that make it especially attractive. White elaborate flowers bloom only at night. Grow Dragon Fruit in well-drained soils, in full sun to partial shade. Water this cactus regularly and do not allow the soil to dry out between watering.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$27.00 57 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm


$34.00 0 Cutting Pot: 1L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material

Guava - Purple

A small, purple skinned guava with round fruits to 3-4cm. Fruits look a bit like the strawberry guava but have much darker, more purple skin. Pulp is translucent yellow, with an acidic flavour.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 57 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$18.75 23 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


Jaboticaba - Large Leaf By [All Rights Reserved]

Jaboticaba Large Leaf

Ornamental evergreen tree from Brazil grown for unusual sweet black fruit which cover the inside trunks. Crops several times per year. Flowering to fruit maturity only takes about 1 month. Larger fruit than small leaf selection, but skin a little tougher.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 57 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$17.75 47 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$23.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$79.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available
*Nursery Pick up only too large to ship out Seeking Propagation Material
Loquat Nagasakiwase By [All Rights Reserved]

Loquat - Nagasakiwase

The best Japanese variety so far, it has deep orange flesh, high flesh/seed ratio and very sweet flavour. Earliest variety to ripen. Thinning fruit will enhance fruit size. The Nagasakiwase often has 2 crops a year in the subtropics. The first crop in April / May then again in August. We have found by cincturing in summer, the August crop has a much larger crop and better fruit size.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 57 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

Buy 1 or more @ $44.00ea

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 100-150cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Mulberry Red Shahtoot By [All Rights Reserved]

Dwarf Mulberry - Red Shahtoot

Much more compact in growth habit than the King White Shahtoot. These delicious sweet fruits can reach 10cm in length. Ideal for back yards and we consider it a must have fruit tree for the back yard. The best way to eat mulberries is fresh from the tree. If some should make it to the kitchen bench they make excellent pies, jams, wines and sauces. Multiple crops are possible by pruning directly after your first crop. Suitable for most regions of Australia, although it can be susceptible to damage from late frosts. The red shahtoot is ideal for growing in pots and containers due to it small g
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 56 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$99.00 31 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

$19.75 0 Grafted Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$49.00 0 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available
*Grafted onto rootstock Dwarf Black Mulberry Seeking Propagation Material
Guava Yellow Cherry By [All Rights Reserved]

Guava Yellow Cherry

This is the mildest and probably the sweetest guava of all. Fruits are 3cm in diameter yellow skinned with a sweet, aromatic, creamy flesh and numerous small seeds. Begins bearing when less than 1 metres high. Prolific bearer.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 52 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$18.75 35 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm


Jaboticaba fruiting on stem By [All Rights Reserved]


The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 52 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 1 or more @ $24.00ea

$19.90 24 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 1 or more @ $12.90ea

$49.00 20 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$17.90 16 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm

FREE POSTAGEBuy 1 or more @ $14.90ea

$69.00 6 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

Buy 1 or more @ $59.00ea

$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm
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Passionfruit Panama Red Pandora By [All Rights Reserved]

Passionfruit - Panama Red Pandora

An excellent selection that is vigorous and more tropical than the black. Fruit is red skinned, large and sweet with a superb flavour. Heavy cropping and self pollinating.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 52 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$19.75 51 Grafted Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Tejas Pecan cluster ripe for collecting By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Tejas (B) SP

B - SP - An outstanding all round variety. High kernel quality, extremely easy to shell. A good pollen producer and small to medium nut size. Ideally suited to commercial or backyard planting as it holds its green foliage until late in the season.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$34.00 50 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Self pollinating but it will benefit from cross pollination from an A group variety

$19.75 0 Grafted Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Acerola Cherries By [All Rights Reserved]

Acerola - Florida Sweet

This bright red cherry like fruit has varying tastes during different stages as it ripens. When fully ripe the fruit is juicy and aromatic with its acid content giving it a sweet acid apple-like flavour. The tree can produce a number or crops each year, making for quite a long harvest season. Our selection is called the acerola Florida Sweet Cherry and is a pleasant eating variety that is not too sour. The acerola is well suited to pot culture where it can be kept to a smaller size. It could also be grown this way in cooler climates where it can be moved to a warmer position in the winter. A
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$34.00 49 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

Buy 1 or more @ $29.00ea

$18.75 36 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$19.75 32 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 1 or more @ $14.90ea

$79.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Feijoa Large Oval By [All Rights Reserved]

Feijoa - Large Oval

Large Oval - A sweet fruit and as the name suggests of oval shape and good size. Good quality. Self-fertile but will produce heavier crops when cross-pollinated.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$44.00 47 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollination beneficial with another variety

$79.00 4 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm

Papaya Southern Red By [All Rights Reserved]

Papaya - Southern Red

Bisexual orange - red fleshed Papaya with very sweet juicy flesh. Heavy cropper of elongated fruit. Seedlings have been selected from high quality self pollinated selection, so expect at least 80% bisexual plants. Performs best in a sheltered warm location.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 46 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
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Muscadine Grapes - Fry

Muscadine Grape - Fry

Fry is the most popular muscadine grape cultivar. It is female and produces a very large, bronze grape. Yield, vigor and disease resistance are moderate. The period from first ripening to last ripening can extend to 6 weeks. Hardy selection of muscadine grape suited to the subtropics and coastal climates. Exclusive to Daleys this is a recently released Florida variety. Female cross pollinate with Noble. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$24.00 45 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$21.00 17 Cutting Pot: 0.3L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$79.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Ripe Anna fruit on young 1 year old tree in Exclusion Orchard By [All Rights Reserved]

Dwarf Apple - Tropical Anna

Delicious crunchy apples similar to their cold climate cousins, Red Delicious, but only require a low amount of chill. On a semi dwarfing rootstock they are ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens. Anna will set some fruit on its own, an added bonus for small areas. Pollinate with Dorsett Golden or Tropic Sweet for greater fruit set. An apple best eaten fresh off the tree as they are not a storing apple.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 44 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

Buy 1 or more @ $39.00ea
*Pollinators Tropic Sweet or Golden Dorset

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 100-150cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Shows the colour yellow to orange of this Grumichama being held in the hand after just being picked from the tree By Steve Trenerry [All Rights Reserved]

Grumichama - Orange

This fruit is the tropical equivalent of the cherry and just as difficult to resist. The fruit is borne in clusters and is delicious eaten fresh. The yellow form is almost identical to the dark form apart from the orange/ yellow coloured fruit.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 42 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$14.75 5 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$24.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm
Email Me When Available
A bowl of kalamata olives By Gphoto [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Olive - Kalamata

Their fruit is juicy and sweet and have a unique torpedo shape and split in the skin. The most popular olive in Australia, they are ideal for use in cooking or as an olive to eat alone. Available seasonally as a grafted product as well as a cutting grown plant. Prefers cool winters and hot, dry summers. Suggested cross-pollinators are Frantoio and Koroneiki.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 42 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Suggested cross-pollinators are Frantoio and Koroneiki

$49.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
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Apple tropic Sweet By [All Rights Reserved]

Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet

A low chill, deliciously sweet and crunchy apple. Bears two weeks before Anna. On a semi dwarfing rootstock, ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 42 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

Buy 1 or more @ $39.00ea
*Pollinators Anna or Golden Dorsett

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
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Black Sapote By [All Rights Reserved]

Black Sapote

Closely related to the Persimmon this attractive glossy foliaged tree produces a fruit often called the 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. They are best eaten when the fruit is very soft and the skin turns a dark colour Seedling selections are worth growing in cooler marginal areas. Cross Pollination is beneficial.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 40 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm

$19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
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Mulberry Dwarf Black on tree By [All Rights Reserved]

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$34.00 40 Tissue Culture Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$54.00 6 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm

$99.00 1 Cutting Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Nursery Pick up only too large to ship out

$23.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$25.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Leaf of the Longan Haew

Longan - Haew

Haew is a late maturing cultivar. The high quality fruit is medium to large in size with a rather small seed. Being a late fruiting cultivar it tends to bear in alternate years. Marcotted trees will commence bearing in 2 years.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$79.00 40 Marcot Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$79.00 0 Marcot Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Lakoocha or Monkey Jack (Artocarpus lakoocha) By Balaram Mahalder [CC BY-SA 3.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

Lakoocha or Monkey Jack

Also known as monkey jack or lakuchi in India; tampang and other similar native names in Malaya; as lokhat in Thailand. The deciduous tree is 6-9 m tall, the large, leathery leaves, downy on the underside. Male and female flowers are borne on the same tree, the former orange-yellow, the latter reddish. The fruits are nearly round or irregular, 2 to 5 in (5-12.5 cm) wide, velvety, dull-yellow tinged with pink, with sweet sour pulp which is occasionally eaten raw but mostly made into curries or chutney. The male flower spike, acid and astringent, is pickled.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$24.00 40 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
 Red fleshed papaya not exact variety shown By PixoStudio by Getty Images [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement (]

Papaya - Red RB4 Hybrid

Red-pink fleshed variety. These hybrid trees are bisexual so self-fruitful, however, plant two or more to increase yield. Papaya is a highly nutritious food source that is delicious, quick and easy to grow. Plant in a warm, sunny location and regularly feed. Good drainage is required as papaya do not like wet feet. Plant in raised beds, on a slope or directly in free draining soil. Protect your fruits from birds and bats when they are close to ripening. They can be picked a little early to ripen off the tree. Enjoy growing your awesome Papayas!
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 39 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$17.75 33 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm


$4.90 32 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Buy 8 or more @ $2.90ea

Feijoa Fruit By [All Rights Reserved]


A very ornamental small bushy tree bearing egg shaped green skinned fruit that have a pleasant flavour. The scarlet flowers in spring are very showy and are sweet and edible.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$17.90 38 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Pollinate with another feijoa variety

$3.95 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$14.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$27.00 0 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Broad Leaf Papaya fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

Papaya - Broad Leaf

Large, elongated red fruit with great flavour on a tree with large striking foliage. Needs a warm frost free climate to thrive. Pollination is required so best to have 3 to ensure at least one female
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 55 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$19.75 38 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Rollinia fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

Rollinia - Brazilian Custard Apple

A relative of the cherimoya this plant has its origins in tropical America. The fruit about 100mm in diameter has a creamy juicy and delicious flesh, according to some tasting like lemon meringue pie. Fruits within 4 years from seed. Seed selected from extremely sweet and flavoursome fruit with firm white flesh and few seeds. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 40 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Spring deciduous

$29.00 38 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

*Spring deciduous

$19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available
$79.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 100-150cm
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Pitaya - Red By [All Rights Reserved]

Dragon Fruit - Red

A spectacular night flowering cactus with highly ornamental pink skin & red flesh fruit containing numerous small black seeds. Fruit can be up to 1kg with a melon like flavour. Self pollinating selection. Sourced from Picone Exotic Orchards Guide to planting bare rooted cacti Please note, calloused cuttings are marked with an arrow, plant with the arrow pointing upwards.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$24.75 38 Cutting Pot: 1L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$27.00 37 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$12.90 0 Cutting
(Bare Root)
Pot: NONE (Bare Root)
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Wax Jambu - Pink By [All Rights Reserved]

Wax Jambu - Pink

Fast growing tree, attractive pink pear shaped fruit that are crunchy and refreshing on a hot summers day. Grows and crops well here in the subtropics as long as they are protected from frosts when young. They generally don't have seeds but may on rare occasions, depending on pollination.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 38 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$29.00 30 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$79.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$99.00 0 Cutting Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$89.00 0 Marcot Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Olive General Picture on Tree Not exact Variety By Forest and Kim Starr [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

Olive - UC13

Selected by the University of California for it large fruit, small stone and ability to produce heavy crops in hot climates. A spreading tree and good consistent cropper. Pickled green or black.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 35 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Black Genoa fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

Fig Black Genoa

A large fruit with purple skin and red flesh that has a very sweet rich flavour. Grown commercially due to its high yields it is also a popular selection for home gardeners. Also known as San Piero abroad.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 33 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$99.00 2 Tissue Culture Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

$49.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available
*Nursery Pick up only too large to ship out In Production
$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Bessel Brown fruit from Exclusion Orchard By [All Rights Reserved]

Loquat - Bessell Brown

Large to very large fruit with large seed. Thick, orange skin resistant to bruising with firm golden coloured flesh. Pleasant mild flavour. The tree is hardy and well suited to a range of climates.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 33 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

Buy 1 or more @ $44.00ea

$99.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Delicious Dorsett Golden Apples at Picones Exotic Orchard Near Byron Bay NSW Australia By [All Rights Reserved]

Dwarf Apple - Dorsett Golden

Sweet aromatic apple with yellow fruit and a delightful pink blush and firm white flesh. Low chill requirement allows it to be grown in subtropical climates. Grafted on a dwarfing rootstock they are ideal for backyard plantings.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 31 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollinators: Anna or Tropic Sweet

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 100-150cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Notice no seeds. This is because they can be seedless when they are not cross pollinated with another wampee By [All Rights Reserved]

Wampee - Guy Sam

This grafted variety has a sweet tangy aromatic flavour. Wampees are a handsome foliage evergreen tree grown for Summer ripe fruit with grape like flesh that hang in bunches. When grown on its own the fruit is seedless. Excellent tree for the subtropics and can be kept under 3 metres with pruning.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 30 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Fig - Brown Turkey By [All Rights Reserved]

Fig - Brown Turkey

A brown skinned medium to large fig with copper-coloured skin and whitish to pink pulp. Very good quality with few seeds. A prolific bearer and popular commercial variety.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 30 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$49.00 5 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$79.00 0 Cutting Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Pine Nuts trees Portugal By [All Rights Reserved]

Pine Nut

An attractive large pine tree that bears cones of edible nuts. These are considered a delicacy in Mediterranean style cooking, due to their sweet, buttery flavour. Trees can be expected to start producing cones from about year 6. But can take longer. Each cone holds about 50 nuts and 100 kg of cones holds about 20 kg of nuts. Grows best in dry cooler areas with excellent drainage. Trees can set nuts on their own, but cones may be poorly filled. Plant two or more to improve nut set.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 35 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$29.00 30 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 2 or more @ $24.00ea

$19.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available In Production
$99.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available In Production
All the pieces from the Indian Almond after it has been dehusked showing the full pod on the right hand side and the individual segments of seed and husk on the left hand side. By [All Rights Reserved]

Indian Almond Tree

Also known as the Sea Almond or Tropical Almond, it is common throughout SE Asia, growing wild as well as cultivated for its striking features and tasty nut. A deciduous tree it can shed its leaves twice a year. In Autumn the leaves turn into colours of red, copper, gold. This tree has a characteristic pagoda shape because it sends out a single stem from the top center. When the single stem reaches a good height, it sends out several horizontal branches. It can get very large reaching 30m in ideal conditions. The fruits are almond-shaped and green turning brown to purple when ripe. The fibr
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 30 Seedling Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$29.00 0 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Carambola Giant Sam by Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery By [All Rights Reserved]

Carambola Starfruit - Giant Siam

A very large fruited selection with sweet juicy flesh. The juicy transparent flesh has a citrus quality with a floral accent and is delicious eaten fresh, made into juice or into a delicious chutney Carambola trees have an attractive weeping habit, producing a profusion of pink flowers. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 28 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

*Semi-deciduous tends to drop some leaves in transit but recovers well

$99.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Burdekin Plum fruit By [All Rights Reserved]

Burdekin Plum

This close relative of the Mango is a native tropical rainforest tree. The deep purple, fleshy, plum-like fruits need to be held for some days to soften and mellow before eating. The flavour then is reminiscent if a prune with a hint of a Davidson's Plum to finish.Early settlers (probably taught by First Australians) were known to bury them in the ground which had the effect of softening them and increasing palatability. The fruit can be eaten raw, or used in wines, jams and jellies. The Burdekin plum is exceptionally hardy and can cope with long dry periods once it is established. It does h
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 28 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$4.90 22 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm

Buy 4 or more @ $3.90ea

$18.75 3 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


An olive grower shows koroneiki olives ripe for harvest By MerchantAdventurer [CC BY-SA 4.0  (], from Wikimedia Commons

Olive - Koroneiki

A very high quality oil variety, exceptionally heavy cropper coming into production very early. Fruit size is quite small. Proving well suited to warm, non-frost regions.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 28 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Passionfruit - Granadilla - inside By [All Rights Reserved]

Passionfruit - Granadilla

Large oval fruit to 30cm turning rich golden. Fruit can be cooked green like a marrow or ripened and eaten fresh. The pulp can be used with a dessert or made into sherbet. Hand-pollination aids fruit set. Cross pollinate with Sweet Lilikoi.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.90 28 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$24.00 27 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

*Pollinator - Sweet Lilikoi

Feijoa Apolla Fruit also showing the flesh scooped out. This is easily done with a spoon even though the skin is quite thin. This fruit was picked at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery and is part of our stock plants. By [All Rights Reserved]

Feijoa - Apollo

Medium to large, oval fruit. Flavour sweet and very pleasant, quality excellent. Ripens mid to late-season. The tree is upright, spreading, tall, vigorous and productive. Fruits are soft and need to be handled with care. Feijoa is also referred to as pineapple guava, which are very ornamental with attractive red, edible flowers in spring.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 27 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Pollinate with another feijoa variety

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available
*Nursery Pick up onlyPollinate with another feijoa variety In Production
$46.95 0 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm
Email Me When Available
Guava China Pear By [All Rights Reserved]

Guava - China Pear

White fleshed guava with exceptional flavour. Pear shaped large size. Trees are ornamental and can be pruned to size making them a versatile addition to small backyards. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.75 44 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$17.90 26 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 2 or more @ $15.90ea

Sandpaper Fig Birds eye By [All Rights Reserved]

Fig - Sandpaper Birds Eye

An outstanding selection of the native Sandpaper fig. Small, red fleshed fig with good flavour. The fruits ripen from red to dark-red almost black and are sweet and floral tasting. Heavy cropping and no splitting in wet weather. Ideal native fig for a wide range of climates. The leaves are rough and sandpapery and were used by Indigenous Australians to finish wooden tools.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$24.00 26 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$18.75 20 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


Plum - Gulfbeauty For Sale (Large)

Plum - Gulf Beauty

Deep red skin with firm yellow flesh that delicious eaten fresh. Clingstone. Low chill selection that pollinates with the Gulf Gold, Gulf Ruby and Gulf Blaze. Perfect for subtropical areas, coastal regions and frost free sites.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 26 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollinator - Gulf ruby gulf gold gulf blaze 87-7

Striking colours of the Pepino Kendall Gold Fruits protected by netting from any fruit fly By Gerald and Josie Bong [All Rights Reserved, Used By Permission]

Pepino - Kendall Gold

Small bush rarely above 1 m tall with yellow fruit stripped purple up to 10cm. Flavour is like a juicy rock melon. Only pick fragrant, slightly soft fruit which are ripe.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 25 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$18.75 19 Cutting Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


Chestnut By Couleur [CC0 1.0 (]

Chestnut - Reilly

The Reilly originates from a planting made early this century on the Alstonville Plateau. A low chill variety that bears prolifically in Feb/March. Fair nut and keeping qualities.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 25 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollinate with another chestnut variety

$79.00 0 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Coratina is a prolific Olive variety. By Dionissio Iemma [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement (]

Olive - Coratina

One of the most important varieties in Italy, Coratina is famed for its versatility. Renown for its early start to bearing, high yields and high quality oil. It produces a small/medium sized fruit that can be pickled both green and black. It is an adaptable tree that is a proven performer in both warm and cold climates. It is tolerant to frost, coastal conditions and salinity. 'Coratina' will thrive in a wide range of Australian conditions
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 25 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Suggested cross pollinators are Manzanillo

$14.90 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
The grafted Pecan variety called Mahan being held in the hand showing how large and long the nut is By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Mahan (B)

Also known as the Lismore nut. Very large, long nut with a thin shell that may be poorly filled on older trees. A vigorous tree and prolific bearer.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 25 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Self pollinating but will benefit from cross pollination with an A group variety

$29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 1L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Tamarillo Red By [All Rights Reserved]

Tamarillo - Red

Also known as the Tree Tomato is a very quick growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red sub-acid succulent fruit. Prefers a sheltered spot with well drained soil.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.90 24 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Buy 1 or more @ $14.90ea

$4.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm
Email Me When Available In Production
Longan Kohala By [All Rights Reserved]

Longan - Seedling

A close relative to the Lychee tree but much larger, stronger and more cold tolerant. The fruit is deliciously sweet. Seed selected from the superior varieties. Even though not true to type the benefits include a vigorous tree making it more suitable for marginal climates. Cincturing at about 3-4 years of age can force earlier fruiting than normally expected from seedling trees.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 40 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$24.75 24 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$23.90 3 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm


$59.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Pear Hood By Forest and Kim Starr [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

Pear - Hood

Large, golden yellow fruit with a creamy white flesh. Great for fresh eating as the flesh is crisp and sweet. Vigorous tree, resistant to blight. Subtropical variety Chill 350 hours.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 24 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollinator: Flordahome or Fla 57-75

Pecan Nuts By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Wichita (B)

A moderately upright tree which is vigorous and bears at an early age.Precocious and prolific.The nuts are large, have purplish black stripes and splotches on clear, brown shells. They are moderately elongated. Ripens in mid-season
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 24 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Requires an A group variety for cross pollination

$29.00 0 Grafted Pot: 1L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Strawberry Guava Fruits By Tuned_In [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement (]

Guava - Strawberry

This guava, native to Brazil, is a hardy shrub or small tree. It has a smooth trunk and dark green, shiny, egg-shaped aromatic leaves. Strawberry guava flowers are white with numerous stamens and red fruits This plant can be weedy in warmer climates.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.75 65 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$19.75 22 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Olive - Manzanillo

Medium / large fruit (4.8g). High yields. Ripens early. Excellent pickling fruit, green or black. Fruit is of excellent taste and texture. Fruit should be processed before it is fully ripe to retain flesh firmness. Origin:Spain. Not recommended for oil, as oil extraction can be difficult. Suggested cross-pollinators are Frantoio, Picual, UC13 and Arbequina. Proving a good performer in low chill areas.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$29.00 22 Cutting Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Suggested cross pollinators are Frantoio and Arbequina

$49.00 0 Cutting Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 80-90cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$19.75 0 Cutting Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$119.00 0 Cutting Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 100-150cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Cape Gooseberry By [All Rights Reserved]

Cape Gooseberry

The cape gooseberry is a low growing shrub with its bright orange berry enclosed in a pale brown parchment-like case called the Cape. The berry is the size of a cherry tomato is very aromatic and full of tiny seeds. They are delicious eaten straight from the Cape or made into gooseberry Jam. They can be added to salads, desserts and cooked dishes, they are delicious stewed with apples or dipped in chocolate. They can also be dried or used in savoury dishes with meats and seafood. The small cucumber beetle also enjoys feasting on the cape gooseberry although they munch only on the leaves. Han
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 21 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$18.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm
Email Me When Available
Jelly Palm Fruit against hand By Forest and Kim Starr [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm

The Butia or Jelly palm yields a host of edible and useful products. They have large stalks of golden fruit in clusters. The fruit is green before it ripens, then turns golden, sometimes having a reddish tinge when ready to eat. Soft, tasty flesh surrounds a hard seed that looks like a miniature coconut. Simply peel the flesh away and eat it, prepare a soft puree, or use Butia Palm fruit in jelly. The taste is delicious and starts out like apple and transforms into tropical like flavours similar to an apricot/banana mix. Although delicious when eaten fresh they are most often preserved due t
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$14.90 42 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$24.75 21 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Amla3 By [All Rights Reserved]


The Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a small leafy tree that grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. Amla oil is extracted from its seeds and pulp. The amla fruit is often referred to as the "Indian Gooseberry" because of its edible, very tart taste. The pectin content makes it ideal for jam and chutneys. The tree begins to yield fruit from the third year onwards and the productivity levels are good. Amla oil is prepared from dried amla berries, which have been soaked in coconut oil for several days. This oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. These trees are semi de
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$24.00 129 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

Buy 2 or more @ $17.75ea

$24.00 21 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

FREE POSTAGEBuy 4 or more @ $14.90ea

$34.00 20 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$49.00 2 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

$79.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Flordahome Pear Fruit growing on Tree By Forest and Kim Starr [CC BY 2.0 (] From Flickr

Pear - Flordahome

Large fruit with green skin and thin tender white flesh. The flesh is very sweet with a juicy melting mild taste. Stores well and is very productive. Subtropical variety, chill 350 hours.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 19 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm

*Pollinator: Hood or Fla 57-75

Passionfruit - Black By [All Rights Reserved]

Passionfruit - Black

An attractive and hardy black passionfruit grown from seed of the popular Misty Gem variety. The juicy orange flesh has a sweet aromatic flavour. Will tolerate light frosts.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 19 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

$14.75 0 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Feijoa Nazematze By [All Rights Reserved]

Feijoa - Nazematze

A large, pear shaped fruit with sweet pulp that doesn't darken after being cut. Excellent quality fruit. Self-fertile but bears heavily if cross pollinated.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$44.00 19 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

*Pollination beneficial with another variety

$99.00 5 Grafted Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 70-80cm

Malabar Chestnut Fruit and flower By [All Rights Reserved]

Malabar Chestnut

Also known as Saba Nut, this medium sized, fast growing tree is grown in many parts of the world. It is grown mainly for its edible seeds; however it also makes a suitable potted indoor plant or outdoor specimen. The large white flowers are very fragrant, another reason to have it in the garden. Overall, this versatile tree is a handsome landscape addition The seeds can be eaten either raw or roasted. When roasted or fried in oil they taste like chestnuts or cashews, raw they taste like peanuts and keep for months in a cool, dry place. They can also be ground and used as a flour substitute w
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 35 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$29.00 19 Seedling Pot: 2L
Approx. Height: 60-70cm

$16.90 0 Seedling Pot: 0.3L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
$59.00 0 Seedling Pot: 6L
Approx. Height: 90-100cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Monstera By [All Rights Reserved]

Monstera - Fruit Salad Tree

Often called the Fruit Salad Tree or the Swiss Cheese Plant as the ripened fruit has a pineapple-banana odour and fruit salad taste. The mature fruit has a yellow-green, violet-spotted rind of hexagonal plates covering a creamy-white, soft pulp. Highly ornamental, an excellent choice for heavily shaded positions. This is an uber popular indoor plant - you will definitely spot it gracing ledges, benches, shelves, hanging baskets and spectacular in house displays. A simple plant, grows well in a good quality potting mix and can handle a little neglect. If you are just entering the world of indoo
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$19.75 22 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm


$17.90 19 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm

$39.00 0 Seedling Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Natal Plum Fruit Tree in Hands the flowers and the fruit for Australia By [All Rights Reserved]

Natal Plum

An ornamental shrub with large white star shaped fragrant flowers. The large edible plum has a soft pinkish flesh. Fruits are delicious eaten whole including their skin and seeds. The flesh is a sweet cranberry flavour and can be used fresh in desserts, ice cream, yogurt, cakes and sauces. Fruits preserve well as jams, jelly's and chutneys and can be frozen, dried or bottled. With its sharp thorns this shrub makes an effective and almost impenetrable hedge. It also makes a beautiful bonsai specimen. Trees are tolerant of salt and wind and do not have invasive root systems. Natal plum fruit
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$4.90 35 Seedling Pot: 0.25L
Approx. Height: 5-10cm

Buy 8 or more @ $3.40ea

$17.90 18 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Buy 1 or more @ $12.75ea

Izu Persimmon split in half showing the seed and flesh texture along with the whole fruit in the background By [All Rights Reserved]

Persimmon - Izu (NA)

The earliest maturing of the non-astringent varieties. The medium-sized fruit has a burnt orange skin and soft flesh with a good amount of syrup. The flavour is very good. The tree has slightly dwarfing characteristics. Set a good crop.180-200 gms.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$69.00 18 Grafted Pot: 5L
Approx. Height: 80-90cm

Pecan Nuts By [All Rights Reserved]

Pecan - Western Schley (A) SP

Suitable for a single-tree planting in the home garden. It will generally set a crop without a pollen donor. Requires plenty of water. Used for confectionary and culinary purposes.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$39.00 18 Grafted Pot: 4L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm

*Requires a B group variety for cross pollination

$19.75 0 Grafted Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 30-40cm
Email Me When Available Seeking Propagation Material
Coffee arabica Red Cherrie beans or seeds growing on a coffee tree ripe and ready to harvest By Skeeze [CC0 1.0 (]

Coffee arabica

Easy to process and relatively problem free the arabica thrives in frost free climates. In as little as three years the plant will be covered with white jasmine-scented flower clusters and cherry red berries.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.90 79 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 10-20cm


$14.90 17 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

Brazilian Guava By [All Rights Reserved]

Guava - Brazilian

Pear-shaped fruit, with yellow skin, thick, pale-yellowish flesh surrounding the white central pulp, excellent strawberry-like flavor. It contains numerous small, hard seeds and is quite firm even when fully ripe.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$18.75 66 Seedling Pot: 0.33L
Approx. Height: 20-30cm

FREE POSTAGEBuy 2 or more @ $14.75ea

$14.90 17 Seedling Pot: 0.75L
Approx. Height: 40-50cm

Buy 1 or more @ $12.90ea

An Australian Native Food- Delicious

Macadamia - 246

A Hawaiian variety also known as Keauhou. It is a large tree with a spreading growth habit and a dense canopy. The good quality nuts medium to large.
ImagePriceAvail.PropagationSizeBuy Options
$49.00 17 Grafted Pot: 2.5L
Approx. Height: 50-60cm